Boosting metabolism causes huge stress reaction in very well fed body


May 4, 2019
I'm not able to eat enough when I'm not eating every hour or so. I feel very full and painfully bloated for many hours after medium-large meals. Eating smaller portions very often is the only solution for now, but it bothers me for many reasons.

I have tried pretty much everyting on the list (and many more antimicrobals / combinations). Some things did nothing, some made me feel amazing for a while, but then they lost their potency / effect and stopped working.

I suspect my very sluggish / slow metabolism is at the root of my gut issues, but my body is strongly resisting every attempt to speed it up.

I have even tried pharmaceutical prokinetics. They gave me horrible stomach pain. I felt so off at the time it was almost like my gut is fighting back the attempt to speed up the transit time. It is hard to describe that feeling with words

Damn it sounds like you're in a tricky spot.

The only other way of kicking a sluggish metabolism into gear I know of is to take large doses of fat soluble thiamine a.k.a allithiamine. Many people report it completely fixed their motility/SIBO issues where no other treatment (anti-microbials etc) made a dent. I know you've tried B-vitamins already but this is different vs regular thiamine HCL. I think it could be worth slowly building up 200-300 mg Thiamax per day and see if there are any improvements.

I'll also echo what other people have said here about your macro split. 200-250 g protein is a lot protein which can cause issues especially when your digestion isn't great. Maybe bring that down to 100-150 g protein and keep protein:carb ratio at 1:4. Fibre from well-boiled mushrooms, raw carrot salads are good for daily gut maintenance. Try experimenting with food choices: too much organ meat can be imbalancing, switch out whole fruits for raw honey to reduce fiber, and so on.

Circadian rhythms are also key for proper digestive function. Waking up early, letting sunshine hit the retina and some exercise daily (if you tolerate exercise that is) helps regulate circadian rhythms.


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Aug 24, 2017
I remember taking 10mg of baclofen one day. It made me feel like I was high and normally a cup of coffee causes a stress reaction in my body but that day I drank one and absolutely 0 stress reaction. (My feet were still warm, normally coffee makes them cold.)
When noradrenaline and adrenaline are too high and you boost it even higher with caffeine for example, then it can make symptoms worse. So GABA agonists can block that and be very helpful. Clonidine should also be helpful.


Jan 18, 2020
Oh, yes. That be it. I have textbook symptoms of poor glycogen storage. I'm feeling fine, and then I briskly walk for a minute, and feeling like collapsing.

Why do I have low glycogen stores when I'm eating tons of sugar literally all day?

Substances that should help build glycogen stores never helped me either. Taurine, famotidine, or even the B-Vitamins. Have used them consistently for a long time and I think they made me feel worse.
Did you test your saliva cortisol?


Dec 12, 2020
From self experimentation I've come to the conclusion that I feel like crap on very low fat. Right now my macros are around 130f/120p/350c. Some people will say it's too much fat but it's all dairy fat giving me fat soluble vitamins and slowing down my digestion to the point I'm not having diarrhea 6 times a day from a milk and sugar diet and I can actually function and thrive. I'm a big believer in trying to find what your body needs right at this moment regardless of what's optima on paper. I find full fat Greek yogurt to be the best food for me right now. Maybe in a year from now my metabolism will be better and I will be able to do low fat and really high carb, who knows.
Point is, don't get stuck, follow certain principles and find the foods that work for you.


Nov 18, 2019
Point is, don't get stuck, follow certain principles and find the foods that work for you.
+1 Excellent advice for anyone new to this platform or new to Ray Peat. I started this journey learning about Ray in 2015. I have noticed that those who have been around the longest reach this point and do well.


Oct 19, 2019
From self experimentation I've come to the conclusion that I feel like crap on very low fat. Right now my macros are around 130f/120p/350c. Some people will say it's too much fat but it's all dairy fat giving me fat soluble vitamins and slowing down my digestion to the point I'm not having diarrhea 6 times a day from a milk and sugar diet and I can actually function and thrive. I'm a big believer in trying to find what your body needs right at this moment regardless of what's optima on paper. I find full fat Greek yogurt to be the best food for me right now. Maybe in a year from now my metabolism will be better and I will be able to do low fat and really high carb, who knows.
Point is, don't get stuck, follow certain principles and find the foods that work for you.
I’ve made a similar move myself lately too. Dairy fat from whole jersey milk and cream along with cocoa butter has been a game changer compared to either lower fat or higher fat from beef/lamb, tallow, butter etc. When I eat to appetite I keep ending up at similar macros to what you describe, maybe a touch more protein. Satiety has been so much better and I’ve actually leaned out a little despite eating more.


May 19, 2017
Eating fat gives me unbearable nausea. Hence the high protein intake. No other way to get enough calories.


Feb 13, 2021
Eating fat gives me unbearable nausea. Hence the high protein intake. No other way to get enough calories.
Try to eat a little bit of bitter chocolate with each meal. This has previously helped me with bile congestion. I think it stimulates the cholicestokinin


Mar 29, 2014
Eating fat gives me unbearable nausea. Hence the high protein intake. No other way to get enough calories.
Do starchy foods like potatoes not agree with you?
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