Aspirin: Testimonials, And Questions Answered


Sep 23, 2017
I never mess with more than standard tablet on a full belly. I'm sure occasionally boozing with Aspirin doesn't help though
yeah always take with dad had to cut part of his intestine cut because he was aspirin therapy...


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
yeah always take with dad had to cut part of his intestine cut because he was aspirin therapy...
sugar and cocaine have similar effects on the body...your body is acting no different than if it were on cocaine. Sugar is an exite-tant. you may be senstive to it.
too much of a good thing can be bad. . a guy at work used to drink a lot of redpull and his spleen exploded.


Oct 17, 2017
The pain has gone now. Do you think it has healed? How long before I can start to take aspirin again? Thank you
Nov 21, 2015
Baking soda
Vitamin C

Those are what I take with aspirin. Barely a whisper of discomfort.

Vitamin K2 on the same day, topically.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Like what? I don't think so

Let's assume the gut lining was irritated, extra Glycine from Gelatin would've helped; higher intake of Vitamin C foods (there was a good post about the importance of C when using Aspirin); Baking Soda with Aspirin from now on; take it on a full stomach from now on; don't think you need more than a standard tablet at a time; the Amino Acid L- Glutamine is recommended to heal the gut lining; Licorice tea also helps thwart peptic ulcers; Vitamin A also has endothelial benefits. Just saying.


Oct 7, 2015
It takes 5-6 drops of Kuinone daily to stop the aspirin-related bruising for me ... I use a small amount of "horse aspirin" daily at bedtime. Have never had any discomfort. When I feel stressed, or really tired, or just a little off I will take two regular aspirin at bedtime ...
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Aug 31, 2016
I pour away the water at least twice, usually three times and only use the white powder on the bottom. Ray Peat wrote that he used the crystallized **** and keeps it frozen before he uses it. but I can't find a pharmacy in Germany that will sell crystallized **** to me.

So you drop a tablet of aspirin into some warm (hot?) water, and wait for it to dissolve, then you pour out the liquid (where the undesirable compounds remain), and what's left at the bottom is pure aspirin. Then you repeat the process with new water. Then finally you add some new water to the cup, I guess stir, and drink?

Have been looking for the proper way of doing this and just want to make extra sure, thanks!


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
I’m up to 2 Aspirin tabs a day now, it is the only thing that helps pain related to external hemerroids


Mar 4, 2017
Just wondering how much Aspirin people are taking here in this forum/thread and for how long? What are some standard guidelines for different conditions or uses for Aspirin. E.g. what amount to protect against PUFA, what amount to offset estrogen/dominance, what amount for general health and well being, etc.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Just wondering how much Aspirin people are taking here in this forum/thread and for how long? What are some standard guidelines for different conditions or uses for Aspirin. E.g. what amount to protect against PUFA, what amount to offset estrogen/dominance, what amount for general health and well being, etc.

I take 1-2 standard Aspirin daily. I don’t know what dose offsets what condition. It feels great though, paired with coffee.


Mar 1, 2018
I've started on 325 mg aspirin dissolved in hot water daily taken with food and can say my digestion is better. Better in a different way than I have experienced in the past. Basically I poop and am surprised at the volume that has come out of me once per day. Other poop is normal. I also believe that by lowering free fatty acids it has increased my metabolism/need to eat carbs. If I don't eat enough I can start to feel anxious/low blood sugar.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon

It's rare to find people comparing the same total dose taken in different fashions. Do you know the advantages and disadvantages of concentrating or dispersing it? Consider for example 500 mg once a week, 70 mg every day, or even 20 mg or so multiple times a day.
I'm not sure as to whether or not consuming it weekly would interfere with the gut's adaptation to the substance; I haven't encountered any studies on this. The inhibition of platelet aggregation lasts until around 1-2 weeks (10 days or so, but it varies slightly). Partial inhibition of platelets, however, can still promote clotting. Due to the half-life, the difference between 20 mg taken thrice daily and 70 mg taken once daily would probably be negligible.

"Aspirin's antithrombotic effect is mediated predominately by inhibition of platelet cyclooxygenase-1, leading to a decline in serum thromboxane A2 concentrations. We performed a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind trial to determine whether aspirin could be given at 3-day intervals and still achieve potent serum thromboxane inhibition. One hundred nine healthy men and women with no recent exposure to aspirin and no contraindications to its use participated. Subjects received 325 mg, 81 mg, or 40 mg of plain aspirin every third day, with placebo on other days; 81 mg of aspirin every day; or placebo every day. Serum concentrations of thromboxane B2 (the metabolite of thromboxane A2) were measured at 3-day intervals during a 31-day treatment period, as well as 4, 7, and 14 days after treatment ended. Serum thromboxane B2 concentrations were nearly identical during treatment with 325 mg of aspirin every third day or 81 mg of aspirin per day (86% inhibition [84%, 89%] and 85% inhibition [73%, 96%], respectively). An aspirin dose of 81 mg every third day was nearly as potent (74% inhibition [70%, 79%]), whereas 40 mg of aspirin every third day achieved only 50% inhibition (40%, 60%). Every-third-day low-dose aspirin regimens (325 and 81 mg) deserve comparison with daily low-dose aspirin regimens in controlled clinical trials because the former regimens could prove to have equal efficacy with reduced toxicity."

A comparison of every-third-day versus daily low-dose aspirin therapy on serum thromboxane concentrations in healthy men and women. - PubMed - NCBI


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
I'm not sure as to whether or not consuming it weekly would interfere with the gut's adaptation to the substance; I haven't encountered any studies on this. The inhibition of platelet aggregation lasts until around 1-2 weeks (10 days or so, but it varies slightly). Partial inhibition of platelets, however, can still promote clotting. Due to the half-life, the difference between 20 mg taken thrice daily and 70 mg taken once daily would probably be negligible.

"Aspirin's antithrombotic effect is mediated predominately by inhibition of platelet cyclooxygenase-1, leading to a decline in serum thromboxane A2 concentrations. We performed a placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blind trial to determine whether aspirin could be given at 3-day intervals and still achieve potent serum thromboxane inhibition. One hundred nine healthy men and women with no recent exposure to aspirin and no contraindications to its use participated. Subjects received 325 mg, 81 mg, or 40 mg of plain aspirin every third day, with placebo on other days; 81 mg of aspirin every day; or placebo every day. Serum concentrations of thromboxane B2 (the metabolite of thromboxane A2) were measured at 3-day intervals during a 31-day treatment period, as well as 4, 7, and 14 days after treatment ended. Serum thromboxane B2 concentrations were nearly identical during treatment with 325 mg of aspirin every third day or 81 mg of aspirin per day (86% inhibition [84%, 89%] and 85% inhibition [73%, 96%], respectively). An aspirin dose of 81 mg every third day was nearly as potent (74% inhibition [70%, 79%]), whereas 40 mg of aspirin every third day achieved only 50% inhibition (40%, 60%). Every-third-day low-dose aspirin regimens (325 and 81 mg) deserve comparison with daily low-dose aspirin regimens in controlled clinical trials because the former regimens could prove to have equal efficacy with reduced toxicity."

A comparison of every-third-day versus daily low-dose aspirin therapy on serum thromboxane concentrations in healthy men and women. - PubMed - NCBI
Guru, that's a great find. If it has been posted before, I miss'd.

"The long-lasting effect of ASA on platelet COX-1 activity and platelet function raises the possibility that ASA can be given at several-day intervals with little, if any, loss of platelet COX-1 inhibition and platelet dysfunction. Such a strategy could be associated with reduced ASA-associated toxicity because the complications of daily long-term ASA therapy, such as bleeding and gastrointestinal ulcer formation, are dose related (7,8)."

"Pharmacologic studies demonstrate that maximal inhibition of platelet function in healthy volunteers can be achieved by daily ASA doses of only 30 mg (6,9,11). Because recovery from this aspirin-induced platelet defect is slow, it is possible to administer low doses of ASA less often than daily while still achieving potent platelet inhibition. For example, 48 hours after administering 325 mg of ASA to healthy men and women every other day for 14 days, platelet-derived serum thromboxane B2 concentrations were still inhibited by approximately 90% (12). The results of the present study, also in healthy men and women, demonstrate that an every-third-day ASA dose of 325 mg can achieve a comparable degree of inhibition of platelet COX-1 activity as a standard daily dose of 81 mg per day. The degree of platelet inhibition, just before the next ASA dose, was between 85 and 90% with either regimen. In the first 24 hours after the ASA dose, the degree of platelet inhibition with the every-third-day ASA 325-mg regimen was almost certainly greater than 90% (10,12-14)."


"Six subjects (5.5%) reported symptoms at some time during the 31-day treatment period (two in the placebo [methylcellulose] group, three in the 325-mg every-third-day ASA group, and one in the 40-mg every-third-day ASA group). There were no statistically significant differences among treatment groups. Symptoms included abdominal cramps or burning, gas pains, and nausea."


"Allowing the GI mucosa as much time as possible to recover its COX activity between ASA doses and to produce more mucosal-protective prostaglandins theoretically could result in less GI ulceration and GI bleeding than would occur with administration of the same ASA dose at more closely-spaced intervals."​

These might interest you:
- Dosing Frequency of Aspirin and Prevention of Heart Attacks and Strokes
- Does the timing of aspirin administration influence its antiplatelet effect – review of literature on chronotherapy
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