All My Issues - Need Help


Jun 10, 2020
Is there a particular reason you don’t eat much fruit (according to the diet you listed)? And why low on the salt? Have you tried vitamin D?


Jul 5, 2019
Man , stop this pls. Stop the eggs stop the dairy.Get calcium only from vegetables. I reccomand to you a fruit(pineapples,kiwis,apples,raisins,some clementines and oranges), leafy vegetables,coconuts and dark chocolate and sometimes some lean beef diet. Stop all that hormone ***t,drink only coffee (If You have problems decaffeinated) and supplement with 2g of vitamin c on top of that you get from fruits. Maybe some d-limonene and rarely aspirin and vitamin D.


Dec 15, 2019
I kinda want to start from scratch and lay out all my symptoms (LONG list), as well as my supplements, and diet. I'm just falling further behind and really need help. I'm a male in my mid 30s. Skinny for 32 years of my life, and got uncomfortably fat over my last 3.

Right now, here are the things I am currently experiencing:

Severe fatigue daily
Headaches 2-3 weekly
I've gotten fat. I feel it and look swollen. I need to lose about 25 pounds
Hurt feet
Shin splints that won't go away
Bad hips
Groin hernias
Slow digestion
Constipated and hemorrhoids that never subside
Very painful teeth and gums
Constant reoccurring cavities
Very dry hair
Very dry skin
Stiff neck
Constant fight or flight. My body is always extremely tense like I am clinging on for dear life
Motion sickness
Extreme intolerance to absolutely any activity
Chronic clearing of throat that is always agitated
Heartburn often
Chronic nose clogged that makes it impossible to nose breathe
Heart flutters daily
Always losing breath
Horrible bags under my eyes

I could honestly keep going on, but I think you get the drift. I'm so miserable day in and day out. I go to sleep and never want to wake.

Here are the supplements:

Low dose of pregnenolone 1-2x weekly
Low dose of progesterone 4-5x weekly
I nibble small amounts of thyroid 3x daily
300-600 mg aspirin daily
Vit k when taking aspirin
Cyprophetadine 2x weekly (1mg)
I laid out in the sun damn near all summer

My diet is sporadic, but currently:
Lots of milk
Carrots daily
Occasionally eggs
Beef, chicken
Occasionally potatoes
Masa harina
Occasionally oysters
Caffeine free coke

Not alot of salt.

I dont really exercise at all, many days under 2k steps. This is because of how sore I am and unmotivated. I like to bowl, but even that hurts the heck out of me.

Sex drive is still high although its hard to climax with my partner, and stay erect strongly.

I'll update this list as I think of stuff.
I hope you feel better soon. I haven’t seen liver or fruit on your list, nutritional Vitamin C, B vitamins supplement... I think the cyproheptadine may have something to do with it, I know it’s meant to help your symptoms. I’m a person who doesn’t find it helpful and I’ve read here before that it messes with your dopamine release or receptors over time. How about including other seafood? I minimize chicken consumption for PUFA and generally chicken is not the healthiest of meats given modern ways of production and distribution.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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