Amyloid plaque theory of Alzheimers based on fraudulent data

Jan 28, 2016

“The key theory of what causes Alzheimer’s disease may be based on ‘manipulated’ data which has misdirected dementia research for 16 years – potentially wasting billions of pounds – a major investigation suggests.” - Daily Telegraph


Jul 25, 2013
They probably wanted to obscure the more likely cause .... vaccines.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
They probably wanted to obscure the more likely cause .... vaccines.

You make no sense, the republicans have been taking billions of dollars from the elites for 50 years. You can’t be this dumb. When are people going to wake a realize the same people from Wall Street , big pharma, military industrial complex , and big tech are donating to both democratic and republicans candidates. This ***t we see between democratic politicians and republicans politicians is for show. I bet you think WWE is real. Lol

This is why America is turning into a crap country because republicans think republicans politicians are on their side and democrats are evil. And democrats think democratic politicians are on their side and republicans are evil.

It’s pretty sad to see people on this forum not be able to see through it. They are on the same team. Like George Carlin said it’s a big club and you ain’t in it.

This is a ruse to start a civil war, they are all in on it, they are trying every trick in the book now to collapse nation states, expect more "intentional" lunacy from all western governments going forward, it's a ruling class war on western nations.
Build back better requires destruction first and a lower population, war, famine, pestilence and disease.

Idiots in journalism and power support this fascism, they are taking massive risks, there is bound to be collateral damage and loss of life for them, the lower downs with no yachts mainly.

I have this odd feeling Desantis is going to be next president but not before this country falls apart - he's been in the news too often and elon has been hyping him up lately - birds of a feather flock together

I think the push in the Fall will be person by person "vax deniers" get dealt with. Retraining at one of the 80 fully stocked fully staffed FEMA camps. Australia was just a warmup. They will put us on our knees in pain with a flick of the 5G knobs. Used for crowd control in Europe 2012, and in Philly to curfew a historic park rife with violence and drugs---every night at 10pm buzzztt!
DeSantis is in 2nd place right now. I can't read anything on internet that does not look to denigrate Trump. Conclusion: the Left is big time worried he will blow up their plans for a world govt and even the GOP's good old boy deals.
Really hope the People can choose the President who have our interests at heart.
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