Boswellic Acid Is Quite Peaty!


Aug 28, 2016
Been looking for a peaty natural substance that is cheap and available. I Stumbled upon this. I think when I try it I'll have a hormonal test pre and post supplementing with boswellic acid.

Enjoy reading the following;

The drug may act on the pituitary gland and increase the main hormones of spermatogenesis. Significant increase in the sperm motility of cauda epididymis was observed in the treatment group, which may be due to the effect of frankincense on the enzymes of oxidative phosphorylation.[9]

Frankincense (乳香 Rǔ Xiāng; Boswellia Species): From the Selection of Traditional Applications to the Novel Phytotherapy for the Prevention and Treatment of Serious Diseases

Frankincense (B. thurifera)resin is widely used
by Jordanian population as a phrodisiac and fer-
tility promoting agent.
The animal model used
in this work has been previously used by sev-
eral researchers to assess the effect of various ex-
tracts obtained from medicinal plants on reproduc-
tive functions in male.
Spermatogenic pro-
cess in rats requires 53 days out which spermatozoa
spend the last 6 to 7 days in the final transit through
21, 22)
Frankincense was administrated
for one complete spermatogenic cycle.
Present investigation demonstrates that oral ad-
ministration of B. thurifera promoted increased fer-
tility in male albino rats. The weight of reproduc-
tive organs was markedly increased (Table 1). The
weight, size and secretory function of testes, epi-
didymes, seminal vesicles, ventral prostate and vasa
deferentia are closely regulated by androgens.
23, 24)
Thedrug may act on pituitary gland and increase

No. 4 369
main hormones of spermatogenesis. The process
of spermatogenesis and accessory reproductive or-
gans function are androgen dependent. Increased
androgen production is reflected in an increase num-
ber of mature Leydig cells and their functional sta-
tus. In this study the number of degenerating Ley-
dig cells were significantly decreased, it reflects the
increase of androgen level. This was further con-
firmed by increased number of spermatocytes (pri-
mary and secondary) and spermatids as these stages
are completely androgen dependent.
The in-
creased weight and histometry of reproductive or-
gans further prove androgen increase. Significant
increase in sperm motility of cauda epididymis was
observed in treatment groups. This might be due to
the effect of Frankincense (B. thurifera)ontheen-
zymes of oxidative phosphorylation.
The results presented in this work also show that
ingestion Frankincense (B. thurifera)byadult male
rats increased the number of females impregnated
by the exposed males (Table 5)
. Additionally, the
number of implantations and the number of viable
fetuses were also increased, which may possibly be
due to the increase in sperm motility and sperm den-
In conclusion Frankincense (B. thurifera)resin
ingestion possesses strong compound effect on fer-
tility, mainly by affecting pituitary gland cells. Fur-
ther studies are in progress to identify the precise
mode of action of Frankincense
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