Australia to "Let 'Er Rip" -- Marking Beginning of the End?


Mar 7, 2021
"Wow look at all of these anti-vaxxers dying... now you see why we needed the restrictions"


Aug 4, 2020
Thank you kindly. My husband went back to work on day 5 and said this time wasn’t as bad as the first. His dad managed to stay out of the hospital but he has Leukemia so he’s having a tough time bouncing back.
Sending positive vibes and prayers to you and your family, @Blossom


Dec 27, 2021
I’ve noticed something odd where societies who have the harshest COVID restrictions during their “flu seasons” also have the largest removal restrictions when “flu season” is over. Where as some other societies play the middle with moderate restrictions and re-openings. It’s almost as if it is an experiment to see which method of imposing restrictions is most well received.


Apr 6, 2017
Australia seem to be doing a 180 on their current authoritarian COVID-19 strategy by announcing that they will now let Omicron rip through the population and allow "permissive" spread in order to attempt a real herd immunity via natural infection.


there is an internet rumor at this link
that Omicron is a White Hat release of a very infectious and very mild virus that will provide herd immunity against all variants of the virus with very little illness or loss of life. Tens of thousands are already infected world wide and the reported deaths are very low. How long will it take for the SuicideVAXXX to be totally refused by anyone who does not like the idea of a mandate to take an experimental medical injection that is not shown to be either safe or effective. How soon will it take to return to Normal? Biden gave up today and said the Feds can't do anything about covid, let the states to it. How long will it take for all the states to open up completely and end any mandate regarding covid? What a nice Christmas Present and what a nice way to start the New year. I now don't wear a mask in any store, and ask by what authority are masks required if the store employee says something. Soon no one will wear a mask.


Oct 5, 2014
Thank you the information @Makrosky! I myself have many many facts floating about in my head and get things confused many times, but every now and then things come together and make perfect sense.
The one thing that I am fuzzy on though is whether NAC and the corresponding downstream glutathione being carcinogenic. If I am not mistaken @haidut has posted some information regarding this in his blog. Again this is just my methodology of trying to clarify and understand the best and safest methods to treat and more importantly be able to live up to Dr Peats famous phrase,”If you are afraid of COVID-19 then you are probably also afraid of Ebola”. To anyone else not familiar with his work, this would sound like the ravings of a madman, but I am coming more to the understanding that health and disease really do begin in the gut and that simple things like keeping the gut as clean as possible have a huge impact on disease prevention. It is just allowing this information to percolate into a form that makes sense to my mind.

And this one as well,

Again all insights and clarification from any forum members is always appreciated.
Regarding your (legit) concerns of NAC safety : We are talking here about short, acute use to help treating covid. I doubt that can pose any risk, only benefits. Needless to say, there are many other "Peat friendly" substances you can use instead of NAC.

There is info on the forum of Drs in eastern Europe using glutathione to massively recover critical covid patients. And you know NAC is needed to create it unless you have access to inject glutathione yourself.

There is also the heavy (like HEAVY) confirmation bias on this forum that goes like this: Peat says something about substance X in an article or interview. Then people goes to pubmed and starts cherry picking studies that confirm what Peat said, ignoring the possibly hundreds or thousands of studies saying the opposite. Then they post it here, so everyone reads only the cherry picked ones, thus creating a big confirmation bias echo chamber around substance X. A clear example would be NAC and Melatonin.

Fasting is another example of this insane confirmation bias.
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Jun 7, 2016
I am curious @Herbie does the government provide any scientific explanations on the rationale for no quarantine for the vaccinated and fourteen days hotel quarantine for the unvaccinated?
Not that I know of, how can they rationalise it when it doesn’t add up. I don’t read the news or keep up with things in Australia because it’s so aggravating and energy draining that I check up on the government website every few months.

Ideally I would return once they drop the hotel quarantine for unvaccinated or do home quarantine.

Another issue is getting a job which doesn’t mandate the vaccine which for me there will be options.

I was born and raised in Australia and have English ancestry and have lived in England since the pandemic and understand that even though Australia was colonised by the English that now it should be called the United States of the CCP because it’s very clear now that it’s controlled by both those powers.
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May 30, 2018
I've heard Israel is changing its "strategy" and decided to let it live it's life too.


Jan 9, 2019
They pulse the stress. It's more effective that way. People keep their guard down instead of committing to an actual independent life. Keep preparing and paying attention, if it's not a virus war, it's a Co2 war and somehow we are always the enemy.


Aug 4, 2020
Regarding your (legit) concerns of NAC safety : We are talking here about short, acute use to help treating covid. I doubt that can pose any risk, only benefits. Needless to say, there are many other "Peat friendly" substances you can use instead of NAC.

There is info on the forum of Drs in eastern Europe using glutathione to massively recover critical covid patients. And you know NAC is needed to create it unless you have access to inject glutathione yourself.

There is also the heavy (like HEAVY) confirmation bias on this forum that goes like this: Peat says something about substance X in an article or interview. Then people goes to pubmed and starts cherry picking studies that confirm what Peat said, ignoring the possibly hundreds or thousands of studies saying the opposite. Then they post it here, so everyone reads only the cherry picked ones, thus creating a big confirmation bias echo chamber around substance X. A clear example would be NAC and Melatonin.

Fasting is another example of this insane confirmation bias.
Thank you for your insights @Makrosky, one of the mindsets that I am trying to adapt was that quoted by Dr Malone, borrowed from Socrates, that being coming at any topic from the perspective of,”I know nothing”.
As I am starting to see a clearer picture especially within the past two years there seems to be a belief out there that the motto,”trust the science”, is kind of a misleading statement. I say this because it would imply to those less inclined towards understanding science, the belief that science is settled as a result of one person of authority saying something is the truth because of the result of or interpretation of one study.
I am learning now that science is never really settled because that rock solid truth from today, is refuted tomorrow as a result of a newfound thought process on how that data was interpreted or how the results do not match with what happens in vivo. In other words science is always in a state of perpetual flux or change, because knowledge and understanding cannot advance without that set of conditions being in place.
As for NAC I had an afterthought when I posted my reply. As well your reply did make this more clearer for me. I absolutely would recommend NAC to someone in a hospital who was facing the government mandated prescribed treatment for COVID-19. As well my afterthought was also for on a short term basis only, I am unsure of the mechanisms at play on how it detoxifies graphene oxide, as well I am unsure due to my limited (but slowly growing) knowledge as to why melatonin which is a very popular supplement, but I have seen on the forum that melatonin has a relationship to serotonin but I actually do not know or fully understand that relationship.
But I do know that it is involved in the sleep process, as well on the Patrick Timpone show I believe Dr Peat used the phrase,”it is safe”. So this leaves me in a pursuit for clarity and understanding, with my favourite question,(since I know nothing I can get away with this),”Is that really true?” This sends me looking for further answers and clarification, which I feel you might have more insights into the answers I seek on melatonin.
As well your thoughts on fasting, @haidut has presented some very good evidence against it, but again to understand a topic one needs to hear all sides of the topic.
Once again appreciate all insights and thoughts and do not judge them as these are your thoughts on a topic. Just a clarification point as time cannot be expressed in this medium.


Aug 4, 2020
Not that I know of, how can they rationalise it when it doesn’t add up. I don’t read the news or keep up with things in Australia because it’s so aggravating and energy draining that I check up on the government website every few months.

Ideally I would return once they drop the hotel quarantine for unvaccinated or do home quarantine.

Another issue is getting a job which doesn’t mandate the vaccine which for me there will be options.

I was born and raised in Australia and have English ancestry and have lived in England since the pandemic and understand that even though Australia was colonised by the English that now it should be called the United States of the CCP because it’s very clear now that it’s controlled by both those powers.
You may very well be correct @Herbie, this is a well thought out and well executed plan as I have said before.
I am sorry to hear of your troubled homeland, and can only hope that this can be resolved without armed conflict. My fear is that we are dealing with opposition that holds very little value for human life and I consider that armed conflict rebellions could very much be one possible pathway we are on. Hopefully not but be sure that it is a last option in my opinion.
As for jobs, I live in Canada and people within the trucking industry say that they are at least seven thousand drivers short to meet demand. But now both countries (Canada and the United States) requires proof of vaccination to gain entry. Many truckers are now leaving the industry or hunkering down and waiting things out.
I mention this because history has shown many times that empty bellies and lack of essentials tend to precede armed conflicts.


Jan 25, 2014
there is an internet rumor at this link
that Omicron is a White Hat release of a very infectious and very mild virus that will provide herd immunity against all variants of the virus with very little illness or loss of life.

Already, I don't believe it.

First off, do you have any idea how many billions of tons of aerosolized virus it would take to "infect" the entire world over a weekend? It's ridiculous. Everyone coming up with these "rumors" never bothered to look at ACTUAL releases of germs, like Operation Sea Spray-

You can't just "release" a few grams of virus, and expect it to infect "the world."

Second, Covid was never "deadly" in the first place. Not anymore that the Flu is in any given year. We all know the Covid Death Count" is an overinflated fraud, counting everything and everything as so called "Covid."

All the Covid tests are easily manipulated, and there is no proof this "Novel Corona Virus" even exists.

Compare Kaufman's analysis to any so called "Isolate" of SARS-Cov-2, and you will see that nothing was ever "isolated," they only "genetically sequenced" something to "prove" existence," and since they ADDED genetic contamination, in the form of African Green Monkey Cells and Fetal Bovine Serum to the "Isolate," which may still have had human DNA in it in the first place, you see what a sham that is.

And beyond that, the "tests" for any "variant" are even more ridiculous, unvetted, and dodgy than the PCR tests-

If the "White Hats" want to stop Covid, it's simple. Start arresting Media Talking heads, "Health" Officials, Treasonous Mayors and Governors, and/or start featuring REAL doctors/scientists/researchers, like Scott Atlas and John Ionnidis, or literally any of the tens of thousands of others that have been calling out this nonsense from the beginning.

Peter Doshi was 1000% on the money when he said this "Pandemic" will only end when people stop paying attention.

There is NEVER a reason to be this scarred of a common cold virus, which is what all corona viruses are thought to be.
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Jun 7, 2016
You may very well be correct @Herbie, this is a well thought out and well executed plan as I have said before.
I am sorry to hear of your troubled homeland, and can only hope that this can be resolved without armed conflict. My fear is that we are dealing with opposition that holds very little value for human life and I consider that armed conflict rebellions could very much be one possible pathway we are on. Hopefully not but be sure that it is a last option in my opinion.
As for jobs, I live in Canada and people within the trucking industry say that they are at least seven thousand drivers short to meet demand. But now both countries (Canada and the United States) requires proof of vaccination to gain entry. Many truckers are now leaving the industry or hunkering down and waiting things out.
I mention this because history has shown many times that empty bellies and lack of essentials tend to precede armed conflicts.
I honestly believe it has to come to an end at some point in order for any country and economy to continue. Yeah in Australia they tried to make the long haul truckers get double jabbed to enter each state which is what most truckers drive between two states in 12 hours to drop of trailers and return. The truckers almost did a blockade which made the politicians back off from that vaccine law and made of very clear that without them no one eats.


Aug 4, 2020
I honestly believe it has to come to an end at some point in order for any country and economy to continue. Yeah in Australia they tried to make the long haul truckers get double jabbed to enter each state which is what most truckers drive between two states in 12 hours to drop of trailers and return. The truckers almost did a blockade which made the politicians back off from that vaccine law and made of very clear that without them no one eats.
This would indicate that the powers that be may actually be very much aware that the real danger to their plans and perhaps their lives is as @tankasnowgod mentioned above that the people becoming,”awake and aware”, of the tyranny they are under, could lead to their ultimate demise.
I don’t know if you are aware of Dr Vernon Coleman in the UK. But he cited a study that indicates that only less than 2/3 of the UK population has actually not received even one jab of the gene therapies. This would (if true) indicate that perhaps we are not really the minority after all.



Do you think perhaps they might be waiting on the pending crimes against humanity trial Dr Yeadon is now pressing?
I thought about that but I don't know? Too many Covid injections have been bought and Covid passports already being implemented in some areas. The quarantine camps have been built, in the UK they are still completing ours. I can't imagine this is going to end soon. Having said that the legal challenges will have implications especially if the publicity gets out. Furthermore, some journalist are voicing their disapproval of Covid passports/mandates and lockdowns. It is also possible they may focus more on Africa because they know people in the West will turn a blind eye if its not happening to them. Perhaps once they have succeeded there, if we allow them to get away with it, they well come back for us.


Aug 4, 2020
I thought about that but I don't know? Too many Covid injections have been bought and Covid passports already being implemented in some areas. The quarantine camps have been built, in the UK they are still completing ours. I can't imagine this is going to end soon. Having said that the legal challenges will have implications especially if the publicity gets out. Furthermore, some journalist are voicing their disapproval of Covid passports/mandates and lockdowns. It is also possible they may focus more on Africa because they know people in the West will turn a blind eye if its not happening to them. Perhaps once they have succeeded there, if we allow them to get away with it, they well come back for us.
Do you watch Vernon Coleman? I posted above his Christmas and end of year video.
He claims that there is evidence of only slightly less than two thirds of the UK population not being injected at all. How does that jive with your Birdseye on the ground view for accuracy?


Do you watch Vernon Coleman? I posted above his Christmas and end of year video.
He claims that there is evidence of only slightly less than two thirds of the UK population not being injected at all. How does that jive with your Birdseye on the ground view for accuracy?
I haven't seen his recent video but I have seen an article that seems to point to that being correct.


Aug 4, 2020
I haven't seen his recent video but I have seen an article that seems to point to that being correct.
I have to wonder how the governments will try to cover up that recent fact.
With regards to the quarantine camps, I recently viewed Sucharet Bhakdi’s video, those camps they are building I hope are indeed designed to quarantine a person with a real world health threat.
The thought of tuberculosis being reintroduced into the worldwide population as a result of the declining innate immune systems of the vaccinated that are of Asian and East Indian decent is indeed a cause for concern.
The statement that,”tuberculosis was the number one killer of the human population one hundred and fifty years ago” is not to be taken lightly.
I have to wonder about Dr Peat’s opinion on this hypothetical scenario, that Dr Bhakdi claims to have one patient in hospital in Germany already.

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