Adrenaline, adrenaline and more freaking adrenaline


Nov 20, 2014
I have three specific questions regarding adrenaline - (1) adrenaline and exercise for stress relief, (2) adrenaline and sex, (3) adrenaline and carbs

1) Exercise
I believe now that there were 2 things that I changed that sent me over the edge a few years ago in regards to health. I went from paleo (which I believe put me on the bad path) to low carb and I also stopped exercising. Within a couple of week of those 2 changes my sleep went to hell and every day totally sucked. I've had several times since where I started working out again but it hasn't really seemed to help with the stress relief or the working out seemed to make it worse. Before things got bad I was crossfitting faithfully which now I see also wasn't good. Now it seems like sometimes the least little bit of exercise sends my heart racing. Sometimes just getting up from a sitting position and walking across the room causes my heart to pound wildly.

I believe that some rigorous exercise seems to help relieve stress but I'm not sure how to go about this. If any of you have been in a similar situation what kinds of exercise have you found helpful.

2) For several years now I've had this problem where about half the time after sex in the evening I have a really hard time going to sleep. Actually sometimes within minutes I'll dose off but then I'll wake up and can't go back to sleep for a couple hours. But half the time I don't seem to have this problem.

I'm sure that it's adrenaline but I don't understand why I only seem to have the problem about half the time. And why can I fall asleep for about 10 - 20 minutes right after for about 10 to 20 minutes.

3) Trying to figure out carbs and sugar and how I seem to get an adrenaline response. When I first came across peat and started doing more simple carbs like fruit and sugary foods I seemed to start urinating a lot even with protein and some fat. So I tried mixing in some starches like pancakes or oats or something with the sugar which definitely seems to help with the frequent urination but within and hour I start feeling jittery and anxious and my pulse will be all over the place. This jittery feeling after sugar and starch mostly seems to be a response in the morning.

I assume the problem is the starches because I remember several years ago I would get up early and have a cup of black coffee and go workout without any food. After working out I would have a protein shake and some oatmeal with some kind of simple carb and I felt very similar and ended up blaming the problem on carbs in general

Another thing is that starch really help to keep my temperature up throughout the day.

I'm eating a ton of simple sugars throughout the day which is why these adrenaline responses are so complexing to me

If it bears any weight for supplements I'm using aspirin, niacinamide, K2, biotin. I'm also on 3 grains of NDT.

Thank you for any insight any of you have.
Sep 1, 2015
I've recently figured out how to tackle the sleeping issue largely..Further experimentation is needed for my solution.

For now, simple explanation for sleep :
You need energy to have good sleep (in that case, energy = glucose = food you ate/glycogen you stored throughout the day)
Liver + Thyroid needs to be good for you to synthesize good amount of glycogen naturally (plus enough sugar intake)
Taking supplements like niacinamide/aspirin/thyroid will burn through your sugar like no one else (since both niacinamide and aspirin inhibit release of free fatty acid into blood stream)
On top of that, you exercise (burn sugar)
You have sex (burn sugar)

In result, you deprive yourself of sugar, deprive your glycogen stores, end up getting adrenaline (since the body wakes you up with it to scream "hey, i'm STARVING")

So, look for ways to improve glycogen storage, which there are several threads on the forum that talks about this. Increase fructose intake as well as decrease calorie burning activities may help. Increasing fructose intake especially before bed may help. If you wake up in the middle of the night taking some more fructose rich liquid/food may help as well.

Just my most recent understandings, i'm quite new to this glycogen thing as well.


Nov 20, 2014
knockinondoors said:
post 110231 I've recently figured out how to tackle the sleeping issue largely..Further experimentation is needed for my solution.

For now, simple explanation for sleep :
You need energy to have good sleep (in that case, energy = glucose = food you ate/glycogen you stored throughout the day)
Liver + Thyroid needs to be good for you to synthesize good amount of glycogen naturally (plus enough sugar intake)
Taking supplements like niacinamide/aspirin/thyroid will burn through your sugar like no one else (since both niacinamide and aspirin inhibit release of free fatty acid into blood stream)
On top of that, you exercise (burn sugar)
You have sex (burn sugar)

In result, you deprive yourself of sugar, deprive your glycogen stores, end up getting adrenaline (since the body wakes you up with it to scream "hey, i'm STARVING")

So, look for ways to improve glycogen storage, which there are several threads on the forum that talks about this. Increase fructose intake as well as decrease calorie burning activities may help. Increasing fructose intake especially before bed may help. If you wake up in the middle of the night taking some more fructose rich liquid/food may help as well.

Just my most recent understandings, i'm quite new to this glycogen thing as well.

Right and that's obviously why I'm making the post, because even though I'm eating a ton of sugar including fructose I'm struggling with these.

I only recently added those supplements at the suggestion of another poster

And just the other night about an hr before bed I had some yogurt with a very ripe banana and a ton of sugar mixed in. And with no sex I had trouble falling asleep and also woke up about 4 hrs after falling asleep.
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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
In addition to knockinondoors helpful reply I just wanted to add that for many of us here coming from a low carb background it seems to take a bit of time for the body to adjust to eating more carbs.

Your job just by the nature of it requires a constant readiness for emergency situations. So you are either waiting for an emergency, handling an emergency or recovering from dealing with an emergency. This is living off adrenaline at it's finest and I'm speaking from personal experience not trying to be funny. I think in certain types of work we can easily get stuck in an adrenaline pattern.

There are some ideas discussed on the forum for lowering adrenaline. Two that come to mind that might be worth reading about are taurine and clonidine. I also find meditation helpful.


Nov 20, 2014
Blossom said:
post 110267 In addition to knockinondoors helpful reply I just wanted to add that for many of us here coming from a low carb background it seems to take a bit of time for the body to adjust to eating more carbs.

Your job just by the nature of it requires a constant readiness for emergency situations. So you are either waiting for an emergency, handling an emergency or recovering from dealing with an emergency. This is living off adrenaline at it's finest and I'm speaking from personal experience not trying to be funny. I think in certain types of work we can easily get stuck in an adrenaline pattern.

There are some ideas discussed on the forum for lowering adrenaline. Two that come to mind that might be worth reading about are taurine and clonidine. I also find meditation helpful.

Thank you Blossom, I'll look into the taurine.

My blood pressure is already on the lower end so I think Clonidine is out of the question
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