Blood Work: 4 Months Of Peat; Huge Testosterone Increase


Apr 26, 2016
I'd be happy to answer any questions and hopefully help anyone out there reading this who is suffering from low T themselves (it's no life to be had at all). The reason I felt the need to post this was partially to offer hope to those that it's very possible to restore T levels without having to go on TRT. There's a thread on here from a person who tripled their test levels, which was actually one of the things that inspired me to follow Peat's work, so hopefully I can help someone else in the same way.

Basically macros look like this; 60% carbs from sugars and white rice. 20-25% protein from various sources, 15-20% fat mainly from dairy and some chocolate.
I've eaten this sort of macro split for 2-3 years, however previously the carbs came from whole grains and the fat from pufa's. Looking back on my cronometer entries from 2 years ago, there were some days I was eating upwards of 60g PUFA (flax seeds, fish oil etc) and 70g of fiber. Saturated fat intake was low. I was reaching these figures due to high calorie intake from my work. I usually eat around 3500kcal a day. I'm about 75kg at 10-12% body fat.

I try not to work out too much now, I usually stick to body weight exercises when I do. I started the slow descent to physical decline in my early 20's from too much lifting, so I know from experience the havoc it can cause. Even without much formal exercise, on this diet my muscle mass is the same as when lifting.

Supplement wise, the ones I use regularly (but not daily) are Vitamin E, K2, and Taurine. I also use a small amount of Pregnenolone (10-20mg) when I need a mental boost. Too much frequency or too large a dose I've found to induce what I can only assume to perhaps be too much progesterone (very noticable face lift but no libido).

If anyone is interested I can go into more detail on various areas of my life that have improved over the past few months.

Thanks for reading.
And where is your T level at then??


Apr 26, 2016
Total T Levels went from 446ng/dl to 738 ng/dl over 4 months of Peating. Free levels also increased from Hypo gonadal to within lower half of reference range.

thank you man

would love to get the same results as you,,,

do you have an chronometer input example of your diet as is now?:

And what areas of your life have improved? would love to hear more about it



Nov 22, 2017
My daily diet varies. Staples at the time of the test are 1 to 2 litres of orange juice, 2-300 grams of white rice, salted butter, white fish (pollack) milk, coffee, bananas and some chocolate. The only vitamins missing are K and E, hence the supplementation. Average pufa intake is around 3-8 grams per day, prior to Peat it was around 20-30 grams a day.

As to what areas have improved; pretty much everything. Prior to this I had no libido, no energy, my skin was aging rapidly, strength and muscle loss and arthritic symptoms in my fingers. My facial appearance, despite my low bodyfat, was round and bloated.

I’ll give a work example of how my quality of life had deteriorated. A few years ago I worked 40 hard days consecutively, in terrible weather conditions (I work in construction) to get a job finished. Did it no problem with energy to spare. This was before adopting a 'healthy' whole grain, pufa based diet. 6-8 months ago, just prior to Peating, I would be exhausted (mentally and physically) after just hard one day and would need 2-3 days to recover. I was contemplating giving my job up. Luckily found Peating and I’ve surpassed my former self in a short space of time. I also function way better with less sleep and my recovery time from drinking is also incredibly better.

My appearance has visibly improved, with lots of compliments on my features, as I think an improved androgenic profile has seriously got rid of edema. My strength is up despite little to no formal exercise outside of my job.

There is also one major thing that I’ve forgotten to mention; is that I’ve also stopped keeping my phone in my pocket. I honestly believe this has contributed to enhanced testicular function.


Apr 26, 2016
My daily diet varies. Staples at the time of the test are 1 to 2 litres of orange juice, 2-300 grams of white rice, salted butter, white fish (pollack) milk, coffee, bananas and some chocolate. The only vitamins missing are K and E, hence the supplementation. Average pufa intake is around 3-8 grams per day, prior to Peat it was around 20-30 grams a day.

As to what areas have improved; pretty much everything. Prior to this I had no libido, no energy, my skin was aging rapidly, strength and muscle loss and arthritic symptoms in my fingers. My facial appearance, despite my low bodyfat, was round and bloated.

I’ll give a work example of how my quality of life had deteriorated. A few years ago I worked 40 hard days consecutively, in terrible weather conditions (I work in construction) to get a job finished. Did it no problem with energy to spare. This was before adopting a 'healthy' whole grain, pufa based diet. 6-8 months ago, just prior to Peating, I would be exhausted (mentally and physically) after just hard one day and would need 2-3 days to recover. I was contemplating giving my job up. Luckily found Peating and I’ve surpassed my former self in a short space of time. I also function way better with less sleep and my recovery time from drinking is also incredibly better.

My appearance has visibly improved, with lots of compliments on my features, as I think an improved androgenic profile has seriously got rid of edema. My strength is up despite little to no formal exercise outside of my job.

There is also one major thing that I’ve forgotten to mention; is that I’ve also stopped keeping my phone in my pocket. I honestly believe this has contributed to enhanced testicular function.

thanks man great to read that your life has improved in so many ways.

hows your hair these days? did it improve after peating? What kind of milk do you drink? is it store bought?

no other fruits than oj and bananas?

what is your fat intake aproximetly?


Nov 22, 2017
thanks man great to read that your life has improved in so many ways.

hows your hair these days? did it improve after peating? What kind of milk do you drink? is it store bought?

no other fruits than oj and bananas?

what is your fat intake aproximetly?

Glad to help!
Hair-wise; I've experienced male pattern baldness since around 18-19 years of age. I'm 28 now and I've got very visible recession on the temples and a very sparse crown. I'd always had a terrible diet, and my hair loss seemed to coincide with when my junk food consumption (McDonald's etc) was at it's highest in my early 20's. It seems to have halted over the past 2 years or so, for reasons which I'm not able to explain. Whilst Peating, my crown seems to have become thinner, but the temples seem to be fine, and maybe even have thickened up a bit, it's hard to say. I think if you're susceptible to male pattern baldness, higher androgens are always going to be a risk, but for me it's one worth taking.

Fruits; I also eat raisins and sometimes coconut. At the start of Peating, I had histamine reactions to fruits but it has declined over time to where I can comfortably consume a lot of orange juice and other fruits if I want to. It's in my interests to keep fibre low as I believe it wrecks havoc on my body.

Fat intake is approx. 15-20% of cals on average. I'm in the process of experimenting with higher fat intake (30% to 40% cals) and reduced starch to combat insomnia, which seems to be working very well so far, but again, patience is necessary to ascertain the effects over the long haul. In fact since doing so I've had some of the best uninterrupted sleep in a long time.

The milk I drink is standard semi-skimmed. I've just started drinking whole goat's milk though and I believe I feel better on it.


Apr 26, 2016
Glad to help!
Hair-wise; I've experienced male pattern baldness since around 18-19 years of age. I'm 28 now and I've got very visible recession on the temples and a very sparse crown. I'd always had a terrible diet, and my hair loss seemed to coincide with when my junk food consumption (McDonald's etc) was at it's highest in my early 20's. It seems to have halted over the past 2 years or so, for reasons which I'm not able to explain. Whilst Peating, my crown seems to have become thinner, but the temples seem to be fine, and maybe even have thickened up a bit, it's hard to say. I think if you're susceptible to male pattern baldness, higher androgens are always going to be a risk, but for me it's one worth taking.

Fruits; I also eat raisins and sometimes coconut. At the start of Peating, I had histamine reactions to fruits but it has declined over time to where I can comfortably consume a lot of orange juice and other fruits if I want to. It's in my interests to keep fibre low as I believe it wrecks havoc on my body.

Fat intake is approx. 15-20% of cals on average. I'm in the process of experimenting with higher fat intake (30% to 40% cals) and reduced starch to combat insomnia, which seems to be working very well so far, but again, patience is necessary to ascertain the effects over the long haul. In fact since doing so I've had some of the best uninterrupted sleep in a long time.

The milk I drink is standard semi-skimmed. I've just started drinking whole goat's milk though and I believe I feel better on it.
why did you switch to goats milk?

isnt it very high in fat? i thougt that full fat products made you gain bodyfat quikly, from what ive read here...

ive got yet to find skimmed goats milk


Nov 22, 2017
why did you switch to goats milk?

isnt it very high in fat? i thougt that full fat products made you gain bodyfat quikly, from what ive read here...

ive got yet to find skimmed goats milk

When I drink a lot of cow's milk i feel bloated, I don't have the same problem with goat's milk it seems. We can get skimmed milk here in the UK. Where are you located if you don't mind me asking? Yes it is higher in fat, and saturated fat is easier stored as adipose tissue, but ultimately it is still more pro-metabolic in comparison to pufa's and whole grains. Especially MCT saturated fats.

One thing that I should also share, which may be of interest, is that the gyno I've had in my left nipple since puberty has decreased significantly to being pretty much non existent. It used to be an area that caused great self consciousness that I haven't even thought about at all recently hence why I omitted the info originally.


Apr 26, 2016
When I drink a lot of cow's milk i feel bloated, I don't have the same problem with goat's milk it seems. We can get skimmed milk here in the UK. Where are you located if you don't mind me asking? Yes it is higher in fat, and saturated fat is easier stored as adipose tissue, but ultimately it is still more pro-metabolic in comparison to pufa's and whole grains. Especially MCT saturated fats.

One thing that I should also share, which may be of interest, is that the gyno I've had in my left nipple since puberty has decreased significantly to being pretty much non existent. It used to be an area that caused great self consciousness that I haven't even thought about at all recently hence why I omitted the info originally.

thanks that is great news , maybey your estrogen was too high?

i prefer not to say where im from but it is in europe, \

cows milk bloates me as well, i thought it was due to the high potassium content? my nose get congested as wel so maby its an allergy i dont really know anymore.....


Nov 22, 2017
thanks that is great news , maybey your estrogen was too high?

i prefer not to say where im from but it is in europe, \

cows milk bloates me as well, i thought it was due to the high potassium content? my nose get congested as wel so maby its an allergy i dont really know anymore.....

I'd say my estrogen was too high in relation to testosterone, I don't have blood tests to confirm though. Even if not, it's my understanding that due to the estrogenic properties of pufa (direct estrogen receptor agonist), estrogenic imbalances may not even be necessary in order to experience estrogenic symptoms.
Nov 21, 2015
my estrone has been too high for a long time. Very difficult issue to deal with. I am slowly losing fat and that should help in the long run.


Aug 9, 2019
cows milk bloates me as well, i thought it was due to the high potassium content? my nose get congested as wel so maby its an allergy i dont really know anymore.....
Hey man, I have the same experience with milk, I can only tolerate it in small quantities.
Any insights you have found / were you able to fix it?


Apr 26, 2016
Hey man, I have the same experience with milk, I can only tolerate it in small quantities.
Any insights you have found / were you able to fix it?

yes i completely stopped using dairy products.

they dont agree with me, whre i am from the dairy is just complete garbage

i just eat natural foods nowadays , no diary , sometimes some butter

test levels stilll lowish unfortuanately ,, around 450 ng/dl


Sep 27, 2018
Hey man, I have the same experience with milk, I can only tolerate it in small quantities.
Any insights you have found / were you able to fix it?

Same here, probably due to casein. I can digest casein from goat milk, but not from cows milk. The casein found in goat milk is very similar to the casein in human milk.
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