Any Ideas Why I React To White Rice And Sweet Potatoes But Not White Bread And Regular Potatoes?



Mar 29, 2013
I have the same issue, and the heavier the protein the better the sleep. What are the "worst reactions" that are "nonos for type A" that you experience?
These blood type A reactions have been with me since I was born, and long before I developed chronic illness and the specific heightened reactions such as I'm dealing with in relation to this thread.

Cow milk - mucus, congestion. But I digest goat milk just fine. So this was a major breakthrough for me and I owe that to Dadamo.
Orange - heartburn and an immune reaction.
Melons - Mouth ulcers.
Vinegar - Mucus, immune reaction.
Tomato - Heartburn, immune reaction.

Actually looking at the full Avoid List for Blood Type A, and with the exception of meats which I react fine to, nearly everything on the avoid is something I naturally have always hated and have always made me full worse in the above mentioned ways. It's damn spot on.

That said, it's Beneficial list I never found very helpful. Perhaps, if I didn't have Crohn's disease, things would be different. Because many of the beneficial foods are Crohn's kryptonite. That said, long before I wad diagnosed with Crohn's, I did eat roughly a Blood Type A diet, and enjoyed excellent health: chicken, lentils, rice, salmon, tofu, garlic, olive oil, pineapple. All my favorite foods, too.

I've had to force myself to become a beef eater, due to circumstance. But once I did carnivore for a couple weeks, I've craved red meat ever since.Gut bacteria must have changed.


Feb 12, 2020
Just sharing my experience as another type A with crohn’s. Looks like salivation is probably the answer for you. What came to my mind when I saw those food items was preparation method, storage and freshness. I don’t know where you live but here sweet potatoes are all old and imported. I suspect the storage conditions have an impact on them. Much easier to find high quality fresher white potatoes.


Mar 5, 2018
For me corn is the only grain that dont **** me up,rice and wheat do.
And i feel differences between digesting baked and bolied potatos/yams idk why,how do you cook them??
Which do you tolerate better? baked or boiled potatoes/yams?
Also how does corn compares to potatoes/yams for you?


Jul 19, 2020
Which do you tolerate better? baked or boiled potatoes/yams?
Also how does corn compares to potatoes/yams for you?
I tolerate better boiled roots/tubers,and idk i tried eating rice,oats,wheat and corn and i have bad reactions with all,less corn,i can eat it without issues,in fact,well cooked corn(grits for example),with coconut oil and bone broth i have a huge boost on heat and energy,without crashes
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