Benzocaine And -Caine Drugs


Apr 13, 2016
I just got some benzocaine 99+% purity powder in the mail from Amazon. I took a tiny crumb, probably 1/50th - 1/100th of a teaspoon. I felt some numbness in the throat for about 30 minutes to an hour, and feeling a pretty dramatic drop in stress. I'm feeling relaxed, a bit sleepy, breathing deeply like I just took some baking soda or acetazolamide, and warm in the hands. I'm interested whether this will have permanent effects on my mood, general inflammation, or digestion.

I do have some questions about the caine drugs from a Peaty perspective and wondered if anyone had any insight on these things.

Benzocaine blocks the voltage-gated sodium channels. Are these the so-called ion pumps that Ling doubts the existence or importance of? If they influence sodium metabolism, would supplementing salt make benzocaine more effective?

Large doses of benzocaine can cause methemoglobinemia, a change in iron's state within red blood cells that prevents oxygen transport. How does this influence iron metabolism, from a Peaty perspective? If I have very low ferritin, am I in greater danger of these side effects? What dose might be dangerous in this regards? Would long-term dosing increase the problem? My nail beds are quite pink with no sign of blue, btw.

Anyone that has an other insights or experiences is free to share them here, because I think this is an area that is very worthy of experimentation, given Peat's respect for these substances.

"RP: These studies have been done in many different ways. But I've had several sort of random experiences with both Procaine and Lidocaine that were really just amazing to me. For example, a girl with life time terrible eczema, red and scaly all over; she put a hand full of I think it was rubbing alcohol mostly with some Novocaine in it and stroked it up her shin. And with at same speed that her hand moved up her shin a wave of normal looking skin appeared right behind it. And it stayed that way. And I've seen people with terrible burns. If they could get it on in the first minute or so the burn stopped and didn't develop. It has anti-histamine, anti-serotonin effects, stopping inflammation in its tracks. But what it´s doing — all of these well known anti-inflammatory things are also undoing the limiting and harmful genetic changes that are caused by injury.

HD: Yeah, it's almost as if the perception of pain itself accelerates the damage and the inflammation from that which caused the pain and inflammation in the first place. It's like a…

RP: The nerves increase the release of the inflammatory materials."


Apr 13, 2016
I'm not sure what to make of this, but after the benzocaine wore off, I was really thirsty for milk and felt some anxiety. There was some rumbling in my stomach, and the allergies around my throat seemed to get worse because my voice was cracking. I've noticed similar things with procaine.

But I seem to have a greatly reduced response to past trauma. There's some music that is very sad and disturbing to me because I always associate it with bad times in my life. When I listened to it, it felt good, like it did when it was still my favorite music. I also feel very indifferent to past medical and surgical traumas that normally would bother me when my friends were talking about things like catheterization, etc.
Nov 21, 2015
KMUD: Aging and Energy Reversal (2013)

CALLER: I have a problem. A couple of years ago I scalded myself on my abdomen while I was cooking chicken. And the oil from the pan got on my abdomen and a blister formed. And this blister was bulbous, and since that time at intervals I've had blisters form again and again in the same location. And they've even spread a little bit. I also have the problem where if I put adhesive tape like a band-aid on my abdomen in that area, the skin comes off.

HD: Yeah, it’s very loosely connected to the underlying membrane.

CALLER: Yes and the blisters aren't a great problem, it's frequently having to go through the process of healing from an open wound afterwards.

HD: How long after the initial accident have you found these episodes again?

CALLER: It started occurring like four months afterwards. The actual blister went away and then one day I noticed I'd taken a shower and you know I noticed there was a blister forming and it got very bulbous, about the size a silver dollar or bigger. And now it happens so frequently as there is like scar tissue there. It still blisters.

HD: Dr. Peat, this sounds very much like a kind of genetic imprinting, a memory.

RP: Yeah, I think the nervous system is probably involved in helping with the memory and there is a…

CALLER: All the skin doctors can say is “we can replace the skin there”, and I don't think that's an appropriate…

RP: And there is a little known branch of medicine. I think it was a German who originated it, I think it was called neural therapy, something like that, but it involved finding key points and injecting procaine or other local anesthetic to change the nervous system. And I've seen a great variety of good results from applying any of the local anesthetics topically too. It apparently helps to retrain the memory of the tissue so that it stops producing the recurrent problem such as an ingrown toenail or recurring boils in the surface location. There are a lot of fairly strong local anesthetic ointments sold over the counter. I think benzocaine in the small area is effective and safe but you don't want to use a lot of benzocaine on a big area. The procaine and lidocaine are safer.

HD: You could definitely try that, because it does sound like there is some kind of imprinted memory in what happened through that.

CALLER: Yeah, I tried to look it up and there were several things I found on the internet, but none of them suggest any type of treatment. And I would have an open sore there, until that heals. It would heal rapidly, but at times it would form a false crust or scab, which would come off.

HD: You could definitely try that anaesthetic cream as the next thing to do. I think we have two more callers so let’s get the next caller on the air. Where are you from?

CALLER: About the woman who used alcohol and something else up her shin and the eczema disappeared instantly. What was the other thing?

HD: Was it lidocaine, Dr Peat?

RP: No, that particular one was just novocaine — procaine. It will dissolve in water, but a little alcohol makes it dissolve faster.


Apr 13, 2016
Any follow up is appreciated. @Pointless

I also noticed a flare-up of eczema around the time I experimented with the benzocaine those 2-3 times. With the other side effects, I thought it might not be affecting me altogether positively, so I haven't taken it again since.


Sep 15, 2013
I noticed greatly reduced stress as well. Really took the edge off, and let me work deeper for a few more hours. This was with topical lidocaine in a 10% solution applied around my neck.

I picked some up almost immediately after Peat brought it up again in a recent newsletter. It's turning out to be a great tool.


Jul 4, 2015
I noticed greatly reduced stress as well. Really took the edge off, and let me work deeper for a few more hours. This was with topical lidocaine in a 10% solution applied around my neck.

I picked some up almost immediately after Peat brought it up again in a recent newsletter. It's turning out to be a great tool.

how much did you apply?


Sep 15, 2013
30 mg. The instructions on the bottle say that each spray dispenses 10 mg, and I use 3.


Nov 29, 2017
yes, more so than benzocaine. One of the main differences


Apr 13, 2016
Yes I use benzocaine occasionally like once every few months, but I get some side effects. Anxiety, anger, sore throat, joint pain. But it also seems to reverse trauma and can relax me temporarily.
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