Abandoning the Ray Peat Diet


Jan 22, 2013
once you begin going on the real journey of life, and make progress, you just have to eventually realize people sometimes aren't open to things and are obsessed with not saying or doing anything antisocial to their group, so will just remain as is and be mainstream current. The thing is, that is kind of a sad sick place these days. If you start getting real, people either get defensive, ignore and put off, or actually listen. Id say the majority fit into the first 2 categories. Even when I am physical proof or have proof, live proof, the social fear of some people is so strong nothing seems to be able to overcome it. The point im trying to make is...that article such saturation posted...its to be expected. The amount of that kind of thing ive had to overcome, or realize was junk...over these past few years of my real growth, which started before even knowing about Peat, is astounding. Ive had people come at me and talk ***t and stuff when I first started making huge leaps because I didn't realize how to manage that energy, and tried to share it too openly and enthusiastically, I now realize theres a very fine art to the whole thing. Those who desire real and truth, are led to it, and actually vibe with it so they receive it...those that aren't dedicated to real and truth cant even conceive of the other side, and so theres no point in having what they say or do effect you, the proof is in the pudding. Just stay back, stay you, and don't worry about it. Interact with real people. Basically put first priority on becoming really good yourself, then you can easily defend or let slip off allllllll the other 99% of people and things that are essentially just a quagmire in life
but always stay open, give people the benefit of the doubt initially, of course...just see how they receive stuff and then decide how to proceed


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
That's beautifully said. When you know what you are doing is right for you, in the moment, there is just no reason or desire to try to force something upon or convince anyone of anything.
It's perfect to just let things unfold as they will. That's how I've been feeling lately anyway. One year ago I couldn't have imagined such a peacefulness.
Nov 26, 2013
"Expect poison from the standing water" and you got to feel the benefit of coalescing with another and reaching a common energy level, wherever that lies. Whatever happens, you meet the person again and they will be changed. When you see a learning desire so humble, you can't help learning yourself, however patronizing you might be you will become a bit less, for such an open mind you didn't think could exist, nor its existence you can explain.

"I must Create a System. or be enslav'd by another Mans I will not Reason & Compare: my business is to Create"

"He alone is good, who, though possessed of energy, prefers virtue, with the appearance of weakness, to the invitation of acting brilliantly ill.

Noble But Mark Active Evil is better than Passive Good."

"We have so many moving parts to humanity, how do we come up with solutions and ways of thinking about our evolution that doesn’t invalidate everyone’s phases of learning and being?

Critical thinking and empiricism work anywhere. Communication works across phases."

Slappy Hands

Oct 24, 2014
leo said:
Such Saturation: you remind me of why I left this forum last year. I don't know, maybe it's me,,but I find the young men here very confrontational. If you hear nervous condescending laughter all the time, I feel for you. That is a sign of paranoia.

My curiosity got the better of me when I saw the Abandoning the Peat Diet and that is the only reason I read and posted. Will say goodbye again ha. Good luck to all!

It's all the raging testosterone! To stop myself from abusing people online/in the street, I spend 5 mins a day bashing a frying pan into submission with my face :D

Here...this may be the missing link in the RP chain. You stumbled onto it too!


Do whatever reduces stress!
Nov 26, 2013
Leo is gone mate. Let's wish him a happy and paleo-free journey :pray


Jul 26, 2012
Los Angeles
I'm still peatin for the most part :)


Feb 7, 2013
cliff said:
I'm still peatin for the most part :)
Yay cliff :claporange
Nice to see you!


Feb 7, 2013
Such_Saturation said:
Leo is gone mate. Let's wish him a happy and paleo-free journey :pray
Leo is a she. She has said she is a menopausal woman.

Truly listening and hearing what others are saying is such a lost art in this bizarre world.
I also hear you Peata and what you are experiencing. Have you written to Ray?


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Peata said:
I try not to talk about my weight gain here more than necessary, partly because my dismay over it doesn't fit with what most everyone here seems to say. I am a 41 year old woman who is not trying to fit into any vanity size or ideal weight from my high school years or any such thing. I'm concerned first about my health. I am not someone who was malnourished before Peat. I was actually 5 - 7# over my normal healthy weight range. I was not stressed about that. But last winter I started gaining and was unable to stop. I thought it was any number of things, and experimented all year with various tweaks. Eating "more Peaty", at various times watching fat, calories, protein, fiber, etc. etc. Not all at once but trying many things. I got my weight to stabilize at more than 30# overweight. That was probably in May. I tried to accept the new bigger me, even though my clothes weren't fitting well, I started getting apnea and other breathing issues, worried about blood sugar, had cellulite, and no tweaks to diet or exercise budged a pound. Not one pound. I eat healthy, nourishing foods. Even at this overweight condition, I accepted it as much as I could (had to since I couldn't lose one pound), but I felt sorry for my body. I know my body, and I know this weight isn't right for it, or healthy. It's very much insulin resistance that medication, diet exercise and all the Peat stuff in the world will not touch. And in fact I started to gain again last week (edit: due to Cypro, which I address in another post).

Thankfully I have a new angle to explore -a sort of epipheny a couple days ago, so hopefully I can see some results and post about it later.

Peata, thanks for posting this. It addresses an issue that MOST males on here will not understand - being a woman and experiencing the estrogen weight gain (or maybe it's a combo of estrogen & insulin resistance?) is very very frustrating and all the progesterone dosing in the world will not stop it. However, I did hear an interesting story from Dewitt on Peatarian - he mentioned his mom was having estrogen weight gain and it was stopped by intramuscular injections of progesterone..... unfortunately, he said a doctor friend helped them out. Otherwise, you can only get this from a fertility clinic and they use veggie oils as a carrier for progesterone here in the US (which Dewitt said in Germany, they use MCT's).

Anyhow, this diet/lifestyle approach doesn't solve everything - especially for women. I am taking a grain of Cynoplus, was using heavy doses of progesterone, stopped intense exercise, and have been taking a myriad of other supplements on top of a decent diet and I still cannot menstruate and really have to watch the weight so that I don't put it on around the middle. And I'm only 32. Granted, I've always been super sensitive about my weight and I'm not overweight now, but the feeling of not being able to curb the estrogen is very very frustrating.

However, when I look at where I was and how I have progressed, I realize I am a better person because of learning of Ray Peat. Literally - the changes in shifting myself out of an extremely stressed state have been profound.


Apr 12, 2014
I suggest yall have a rethink of the endotoxin theory of obesity that has been proposed elsewhere on here.

In my experience, I gained 30 lbs initially peating which, in my optimism, I figured was all muscle. Definitely not. Being a secure male, I didn't really care at all about the fat/weight gain and just shrugged it off. But, I was intrigued, because in my experience, RP diet is THE CURE for everything lol. The weight gain continued by about a lb or 2 a week... What was happening?

In my faith and dedication to everything peat, I had been using GL gelatin for my many months of peating. I had never doubted it until scanning thru the forum led to the possibility of gelatin being an endotoxin. I immediately stopped gelatin to test out this theory.

Mood improved off gelatin; apathy disappeared. I have lost a few pounds, my pants are fitting better and abs are becoming defined now. And people have stopped telling me I'm getting fat from my "cottage cheese" diet haha. I have kept the gelatin out of my diet ($100 in gelatin cans is collecting dust now).

RP himself is a samurai-level badass. But any one man can make slight mistakes, and I believe this recommendation may be one of his. I think haagen dazs ice cream is another mistake, but that's a whole different post. Refinement of the implementation strategies from the people on this forum are PERFECTING what is a set of revolutionary ideas put forth by Ray.

Anyone who abandons this diet is either crazy or being controlled by vampires.


Nov 8, 2014
I have seen a few posts on other forums about people thinking the RP diet is too limiting or they felt tired all the time on it or the fat gain. Usually they just didnt do it right or give it enough time or both. A lot of the time a saw people eating waaaaay to much fat, full fat dairy, ice cream, chocolate bars, eggs, co, etc. yea you will definitely feel tired and gain fat eating that much.

As for me personally, i have stopped eating all animal flesh which i suppose is not exactly a RP diet but i asked him and he basically said vegetarianism os not incompatible with health as long as you eat a few eggs, some dairy, gelatin and especially if you eat bivalves. So that basically what im doing and i feel much better. Animal flesh did nothing for me but give me inflammation and hypo symptoms.


Jun 17, 2014
sm1693 said:
I suggest yall have a rethink of the endotoxin theory of obesity that has been proposed elsewhere on here.

So if I'm reading you correctly, your experience suggests the endotoxin-gelatin powder theory of weight gain is correct.

I'm not sure I want to say RP is completely wrong here, because gelatin powder would be beneficial to someone who has good intestines and doesn't absorb the endotoxin from the gelatin powder. So it would be a good recommendation for them. But you're right, it's wrong as a sort of general recommendation.

My guess is that RP didn't realize that because he has good intestines which don't absorb a lot of endotoxin, and it didn't occur to him that it would be a bad recommendation for people with more permeable intestines.


Nov 8, 2014
Gelatin powder should be absorbed very quickly, why would it make it far enough to become an endotoxin issue?
Nov 26, 2013
Zachs said:
Gelatin powder should be absorbed very quickly, why would it make it far enough to become an endotoxin issue?

Because it contains it.


Nov 8, 2014
Such_Saturation said:
Zachs said:
Gelatin powder should be absorbed very quickly, why would it make it far enough to become an endotoxin issue?

Because it contains it.

Can you point me to the thread that discusses this?
Nov 26, 2013
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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