Best Diet For A Good Blood Circulation?


Feb 23, 2020
What is your experience with improving Blood circulation?
Have anyone improved with some diet guides or lifestyle changes?
I have bad circulation in my hands and although I havent got problems for having erections I think that It could be better.


Oct 6, 2020
I'm having cold feet and hands for 1-2 years now.

Coming across danny roddys hair like a fox, jay feldman podcast and eventually this forum i started upping my sugar intake as in "energy is everything"the last months (as most people i tried to get more healthy by avoiding this undeservededly called "devil" aka sugar ... falsely accused from my experience).

With OJ or other fruitjuices/concentrates and chocolate i already feel abig difference. But i guess it's not just sugar but increasing "calories" (starting to dislike that word since food is more than just a burning unit) in general.

The biggest improvement besides eating more comes from walking for 10-15 minutes or doing some other kind of low stress excercise. Obviously for your hands you want to get thoose working. Maybe you can do dead hangs, farmer walking or just plain old pushups. Nothing to excessive tho we want to signal bloodflow not stressing the body out as we would in a full workout.

I also notice cold hands more if im sitting for a long period of time, like infront of the computer playing videogames or doing office work. When im so caught up in it i notice how bad im breathing. Being sedentary to long and bad breathing seems to trigger it or lead to a stress that expresses itself in cold hands too.

Also social situation matters aswell in my case. Being socially anxious or around people im uncomftable with seems to make it worse.

B Vitamins, antiworm meds and the likes also make me feel warmer at my extremeties in a good way.

... To summarize my wild thoughts:

  • Increasing sugar and/or overall calories
  • Take walks 2-3 times a day for 5-15 minutes (stairs, around the block, whatever works even if its just 2 minutes) or do some excersice involving the hands like dead hang, farmers walking or pushups/pullups in a low stress intensity/volume.
  • Keep stress/anxiety low with meditation/breathwork
  • Fix your gut/brain axis
  • Take warm baths/showers
  • Sauna
  • Be in a good social situation/involved in positive and healthy human interacions
Since doing thoose things my hands are only occasionally cold (the feet are even less often cold) now. Major improvements


Feb 23, 2020
Thank you very much
I'm having cold feet and hands for 1-2 years now.

Coming across danny roddys hair like a fox, jay feldman podcast and eventually this forum i started upping my sugar intake as in "energy is everything"the last months (as most people i tried to get more healthy by avoiding this undeservededly called "devil" aka sugar ... falsely accused from my experience).

With OJ or other fruitjuices/concentrates and chocolate i already feel abig difference. But i guess it's not just sugar but increasing "calories" (starting to dislike that word since food is more than just a burning unit) in general.

The biggest improvement besides eating more comes from walking for 10-15 minutes or doing some other kind of low stress excercise. Obviously for your hands you want to get thoose working. Maybe you can do dead hangs, farmer walking or just plain old pushups. Nothing to excessive tho we want to signal bloodflow not stressing the body out as we would in a full workout.

I also notice cold hands more if im sitting for a long period of time, like infront of the computer playing videogames or doing office work. When im so caught up in it i notice how bad im breathing. Being sedentary to long and bad breathing seems to trigger it or lead to a stress that expresses itself in cold hands too.

Also social situation matters aswell in my case. Being socially anxious or around people im uncomftable with seems to make it worse.

B Vitamins, antiworm meds and the likes also make me feel warmer at my extremeties in a good way.

... To summarize my wild thoughts:

  • Increasing sugar and/or overall calories
  • Take walks 2-3 times a day for 5-15 minutes (stairs, around the block, whatever works even if its just 2 minutes) or do some excersice involving the hands like dead hang, farmers walking or pushups/pullups in a low stress intensity/volume.
  • Keep stress/anxiety low with meditation/breathwork
  • Fix your gut/brain axis
  • Take warm baths/showers
  • Sauna
  • Be in a good social situation/involved in positive and healthy human interacions
Since doing thoose things my hands are only occasionally cold (the feet are even less often cold) now. Major improvements
Thank you very much Ben. I really apreciate your kindness sharing your experience.
I have recently been doing some things that you mention like doing low intensity exercise 3x day but I think that I'm eating more calórico foods nos but I think they arent really nutritious.

Could you show me what are the foods that you should eat and how you distribute your meals during the day?

I know that digestión and gut issues are a real issue for me but the only think that seems working is not eating what is a problem too How you explain.

Thank you and greetings from Spain.


Oct 6, 2020
alcohol. nothing comes close

Yeah alcohol makes me very warm too and seems to have short term positive effects followed by worsening sympoms afterwards. But that is no long term solution. There is a reason why the body is not able to heat it's extremeties anymore properly. We need to take care of the underlying problem. Whatever that is i don't know myself yet.

Thank you very much
I have recently been doing some things that you mention like doing low intensity exercise 3x day but I think that I'm eating more calórico foods nos but I think they arent really nutritious.

Could you show me what are the foods that you should eat and how you distribute your meals during the day?

I know that digestión and gut issues are a real issue for me but the only think that seems working is not eating what is a problem too How you explain.

I am not realy in the position to give eating advice nor am i nearly as knowledgeable as most others on this forum as my own "taking action" philosophy just started this year and im lacking alot of knowledge in biochemistry.

Make sure whatever you do in terms of excersice that it is NOT exhausting. You should be able to breath somewhat normaly during the excercise (that is important if it's stress causing your problems. You don't want to pile on it with to much physical stress).

In terms of eating you might want to give us more informations.

How tall are you? how much do you weigth? What gut issues do you have and which foods do NOT agree with you? How does your diet look like now?
Also in regards to your gut and digestion issues what have you tried so far to resolve it? Medications? Probiotics or Prebiotics? Supplements? Dietary changes?

The peat forum favors Orangejuice and Milk products with organ/liver meat once a week. Can you implement thoose?
Fruit's are also very welcome. Dried fruit, raw, cooked or as juice. Try and see which of thoose things work for you. But to give more eating "ideas" we need more information about you.

In General i would follow this kind of approach
Apples or Milk do upset your stomache or trigger a negative response? Discard it for a while, try to get the nutrients from these foods elsewhere and try them again in a couple of weeks.

Edit: Something that you can try aswell is wearing Hoodies or something thicker indoors. You will feel like its a little to warm but aslong as its not uncomfortable it should help. Upper Body will feel a little to heated but doing that my extremeties are atleast normal. It's very important to listen to your body.


Nov 21, 2019
in my case cold hands were a result of overactive adrenals. high adrenaline low thyroid state

eating, stopping to run, gaining weight if underweight, sleeping enough, keeping blood sugar up helps

took me a couple months though


Sep 22, 2020
Increasing thyroid function through diet means limiting dietary fats and increasing sugar (in their place) to stimulate co2. RP says that is the optimal way to increase blood flow/circulation. Doing it through nitric oxide continuously is not good from what I’ve read.


May 19, 2017
If it is really a problem with circulation, ginkgo might help.

Altrough this seems more like stress hormones reducing the blood flow to the extermites in fight-or-flight response, based on the way you described your symptoms.

So I would work on that first. Reducing your psychological, environmental and nutritional stress.


Oct 21, 2018
Ya guy nothing beats how effective alcohol is. I wonder if its because of its thermogenic affect.
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