Aspirin - A Natural Perspective


Jun 10, 2016
I have been lately been studying aspirin in more detail.
I just want to share some things I found here.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm an amateur in biochemistry.

Aspirin rapidly breaks down into acetic acid and salicylic acid.
So all it's effects can be traced down to studying either two components.
From that perspective, it can be said that aspirin is actually a very natural substance,
as both components are found in abundance in nature.

Acetic acid is found in vinegars.
This makes me wonder if the benefits people claim from apple cider vinegar are actually coming from acetic acid.
The inhibition of COX2 (which is the enyzme that converts PUFA into prostaglandins) is coming form acetic acid and not from salicylic acid.
Glycine is also known as aminoacetic acid, and I'm wondering if acetic acid and glycine share some of their effects by the same mechanism.

Salicylic acid is found in many fruits and vegetables.
Salicylic acid has been found to be positively correlated with the fibre content of the diet.
Ray Peat believes that salicylic acid is what makes aspirin so powerful and not its inhibition of COX2 by acetic acid.
From a natural perspective, salicylic acid is a plant hormone that regulates many aspects of plant growth as well as resistance to stress.


Jun 10, 2016
"Salicylic Acid: A Plant Hormone" is a book that talks about the role of salicylic acid in plants. Here are the abstracts of the chapters:

Salicylic acid (SA) is a phenolic derivative, distributed in a wide range of plant species. It is a natural product of phenylpropanoid metabolism. Decarboxylation of transcinnamic acid to benzoic acid and its subsequent 2- hydroxylation results to SA. It undergoes metabolism by conjugating with glucose to SA glucoside and an ester. SA has direct involvement in plant growth, thermogenesis, flower induction and uptake of ions. It affects ethylene biosynthesis, stomatal movement and also reverses the effects of ABA on leaf abscission. Enhancement of the level of chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments, photosynthetic rate and modifying the activity of some of the important enzymes are other roles assigned to SA. This chapter gives a comprehensive coverage to all the above aspects.

Salicylic acid is a plant growth regulator that increases plant bioproductivity. Experiments carried out with ornamental or horticultural plants in greenhouse conditions or in the open have clearly demonstrated that they respond to this compound. Moreover, lower quantities of SA are needed to establish positive responses in the plants. The effect on ornamental plants is expressed as the increase in plant size, the number of flowers, leaf area and the early appearance of flowers. In horticultural species, the effect reported is the increase of yield without affecting the quality of the fruits. It is proposed that the increase in bioproductivity is mainly due to the positive effect of SA on root length and its density.

The SA action on the membrane transport is its least studied physiological property. The changes in compound fluxes between the cell and the environment are, however, one of the early responses to SA treatment. Even low concentrations of SA retard potassium influx and increase that of calcium and alters proton influxes. These ion transport changes are related to the plasmalemma depolarization resulting from the loss of membrane selectivity and the activity of electrogenic pump. The data arguing for the SA-induced intercellular transport changes are also reviewed. One reason for these changes may be the reduction of plasmodesmata conductance resulting from rapid and short-lived callose deposition around the neck regions, the narrowest point of plasmodesmata. The possibility of SA influencing the callose synthase and the -1,3-glucanase activities is discussed. The loss of plasmodesmata conductance may influence the messengers transport or the pathogens spread. The isolation of an infected cell, brought about by callose deposition is one of the earliest plant defense reaction followed by the initiation of some other defense mechanisms.

Salicylic acid (SA) is an endogenous plant growth regulator. When applied to wheat plants in concentration similar to that used in case of exogenous hormones (0.05 mM), SA causes growth promoting and protective effects against an abiotic stresses. SA was shown to cause changes in hormonal system associated with transitory parallel accumulation of IAA and ABA with no change in cytokinins, which took place in case of treatment of seeds before sowing as well as seedling treatment. SA-induced accumulation of ABA lead to no detrimental effects, evidenced by clearcut stimulation of growth of root cells both by division and expansion, accumulation of raw and dry mass of seedlings and productivity of wheat treated with SA. This indicated an important role to IAA in the expression of growth stimulating action of SA. ABA is likely to be intermediator in manifestation of antistress action of SA. This is evidenced by the data showing that SA-induced accumulation of ABA was followed by enhanced expression of genes of dehydrins and accumulation of proline, i.e. substances having a relation with osmoprotection of cells. Moreover, SA causes activation of superoxide dismutase and peroxidase, including anionic peroxidase, phenylalanin-ammonia-lyase, favouring accelerated lignification of cell walls of seedlings roots. This is likely to contribute to a decline in the extent of injurious effects of salinity and water deficit on plants, pretreated with SA, evidenced by a decline in the level of lipid peroxidation and leakage of electrolytes from plant tissues as well as by more intensive growth processes as compared to control plants. It is important to underline that pretreatment with SA prevents a sharp decline in IAA and cytokinin content observed under stress and maintains a high level of ABA. Such a character of SA effect on the state of hormonal system may well contribute to protective reactions of plants and acceleration of reparative processes during a post-stress period.
Our own research has found a number of potentially useful effects of medium supplementation with salicylate on in vitro potato microplants. These useful effects are obtained taking advantage of the stress and antistress effects of salicylic acid on plants. Growth inhibition is a common stress effect of salicylic acid on plants. This stress effect can be directed to culture technology, including promotion of in vitro tuberization and growth retardation during in vitro germplasm preservation. Antistress effects of salicylates can also be used in a planned manner to improve in vitro culture technology and hardening in potato with different applications like induction of thermotolerance during thermotherapy for virus elimination, organogenesis for micropropagation, and induction of tolerance to freezing and heat in microplants after transplanting to soil, in glasshouse trials. Tolerance to late blight (Phytophtora infestans) in potato has also been observed in field. We have also induced some of these effects in microplants by treatment with H2O2 which is consistent with evidence associating salicylate and H2O2 as endogenous signaling molecules. Stress and antistress effects appeared to be mediated by some antioxidant enzymes especially catalase, and by H2O2 accumulation. The use of salicylates would have agricultural relevance to culture technology and field crops.

Activation of salicylic acid (SA) biosynthesis in association with changes in redox homeostasis occurs in plants exposed to diverse biotic and abiotic stresses such as pathogens infection, excess of UV radiation, or increased levels of ozone (O3). Under these conditions, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and SA are the crucial signals for triggering defense-related processes that are genetically controlled, e.g. programmed cell death (PCD) and the expression of genes that cause defense against stress. Increasing evidence in the yesteryears supports the idea that SA interplays with ROS in the geneticcontrolled defense reactions. In this chapter we discuss this evidence, particularly focusing on the expression of stress defense genes. In the first section we are giving an overview about how the changes in SA levels and redox homeostasis occur in the establishment of the defense reaction against stressful conditions. In the second section we will review the information obtained from genetic and biochemical approaches about signaling proteins and promoter DNA elements, involved in the activation of defense genes by SA. Redox controlled transcriptional co-regulators, transcription factors and promoter DNA elements have been shown to mediate SA induced activation of these genes. In the third section we are going to analyze available transcriptome data obtained from Arabidopsis plants, either treated with SA or analogs or subjected to stress conditions. We have classified the up-regulated genes according to their known or putative functions. Interestingly, we found genes coding for proteins with antioxidant and detoxifying functions, together with other defense-related functions. Taking together, these evidences suggest that SA plays a role in controlling the cellular redox balance at the onset of the defense response.

There is increasing interest in the interactive role between salicylic acid (SA), reactive oxygen species (ROS) and other plant signalling molecules in regulating cell death in plants. Initial evidence suggested that SA was a potent inhibitor of heme-containing enzymes such as catalase and ascorbate peroxidase, thus capable of stimulating ROS accumulation during various biotic and abiotic stress conditions. However, others suggested that the mode of action of SA may in fact be related to its ability to prime the defense response, by increasing the levels of various defense compounds. SA was also proposed as both a potent inducer of the NADPH-oxidase and an inhibitor of the alternative oxidase, thus capable of indirect regulation of the redox status of plant cells. This role in regulating the redox status has been linked to the programmed cell death (PCD) typically observed during the hypersensitive response (HR) but also during development (leaf laces, tracheary elements, root cap, germination…) and some abiotic stress responses (salt and heavy metal stress, anoxia). Today, an interplay between SA, ROS and other signalling molecules is proposed in the regulation of PCD in plants. The present chapter reviews the evidence that has accumulated on the interactive nature of the relationship between ROS and SA and addresses this love-hate relationship in view of cell death in plants.

Salicylic acid (SA) is a natural signaling molecule involved in plant defense response against pathogen infection. This chapter covers the recent progress in our understanding of the SA biology in plants, especially the signaling pathways and mechanisms by which SA performs its role as defense inducer are highlighted. The topics related to SA signal transduction covered here include (1) general biological roles played by SA; (2) biosynthesis, storage and translocation of SA; (3) oxidative SA metabolisms regulating the SA actions; (4) roles of reactive oxygen species and calcium ion in SA signaling paths; (5) the link between oxidative burst and other signaling paths; and (6) regulation of gene expression. Lastly, we illustrated the key signaling networks that coordinately lead to both early and late phases of SA-induced gene expression.

Salicylic acid triggers is the system for acquired resistance to phytopathogens and hypersensitive cell death of infected cells. It was shown that in "sick" plants salicylic acid induced protective response, caused by increasing the level of multiple local reactive oxygen species with the participation of oxalate oxidase and also lignification of pathogen penetration zone by involving peroxidase. The localization of oxidative burst leads to the death of pathogen and isolation of host infected tissues that were provided with "chitinspecificity" of these enzymes. Induction of activity of wheat "chitin-specific" oxalateoxidase and anionic peroxidase, intensification of their secretion into intercellular space under salicylic acid influence, that provides successful defense reactions, close to pathogen infection structures have been revealed.

Salicylic acid (SA) plays an important role in plant defense. Its role in plant disease resistance is well documented for dicotyledonous plants, where it is required for basal resistance against pathogens as well as for the inducible defense mechanism, systemic acquired resistance (SAR), which confers resistance against a broad-spectrum of pathogens. The activation of SAR is associated with the heightened level of expression of the pathogenesis-related proteins, some of which possess antimicrobial activity. Studies in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana have provided important insights into the mechanism of SA signaling in plant defense. The NPR1 protein is an important component of SA signaling in Arabidopsis. Homologues of NPR1 are present in other plant species. NPR1 is also required for plant defense mechanisms that do not require SA. Hence, NPR1 provides an important link between different defense mechanisms. Similarly, cross talk between SA and other defense signaling pathways results in the fine-tuning of plant defense response. Recent discoveries have implicated an important role for lipids in SA signaling. We discuss the progress made in understanding SA biosynthesis and signaling, its cross talk with other mechanisms in plant defense and the practical utility in targeting this defense mechanism for enhancing disease resistance.

Tobacco has played historically important role in the discovery and functional analysis of salicylic acid (SA) as a plant hormone. Using this model, it was demonstrated for the first time that tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) infection results in the accumulation of SA in infected tissues that is to activate local and systemic expression of pathogenesis-related proteins in the cells. Furthermore, SA has been shown to function as a major factor in the development of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in plants. To promote the importance of tobacco as a model plant, we generated and sequenced cDNA libraries from tobacco BY-2 cells, depositing about 20,000 EST sequence information in the public databases. Selected cDNA clones were then used to prepare the first large-scale 16K microarray of tobacco. In this chapter, we describe our results of a large scale gene expression analysis, using the tobacco BY-2 cells, treated with a 40 M salicylic acid. In total, 376 genes (corresponding to individual ESTs) were at least 2-fold upregulated by SA, relative to their expression levels in control cells. Amid, a large number of genes overlapped with known defense-related genes in plants, whilst the others represented novel targets of SA in plants. The kinetic analysis of the SAresponsive genes, together with functional analysis of these genes in the plant defense, is presented in this chapter.


Apr 14, 2018
This is really excellent information—thank you for posting! You might find this to be fascinating: The Foods with the Highest Aspirin Content |

The doctor suggests that 1 tablespoon of cumin is equivalent to a baby Aspirin, which means that one could easily eat enough cumin in a day to get pretty high doses of Aspirin (or Salicylates).

In this light, Aspirin is very natural—the only question is how much Vinegar would one have to consume to reach the amounts in say a 325mg tablet of Aspirin? Any thoughts on this @Mufasa ?
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
@BeHealthy Thanks for posting this :):
A good reminder to eat more 'spicy, food :hungry::happy:
Last edited:


Jul 23, 2018
Aspirin acetilates COX and permanently inhibits the enzyme, acting in a suicidal fashion. Acetic acid on its own is not able to attach itself to COX.


Sep 24, 2016
Acetic acid blocking COXses in some instances can be used by AA producing bacteria to block host defense

It’s the plant hormone properties mostly make Aspirin such a all round beast. And it’s not the only plant Hormone that could be used to powerful effects


Jan 18, 2020
Aspirin acetilates COX and permanently inhibits the enzyme, acting in a suicidal fashion. Acetic acid on its own is not able to attach itself to COX.
permanently? can it **** you up with time?
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