Bar Of Chocolate Brings Man Back To Life (anemia Symptom Reversal?)

Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
Ok what brand of cocoa nibs do you take? @not_James_Bond
Well here in the UK I use a supermarket (Morrisons) organic cacoa nibs 180 gram = 6 days @ 30g day.
I use a pestle and mortar to make into powder as that's gentler on my teeth lol. I suppose a 'raw' chocolate bar would be the same, probably more expensive though!
Dec 18, 2018
Your ancestors called it magic, but you call it science. I come from a land where they are one of the same.
Or maybe my ancestors call it magic and yours science, idk. My brethren Thor said that. Mr. @reality listed some magical compounds.

Sure, lets see what I can do.
What We Know About the Earliest History of Chocolate | History | Smithsonian Magazine
How We Got Our Hands on the Recipe for Lord Chocolate's Cocoa Drink
The Maya civilization used chocolate as money

Apr 22, 2019
False positive / some other unaccounted factors? 5 minutes after eating chocolate resolved anemia? Does not sound probable

As I mentioned before, I'm highly speculative that I ran into an anemia problem based on recent diet & other factors of the not-so-distant past. That's all I can say about it.

Fatigue, sleeping while getting little sleep, weakness, mild but consistent joint pain, longer-than-usual recovery times, lack of gym progression, very pale skin, short-lived but yet daily bouts of shortness of breath, motivation in the dumpster, and mild dazing for moments while driving.

I literally had less than a cup of water and a chocolate bar and all of the cerebral symptoms resolved in a few minutes. I felt stars shoot out of my eyelids and my brain largely came back lol

Furthermore, I'm definitely feeling back to normal today. Sleep worked, etc


Mar 30, 2020
I've noticed something similar in myself. If I get sad I like to make a hot chocolate with milk, cocoa, sugar and a lot of gelatin, which seems to help almost immediately. I feel like the cocoa gives a similar 'hit' to coffee, but it feels warmer and more acute somehow. I was confused why the hot chocolate would make me feel better than the same drink sans-cocoa would; I thought about it and concluded that it might just be because I like how it tastes; it gives me joy. I think sometimes being restrictive in diet (even if it's the 'perfect diet') causes sadness, and we should do and eat more of the things that make us happy.


Nov 21, 2019
Will you explain further please?
It was discussed in the hair forum somewhere as hair loss might be linked to cold extremities. Some1 suggested copper with explanations why it would help. A member bought it. I hit him up since I was struggling with it as well and he linked me the product he got (copper). In the comments where a bunch of ppl reporting warmer hands.

i didn’t get it and just ate more liver. Would be careful with mineral supps


@Twohandsondeck I experienced the same thing today. I've been feeling low-energy, and my energy came back from eating just half a bar of chocolate. I have no idea how this works.

My ferritin recently was 31, total iron 127, iron binding capacity 357, and saturation 36%.
Apr 22, 2019
I experienced the same thing today. I've been feeling low-energy, and my energy came back from eating just half a bar of chocolate. I have no idea how this works.

My ferritin recently was 31, total iron 127, iron binding capacity 357, and saturation 36%.
Good to hear that you're feeling better. There might be something to it, but admittedly I learned that the symptoms I was dealing with at that time were more permanently resolved with the adding of zinc. Leading up to this I had been getting over 90% of my calories from milk for about 3-4 weeks prior, and drinking a cup of milk was leading me to extreme fatigue and the most severe shortness of breath I can remember experiencing.

Going on a hunch that my zinc could have been depleted due to the abundance of calcium and sugar, I distinctly remember eating 2 oysters from a tin and feeling like a miracle was cast over me lol. I continued to revisit the cacao a few times over the following weeks but it always produced a stress response... Whether that's because I found it difficult to digest or the nitric oxide mechanism that comes with it, I'm not sure. I then found benefit in supplementing zinc in the amount of 5-7mg 2x a day for about 2 weeks after that before I largely quit using it on account of it noticeably, immediately affecting my cognition.

In either case, I tend to avoid cacao and chocolate now. I know it won't kill me, but considering the dopamine press that it gives, I find it easy to overdo.

As a worthy mention, I've recently (finally) discovered that modest (spread throughout the day) B-vitamin supplementation can help prevent blood sugar swings in a big way. Food for thought~


Good to hear that you're feeling better. There might be something to it, but admittedly I learned that the symptoms I was dealing with at that time were more permanently resolved with the adding of zinc. Leading up to this I had been getting over 90% of my calories from milk for about 3-4 weeks prior, and drinking a cup of milk was leading me to extreme fatigue and the most severe shortness of breath I can remember experiencing.
I have an inability to read after drinking milk and forget what the beginning of sentences said. I have no idea if it's from exacerbating a mineral deficiency, A1 casein protein, or from vitamin solvents. Someone else has the exact same problem, and doesn't get it with goat milk.

I also had fatigue from calcium itself (even from eggshell) which was different because it wasn't brain fog, but affected my physical stamina to the point that it was difficult to move.

Going on a hunch that my zinc could have been depleted due to the abundance of calcium and sugar, I distinctly remember eating 2 oysters from a tin and feeling like a miracle was cast over me lol.
I actually ate a tin of oysters for the first time in over a year after I ate the chocolate. I guess I missed my oppurtunity to find out if it works the same way.

If it's zinc that was deficient, it's interesting that oysters would replenish it since they have more copper than zinc. If copper wasn't also deficient, then meat would be just as effective since it has lots of zinc but not copper. Excluding gelatinous meat, which has copper.
I continued to revisit the cacao a few times over the following weeks but it always produced a stress response... Whether that's because I found it difficult to digest or the nitric oxide mechanism that comes with it, I'm not sure. I then found benefit in supplementing zinc in the amount of 5-7mg 2x a day for about 2 weeks after that before I largely quit using it on account of it noticeably, immediately affecting my cognition.
You mean zinc was interfering with cognition? I experienced fatigue with zinc supplementation, which I now know is due to copper deficiency, and even projectile vomiting from drinking zinc gluconate dissolved in water in my young, ignorant days. :sick:
In either case, I tend to avoid cacao and chocolate now. I know it won't kill me, but considering the dopamine press that it gives, I find it easy to overdo.
Have you tried mycotoxin-free cacao?

As a worthy mention, I've recently (finally) discovered that modest (spread throughout the day) B-vitamin supplementation can help prevent blood sugar swings in a big way. Food for thought~
You take the B-vitamin supplement Energin?


Nov 17, 2019
Como mencioné antes, soy muy especulativo de que me encontré con un problema de anemia debido a la dieta reciente y otros factores del pasado no tan lejano. Eso es todo lo que puedo decir al respecto.

Fatiga, dormir mientras se duerme poco, debilidad, dolor articular leve pero constante, tiempos de recuperación más largos de lo habitual, falta de progresión en el gimnasio, piel muy pálida, episodios breves pero diarios de falta de aire, motivación en el contenedor de basura, y leve aturdimiento por momentos mientras conduce.

Literalmente, tomé menos de una taza de agua y una barra de chocolate y todos los síntomas cerebrales se resolvieron en unos minutos. Sentí las estrellas salir disparadas de mis párpados y mi cerebro en gran parte regresó jajaja

Además, definitivamente me siento de nuevo a la normalidad hoy. El sueño funcionó, etc.
Mi experiencia con el chocolate es similar a la tuya.

Hace un tiempo compré chocolate líquido y cada vez que ingería una pequeña porción recibía inmediatamente un impulso de energía y si en ese momento sufría de dolor, el dolor desaparecía de una vez. El problema ahora es que ya no venden ese tipo de chocolate que compré, lo sacaron de producción. Recuerdo que una vez tuve dolor de muelas y me sentí cansado con mucha niebla mental y en el momento en que tomé un poco de chocolate todos los síntomas desaparecieron instantáneamente. Fue increíble.


Sep 13, 2012
Chocolate is pretty intense. I get a huge dopamine boost from just a small amount. Practically manic amount of energy as well. But I'm going though adrenaline sensitivity right now. I can't even imagine drinking that amount of coffee I'd be in the hospital for sure.
Apr 22, 2019
I have an inability to read after drinking milk and forget what the beginning of sentences said. I have no idea if it's from exacerbating a mineral deficiency, A1 casein protein, or from vitamin solvents. Someone else has the exact same problem, and doesn't get it with goat milk.
Whoa, that's pretty intense. I remember brain fog being one of the many debilitating symptoms of milk consumption when I had who-knows-how-many parasites but never to that extent. If that's the only symptom you get from consuming milk, then it might be a mineral thing. Otherwise, my first assumption for everyone who has trouble with milk is that the lactose is contributing to a fungal havoc of displaced fungus and/or bacteria being in the small intestine when it ought to be in the colon.
I also had fatigue from calcium itself (even from eggshell) which was different because it wasn't brain fog, but affected my physical stamina to the point that it was difficult to move.
Yeah, sounds about right.
I actually ate a tin of oysters for the first time in over a year after I ate the chocolate. I guess I missed my oppurtunity to find out if it works the same way.

If it's zinc that was deficient, it's interesting that oysters would replenish it since they have more copper than zinc. If copper wasn't also deficient, then meat would be just as effective since it has lots of zinc but not copper. Excluding gelatinous meat, which has copper.
Can't hurt to throw half of the kitchen sink at it.

Tin oysters have been a hit or miss for me for years. On the other hand, raw oysters always do something good that seems to last for about 3-5 days... Which coincidentally is roughly how long it takes for the epithelial lining of the intestine to replace itself.

Despite going against the forum here, it's also worth mentioning that I had a very positive experience with soaked, raw, organic/high quality/heirloom, etc pumpkin seeds. Ate 1 cup in the middle of the day every day for something like 10-14 days as a part of a parasite purge. It's very possible that all of the benefit was due to its action against parasites, but notably it ranks as one of the highest sources of zinc, albeit it in the often criticized vegetable-form. Also, the toasted & salted pumpkin seeds (the green ones that are sold around the states here) are just about worthless in my experience.

Meat certainly has a fair share of zinc to offer. I've learned the hard way that lean steaks digest much easier than fatty ones.
You mean zinc was interfering with cognition? I experienced fatigue with zinc supplementation, which I now know is due to copper deficiency, and even projectile vomiting from drinking zinc gluconate dissolved in water in my young, ignorant days. :sick:
Gotcha. The wrath of God is strong upon the heads of the children of disobedience (Colossians 3:6-7) ! We all learn the hard way :):

Another suitable mention: I'm on day 4 or 5 now of this oral green clay experiment and it's been nothing but positives. It's basically, purely minerals. 50% of it is silica, among the rest of the profile. It might serve to help us bring a balance back to their current mineral state of affairs.

A summary of 2500 studies on the subject of bentonite clay which has subcategories of its effect on the GI tract, kidneys, antibacterial properties, skin and hair, bone, cancer, and 'detoxification' among others:
Bentonite Clay as a Natural Remedy: A Brief Review

"Benefits of green clay" -
French green clay and its benefits

Biblically, we are said to be made of dust & clay - Job 33:6, Isaiah 64:8, Job 34:15 Genesis 2:7, etc)

In Jeremiah 2:22, God makes a mention that the people wash themselves with nitre and take much soap for themselves. With the jelp of a Strongs concordance, "nitre" is mineral potash. 'Pot ash' is the mineral residue left at the bottom of a pot after vegetables cook in it. 'Potash' is the origin of "potassium."
Jeremiah 2:22
[22] For though thou wash thee with nitre, and take thee much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked before me, saith the Lord GOD.

I've been taking 1 teaspoon that has soaked in 1 cup of water for at least 9 hours preferably before bed but at least 30 minutes before a meal on an empty stomach. Going to start doing a morning/evening double dose to see how it goes. It does carry a substantial side effect of dehydration, but it's nothing that isn't easily remedied with some extra water intake. Bowel movement frequency and quantity has been unaffected with an added perk that there's little odor.
Anyhow, it's dirt cheap, so there's always that.
Have you tried mycotoxin-free cacao?
Can't say I have, but I'm sure it'd make for a fine day in moderation.
You take the B-vitamin supplement Energin?
Haven't tried Georgi's product, no. I've had a B-complex from Pure encapsulations on the shelf for several years now that I have revisited a handful of times. Every time that it had a magical effect on day 1, it would wreck me on day 2.

Fast forward to a recent outdoor event that I was working and someone offered me an athletic recovery beverage which had a bunch of silly stuff in it but the B-vitamins were in an appreciable dose. It had such a profound effect that I had a second one and suddenly it's like I felt perfect with no sense of fatigue despite the hot weather I had been in for hours. I matched the doses up on one of those beverages to the B-complex pills I've had stored away, and lo and behold if the B-complex was a 10x dose of what was in one of those cans. I started pinching off the capsules, only using 10-20% of one capsule 2-3x a day for more excellent results.

I see that Energin is likely a fine product, but I would still exercise the same restraint if using it all the same.

As things come full circle, whenever I press the B-vitamin button too hard on any given day, I'll experience shortness of breath, though not as severely as it was with the past calcium dilemma. This article here makes the interesting point that a number of B-vitamins, when taken in excess, are correlated with lung cancer:

Water and sauna seem to reverse these symptoms quickly.
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Apr 22, 2019
Mi experiencia con el chocolate es similar a la tuya.

Hace un tiempo compré chocolate líquido y cada vez que ingería una pequeña porción recibía inmediatamente un impulso de energía y si en ese momento sufría de dolor, el dolor desaparecía de una vez. El problema ahora es que ya no venden ese tipo de chocolate que compré, lo sacaron de producción. Recuerdo que una vez tuve dolor de muelas y me sentí cansado con mucha niebla mental y en el momento en que tomé un poco de chocolate todos los síntomas desaparecieron instantáneamente. Fue increíble.
Si, es magia!

Hasta que no pueda dormir haha
Apr 22, 2019
Chocolate is pretty intense. I get a huge dopamine boost from just a small amount. Practically manic amount of energy as well. But I'm going though adrenaline sensitivity right now. I can't even imagine drinking that amount of coffee I'd be in the hospital for sure.
Have you noticed any sensitivity to light? That's the hallmark for me that my adrenals are having a rough time.


Nov 23, 2020
The labels are pretty useless for the most part as they state very little, it would be great if the brand could actually test out their product and put out a full mineral analysis, the only disadvantage to that is that when they change from supplier to supplier their content may vary.

This is something more general regarding mineral content of cocoa nibs.


  • Cocoa nibs.PNG
    Cocoa nibs.PNG
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Whoa, that's pretty intense. I remember brain fog being one of the many debilitating symptoms of milk consumption when I had who-knows-how-many parasites but never to that extent. If that's the only symptom you get from consuming milk, then it might be a mineral thing. Otherwise, my first assumption for everyone who has trouble with milk is that the lactose is contributing to a fungal havoc of displaced fungus and/or bacteria being in the small intestine when it ought to be in the colon.
I actually drank lactose-free milk. It may be solvents causing an allergic reaction and increasing intestinal permeability.
Tin oysters have been a hit or miss for me for years. On the other hand, raw oysters always do something good that seems to last for about 3-5 days... Which coincidentally is roughly how long it takes for the epithelial lining of the intestine to replace itself.
I ate raw oysters in water that are in a transparent jar with a tin lid. By raw oysters, do you only mean the ones in shells?
Despite going against the forum here, it's also worth mentioning that I had a very positive experience with soaked, raw, organic/high quality/heirloom, etc pumpkin seeds. Ate 1 cup in the middle of the day every day for something like 10-14 days as a part of a parasite purge. It's very possible that all of the benefit was due to its action against parasites, but notably it ranks as one of the highest sources of zinc, albeit it in the often criticized vegetable-form. Also, the toasted & salted pumpkin seeds (the green ones that are sold around the states here) are just about worthless in my experience.
So you think it's zinc that causes changes in intestinal biome? Maybe a deficiency causes reduced intestinal motility, rather than it having a local effect.
Meat certainly has a fair share of zinc to offer. I've learned the hard way that lean steaks digest much easier than fatty ones.
Brisket is one of the cheapest meats, yet much more delicious than steaks, and I've heard other people speak well of it as well. I think people who only eat steak have not experimented and tried brisket.

In my low-carb and early days of Peating, there was an all-you-can-eat buffet that had a prime rib steak once a week. The fat was psychoactive and made me feel drunk, so I intentionally ate much of the fat. When I ate too much, I was nauseous much like someone would be nauseous after drinking too much, but it was worth it.

Now I'm not so sure that was a good idea. I had a red blood cell fatty acid test done. Omega-3s and omega-6s were lower than average due to years of Peating, but arachidonic acid for some reason was above normal. Most of dietary AA comes from beef and eggs.
Gotcha. The wrath of God is strong upon the heads of the children of disobedience (Colossians 3:6-7) ! We all learn the hard way :):

Another suitable mention: I'm on day 4 or 5 now of this oral green clay experiment and it's been nothing but positives. It's basically, purely minerals. 50% of it is silica, among the rest of the profile. It might serve to help us bring a balance back to their current mineral state of affairs.

A summary of 2500 studies on the subject of bentonite clay which has subcategories of its effect on the GI tract, kidneys, antibacterial properties, skin and hair, bone, cancer, and 'detoxification' among others:
Bentonite Clay as a Natural Remedy: A Brief Review
"Benefits of green clay" -
French green clay and its benefits
Clay does detoxify poisons, but I wouldn't try it outside of an emergency situation because of the silica content.

Biblically, we are said to be made of dust & clay- Job 33:6, Isaiah 64:8, Job 34:15 Genesis 2:7, etc)

In Jeremiah 2:22, God makes a mention that the people wash themselves with nitre and take much soap for themselves. With the jelp of a Strongs concordance, "nitre" is mineral potash. 'Pot ash' is the mineral residue left at the bottom of a pot after vegetables cook in it. 'Potash' is the origin of "potassium."
Jeremiah 2:22
[22] For though thou wash thee with nitre, and take thee much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked before me, saith the Lord GOD.
It sounds like potassium hydroxide, not clay.
I've been taking 1 teaspoon that has soaked in 1 cup of water for at least 9 hours preferably before bed but at least 30 minutes before a meal on an empty stomach. Going to start doing a morning/evening double dose to see how it goes. It does carry a substantial side effect of dehydration, but it's nothing that isn't easily remedied with some extra water intake. Bowel movement frequency and quantity has been unaffected with an added perk that there's little odor.
Anyhow, it's dirt cheap, so there's always that.
I wouldn't imagine that there'd be much odor. Have you tried AC? I'm sure the large granule kind is much safer than clay.
Haven't tried Georgi's product, no. I've had a B-complex from Pure encapsulations on the shelf for several years now that I have revisited a handful of times. Every time that it had a magical effect on day 1, it would wreck me on day 2.

Fast forward to a recent outdoor event that I was working and someone offered me an athletic recovery beverage which had a bunch of silly stuff in it but the B-vitamins were in an appreciable dose. It had such a profound effect that I had a second one and suddenly it's like I felt perfect with no sense of fatigue despite the hot weather I had been in for hours. I matched the doses up on one of those beverages to the B-complex pills I've had stored away, and lo and behold if the B-complex was a 10x dose of what was in one of those cans. I started pinching off the capsules, only using 10-20% of one capsule 2-3x a day for more excellent results.

I see that Energin is likely a fine product, but I would still exercise the same restraint if using it all the same.
Yes, supplementing B vitamins in high doses can cause depletions of other vitamins and imbalances. It's best to get it from food or supplement only a small amount.
As things come full circle, whenever I press the B-vitamin button too hard on any given day, I'll experience shortness of breath, though not as severely as it was with the past calcium dilemma. This article here makes the interesting point that a number of B-vitamins, when taken in excess, are correlated with lung cancer:

The article mentions B6 and B12 are correlated with lung cancer. B6 can cause depletion of P5P, its active form. Most B12 in a bad form. The cyanide form is the most common, followed by the methyl form.


Sep 13, 2012
Apr 22, 2019
I actually drank lactose-free milk. It may be solvents causing an allergic reaction and increasing intestinal permeability.
No doubt that they're contributing factors!
I ate raw oysters in water that are in a transparent jar with a tin lid. By raw oysters, do you only mean the ones in shells?
Wild caught oysters served at seafood restaurants around the area here.
So you think it's zinc that causes changes in intestinal biome? Maybe a deficiency causes reduced intestinal motility, rather than it having a local effect.
It certainly must alter the intestinal microbiome considering that it's an antifungal agent, hence why it's used in a number of topical anti-acne and anti-dandruff personal care products.

Like anything that contributes to a lackluster metabolism, intestinal motility can't be optimized if a puzzle piece is missing. I can think of oral zinc being marketed as a solution for acne/skin complexion, a testosterone booster (ZMA supplements), being critically involved in the production and/or use of insulin, and also as a key ingredient in the production of stomach acid. Indirectly, it has to affect intestinal motility.
In my low-carb and early days of Peating, there was an all-you-can-eat buffet that had a prime rib steak once a week. The fat was psychoactive and made me feel drunk, so I intentionally ate much of the fat. When I ate too much, I was nauseous much like someone would be nauseous after drinking too much, but it was worth it.

Now I'm not so sure that was a good idea. I had a red blood cell fatty acid test done. Omega-3s and omega-6s were lower than average due to years of Peating, but arachidonic acid for some reason was above normal. Most of dietary AA comes from beef and eggs.
Haha getting tipsy on steak. I think it's the case that saturated fat can cause an endotoxin response. I remember being so nauseated while doing keto and carnivore after eating large sums of butter, coconut oil, or ground beef.

Your panel likely reflects your diet in the past 1-7 days. I'd wager that if you made a point to strongly limit and/or cut out AA containing foods for a week before getting retested that it would read differently.
Clay does detoxify poisons, but I wouldn't try it outside of an emergency situation because of the silica content.
I hear the cause for concern because silica has been so adulterated and intentionally put into so many foods and supplements, but for the moment I'm still banking on the fact that nature is way smarter than me when it comes to packaging nutrients. As usual... If and when I get a substantial inflammatory note beyond mild dehydration, I'll re-assess things.
It sounds like potassium hydroxide, not clay.
Could well be the main constituent of "nitre" in the verse, but potassium hydroxide is a fairly recent isolation compared to when the words were written lol
I wouldn't imagine that there'd be much odor. Have you tried AC? I'm sure the large granule kind is much safer than clay.
Oh yeah. Had a few dozen shots at activated charcoal taken from different sources and sold in different sizes, purities, etc. It's a real life-saver to quell an endotoxin response and it noticeably improves my sleep quality for the nights that I've taken it, but it can quickly become constipating and outright inflammatory if I supplement it within say, 5 days of the first dose. I appreciate it for it's place in naturopathic medicine and if I made a medicine bag it would definitely be on the roster, but I've yet to figure out how to use the stuff on any routine basis without incurring some kind of problem whether it's dehydration, feelings of hunger, constipation, or straight up feeling like I'm digesting rocks.
The article mentions B6 and B12 are correlated with lung cancer. B6 can cause depletion of P5P, its active form. Most B12 in a bad form. The cyanide form is the most common, followed by the methyl form.
True. I had read "shortness of breath" under B1, "difficulty breathing" under B2, and "rapid breathing, lung cancer" with B6 in addition to "lung cancer" with B12 and just lazily shorthanded it to "correlated with lung cancer"


Sep 13, 2012
Is there anything that you go to that you can expect to receive guaranteed relief from if you are uh... feeling those sensations?
Low stress lifestyle. Plenty of calories.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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