Anxiety, overthinking, worrying and pessimism caused by undermethylation or LOW serotonin?


Jan 21, 2020
Hi guys,

I'm having the following issues:

- anxiety, overthinking, worrying about the future and pessimism that make very difficult for me to focus on the present moment and actually do stuff
- hay fever
- autoimmune inflammation on scalp (I have lichen planopilaris, which is a TH2-dominant disease)
- first grade varicocele (not painful). Last year's bloodworks (I've checked also hormones) showed that I had low vitamin D and low LH luteinizing hormone. I took new bloodworks a few days ago and I'm waiting for the results
- last but not least: sleep. I have no problems in falling asleep, but I have high REM sleep vs deep sleep, thus I'm having fragmented sleep and I'm often waking up not fully refreshed. I did a sleep study recently and I'm waiting for the results

In addition, I have mild OCD symptoms (repetitive behaviors) and perfectionism. I have high histamine so I'm starting to wonder if everything might be someway related to undermethylation. For this reason, I'm thinking about doing a trial with SAMe (or TMG), B complex and inositol. What do you think?

Another theory that I have is that, considering that I'm taking Zyrtec since many months (for controlling itching caused by lichen), maybe my levels of serotonin are now too low, causing my issues?

Thanks A LOT to everybody!!


Nov 25, 2019
Chesapeake, VA
In my experience, those symptoms are usually caused by high serotonin/cortisol and low dopamine or gaba for me. Elevated 5-HT1B and HT2C both contribute to OCD.

Maybe consider stuff like Cat's Claw (Inhibits multiple serotonin receptors and inhibits MAO-B). Metergoline also pretty much eliminates any overthinking or ruminating at all for me.

You may also benefit from Phosphatidylserine for lowering cortisol which may help you relax.


Mar 28, 2021
I seem to have wrestled with a lot of the same issues as you through the years, and I will say that SAMe was one of the most beneficial things I have ever taken for increasing mood, motivation and to help stop worrying. It's so effective though, I think you probably want to make sure to keep to the lowest does possible, as it can push some people into being manic and having worse sleeping issues. At the right does though, it's incredibly helpful.

That said, it won't immediately fix all your issues though, and I have had a lot of additional success by supplementing tyromix (t4/t3 combo) as well as figuring out my own low-dose hormone supplementation pattern using idealabs products. CBG extract, although expensive, seems to also be beneficial at helping "calibrate" your serotonin synthesis back to a more normal and manageable level... not too high, not too low. I'd search for the threads about CBG on this forum and see if it looks like it might be worth a shot for you to take.

Also, as I would describe my sleep issues as extremely similar to yours, I'd recommend getting the traditional chinese medicine formula An Shen Ding Zhi (Salvia and Amber Tablets). Of many many things I've tried, it has been the best at somehow pushing my sleep from fragmented and dream-filled into more restful without any sort of grogginess the next day.

The key to everything seems to be balance, so you'll probably have to have a while of expirimenting to find your own correct mixture of things to nudge health back in the right direction. Good luck!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Low vitamin D means you are deficient of sunlight and likely blue light toxic along with too much non native emf exposure which will cause low dopamine and anxiety issues. Solution is easy. Just. Add. Sun. Check out one of my last few posts that explains the best way to get sun. Also, limiting blue light from screens will speed up the healing process while also making sure that your non native emf exposure is in check.
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Jan 21, 2020
I seem to have wrestled with a lot of the same issues as you through the years, and I will say that SAMe was one of the most beneficial things I have ever taken for increasing mood, motivation and to help stop worrying. It's so effective though, I think you probably want to make sure to keep to the lowest does possible, as it can push some people into being manic and having worse sleeping issues. At the right does though, it's incredibly helpful.

That said, it won't immediately fix all your issues though, and I have had a lot of additional success by supplementing tyromix (t4/t3 combo) as well as figuring out my own low-dose hormone supplementation pattern using idealabs products. CBG extract, although expensive, seems to also be beneficial at helping "calibrate" your serotonin synthesis back to a more normal and manageable level... not too high, not too low. I'd search for the threads about CBG on this forum and see if it looks like it might be worth a shot for you to take.

Also, as I would describe my sleep issues as extremely similar to yours, I'd recommend getting the traditional chinese medicine formula An Shen Ding Zhi (Salvia and Amber Tablets). Of many many things I've tried, it has been the best at somehow pushing my sleep from fragmented and dream-filled into more restful without any sort of grogginess the next day.

The key to everything seems to be balance, so you'll probably have to have a while of expirimenting to find your own correct mixture of things to nudge health back in the right direction. Good luck!
Thanks man - very interesting insight. I'll do a trial with SAMe + B complex and see how it goes.

Do you have any brand to recommend for An Shen Ding Zhi? Is Dragon Herbs selling it?

Do you have any experience with Inositol? I've seen it's often advised for OCD, overthinking and undermethylation issues.


Sep 27, 2018
I already posted in another thread but that has been closed. Probably double-post?

shine said:
TMG raises SAMe on its own and taking SAMe without TMG can lead to high homocysteine which could be a problem. So I would try out TMG + B vitamins first.

This study comes to the conclusion that global hypomethylation/low blood levels of TMG correlate with certain kinds of mental issues (schizophrenia and bipolar disease in this case). I think the resulting high histamine is the cause.

I'd try it out and see how it goes. My personal experience is that free-form histidine makes me feel horrible whereas TMG makes me feel energetic yet calm.


May 4, 2019
What's your diet like man? For me whole grains and starches are the worst for triggering OCD, depressive moods and addictive tendencies -- when I eat those foods I really turn into a different person (not in a good way). Wheat is the worst. Even safe starch like white rice has this effect on me to some degree. Potatoes and tubers seem to be better.

I've found that eating 1 pound of raw grass fed beef with 1 tbsp of raw honey is the best antidote, it's very grounding and really calms down your mind. Best effect is when you combine this meal with sitting in the sun.


Mar 28, 2021
Thanks man - very interesting insight. I'll do a trial with SAMe + B complex and see how it goes.

Do you have any brand to recommend for An Shen Ding Zhi? Is Dragon Herbs selling it?

Do you have any experience with Inositol? I've seen it's often advised for OCD, overthinking and undermethylation issues.
No problem! The best version of the An Shen Ding Zhi I've found is a brand called Seven Forests. I think there are a few places on the internet selling that brand of it, but I typically order from a website called

The SAMe brand I had the best results with was Jarrow, taking about 400mg a day, but again, it is powerful and builds up in your system, so I'd probably start at 200mg a day and see how it goes. The first time I started using it, I went way overboard and took around 800mg for the first couple of days, and my mood felt great, but I ended up not sleeping for a few days. Hahaha.

I tried inositol once for a little while, but didn't really notice much of a difference. I think it slowed my thinking down a bit and maybe helped relax things very short term, but it seemed you needed to take a lot of it to have any effect, so didn't stick with it. Taurine seems to have more of a positive impact on me in regards to the overthinking than inositol, as I believe it helps raise GABA, and at way more manageable doses than inositol did.


Jan 21, 2020
I already posted in another thread but that has been closed. Probably double-post?
thanks man, do you have any experience with inositol? I've seen that it's often recommended alongside SAMe and TMG for undermethylation issues.


Jan 21, 2020
No problem! The best version of the An Shen Ding Zhi I've found is a brand called Seven Forests. I think there are a few places on the internet selling that brand of it, but I typically order from a website called

The SAMe brand I had the best results with was Jarrow, taking about 400mg a day, but again, it is powerful and builds up in your system, so I'd probably start at 200mg a day and see how it goes. The first time I started using it, I went way overboard and took around 800mg for the first couple of days, and my mood felt great, but I ended up not sleeping for a few days. Hahaha.

I tried inositol once for a little while, but didn't really notice much of a difference. I think it slowed my thinking down a bit and maybe helped relax things very short term, but it seemed you needed to take a lot of it to have any effect, so didn't stick with it. Taurine seems to have more of a positive impact on me in regards to the overthinking than inositol, as I believe it helps raise GABA, and at way more manageable doses than inositol did.
thanks man, I'll investigate also taurine - I have to verify it is suited for my autoimmune disease since I've seen that it could boost the immune response.


Apr 18, 2020
thanks man, do you have any experience with inositol? I've seen that it's often recommended alongside SAMe and TMG for undermethylation issues.
How can one ascertain if they have undermethylation issues? Blood test?


Sep 27, 2018
thanks man, do you have any experience with inositol? I've seen that it's often recommended alongside SAMe and TMG for undermethylation issues.

Yes, but never took more than 1 g daily. It's antidepressive, calming and I feel more energy from carbs when I take it, probably due to its effect on insulin sensitivity.
Myo-inositol is low in the frontal cortex in people with depression and sleep disorders btw.


Jan 21, 2020
How can one ascertain if they have undermethylation issues? Blood test?
You can search for "Dr Walsh undermethylation". Personally, I have a lot/all symptoms of undermethylation + high histamine levels


Jan 21, 2020
Yes, but never took more than 1 g daily. It's antidepressive, calming and I feel more energy from carbs when I take it, probably due to its effect on insulin sensitivity.
Myo-inositol is low in the frontal cortex in people with depression and sleep disorders btw.
thanks, interesting stuff, I deffo will run a trial with inositol as well.


Jan 21, 2020
In my experience, those symptoms are usually caused by high serotonin/cortisol and low dopamine or gaba for me. Elevated 5-HT1B and HT2C both contribute to OCD.

Maybe consider stuff like Cat's Claw (Inhibits multiple serotonin receptors and inhibits MAO-B). Metergoline also pretty much eliminates any overthinking or ruminating at all for me.

You may also benefit from Phosphatidylserine for lowering cortisol which may help you relax.
thanks man, do you have any experience with inositol, SAM-e and TMG?

speaking about phospatidylserine, it seems interesting, since it could help with ADHD/focus issues as well. Which dosage do you recommend? Is it necessary to supplement it with cofactors, e.g. B Complex?



Nov 25, 2019
Chesapeake, VA
thanks man, do you have any experience with inositol, SAM-e and TMG?

speaking about phospatidylserine, it seems interesting, since it could help with ADHD/focus issues as well. Which dosage do you recommend? Is it necessary to supplement it with cofactors, e.g. B Complex?


No experience with the supplements you mentioned, I may look into inositol eventually.

Phosphatidylserine is noticeable for me at 300mg, I don't think people go beyond 600mg often. A B-complex shouldn't be necessary, but you should be getting them on a daily basis with or without PS, through diet or otherwise.


Apr 18, 2020
You can search for "Dr Walsh undermethylation". Personally, I have a lot/all symptoms of undermethylation + high histamine levels
Amazing, thank you.

thanks man, do you have any experience with inositol, SAM-e and TMG?

speaking about phospatidylserine, it seems interesting, since it could help with ADHD/focus issues as well. Which dosage do you recommend? Is it necessary to supplement it with cofactors, e.g. B Complex?


I used phosphatidylserine for a very long time (approximately 12 months), initially I was taking 800mg a day (divided doses, 300mg morning, 300mg lunch time, 200mg before bed), it absolutely obliterated cortisol for me at that high dose and it seemed like a saviour to be honest. My workouts were even more amazing and my skin became super clear (used to have breakouts) and smooth. I was taking PS derived from soya, it was from the Myprotein website.

However I recently tried to buy another batch of PS from the Myprotein website and it tastes very different and doesn't seem to have the same positive effect for me anymore - not sure if they have changed their supplier(s) and/or extraction method(s), bit disappointed as I can't seem to find another source of good PS in the UK at the moment.

Hope this helps.


Jan 21, 2020
Amazing, thank you.

I used phosphatidylserine for a very long time (approximately 12 months), initially I was taking 800mg a day (divided doses, 300mg morning, 300mg lunch time, 200mg before bed), it absolutely obliterated cortisol for me at that high dose and it seemed like a saviour to be honest. My workouts were even more amazing and my skin became super clear (used to have breakouts) and smooth. I was taking PS derived from soya, it was from the Myprotein website.

However I recently tried to buy another batch of PS from the Myprotein website and it tastes very different and doesn't seem to have the same positive effect for me anymore - not sure if they have changed their supplier(s) and/or extraction method(s), bit disappointed as I can't seem to find another source of good PS in the UK at the moment.

Hope this helps.
thanks man
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