Beef Heart?


Nov 21, 2012
Hello everyone,

Liver is usually advised,but the place where I can get Lamb Liver rarely has any. (It's an ethnic market,so it's sold out quickly.)
Anyway,I'm trying to up my protein but the problem's that I'm really financially tied. (I'm currently eating a lot of Alaskan Pollock as it's not so expensive as well compared to meat,shrimp&chickenbreast.)
Today at the regular supermarket I saw they sell cubed Beef Heart,it's only 1.39 euros for 250grams and the label says it's only 2grams fat per 1oo grams and 22 protein. It would be a lot cheaper than regular meat.

But it's not organic,so I'm wondering if that'll have a negative effect toxinwise,hormones,animal's diet etc.?
Also I have never eaten it,anyone ever eaten it? does it taste like Liver? Do you have to boil it first or can you also immediately sautee/stirfry the cubes?

I'm really wary of buying non-organic milk and such,but it's getting financially hard to figure out where I can be more loose food/negative effects wise.


Mar 24, 2014
I was under the impression that the ruminants do a pretty good job of detoxing stuff they eat. It's hard to guess what's done to meat afterward. Muscle meats get injected with water protein and phosphate mixes to plump them up. I don't imagine they'd do that with heart, but you never know.
Nov 26, 2013
I assure you milk is equal to much better than tissue when it comes to toxins. Of course you want to make sure your country does not allow bovine growth hormone. For five Euros you get your hundred grams of protein and I feel that will be much better for muscles than starving all week and eating an occasional steak. Heart seems to have half the iron of liver so quite a bit.


Nov 21, 2012
Such_Saturation said:
I assure you milk is equal to much better than tissue when it comes to toxins. Of course you want to make sure your country does not allow bovine growth hormone. For five Euros you get your hundred grams of protein and I feel that will be much better for muscles than starving all week and eating an occasional steak. Heart seems to have half the iron of liver so quite a bit.

I don't want to have to drink so much milk,bc it's too much fluids for me on top of other watery foods.I'm still struggling with the rigth fluid balance in the body,despite using lots of salt. That and to get the same amount of protein from milk as with the beef heart,I'm cheaper off buying heart bc organic milk isn't so cheap and doesn't contain that much protein. Anyway I've been eating a lot of Alaska Pollock last couple of weeks as it's cheap too and seems to go well.
I'm not so concerned about the iron content,as I always seem to have cycles of low iron issues.
Aug 14, 2015
my mother cooked beef heart about once a month when I was growing up.She roasted it like a joint(whole) And stuffed,very tasty and tender.long cook about 2-3 hours.I never had it cubed,hope this helps
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