A Ray Peat yogi


Feb 5, 2015
Hey all,

I've decided to write a daily journal. I am not trying to improve my health but just want to express myself creatively (which indirectly might lead to a better health). I've noticed for myself that hightened creativity is an ultimate absence of seratonin. No regimented thinking, no predictability, no contraction just pure joy, receptiveness and openess. I just used several cool words that I don't know exact meaning and likely spelling ?

Why such name? Well again, I've noticed...? I've noticed that playing around with dietary and lifestyle factors requires close attention. For me persinally it is a mean to create a better team player so to speak. If I feel warmth and joy everybody arounds me benefits. On the opposite, if I just ate a lot of starch mixed with dairy, oh boy ? I add very little value.

All of this became meditative experience. I experienced what best version of me feels like so now it is a matter of keep coming back to such place. At the same time attitude is #1 thing as far as health goes in my experience and I vow to practice it daily. Like a lot of us here I had very bad health at one point and coming out of it cemented such a reference point that no matter how shitty it is given moment it is really ok ha ha. In a way I consider mysel lucky to receive this lesson, albeit I am sure it could of been learnt in much more mellow way ?

As for now my diet is based around milk 2-4l with rest of it being whatever. Whatever means usually what my mother cooks or occassional food I eat with friends.

Milk is such a weird food to me. Last month I had 3 weeks stretch of no dairy probably first time in last 10 years. I definitely experienced increased motivation, significant fat reduction, cognitive function improvement but I also got somewhat erratic, irritable, weaker and couldn't tolerate cold. Other times I had short stints of just milk no starch and that was closest I came to what I imagine "child metabolism" feels like. Just pure spontaneous expression. Too bad it always ends up crashing in 3-4 days ha ha.

That's gonna be it for now. If you happen to stumble upon it, thanks for reading.


Forum Supporter
Oct 30, 2015
Nice. Enjoy your journey of discovery and creativity.


Feb 5, 2015
It's been 4 hours since I woke up and I am yet to have milk. I ate rice, store bought beef and couple eggs. I feel quite light and having insignificant flux of ideas. It feels like I could easily engage with somebody and that would be lively conversation. In comparison to a milk based breakfast, I would feel just relaxed going about my day. Can't figure it out if this contentmen feeling from calcium or opiates. When I drink milk I feel like I will do only what is neccessary and situationally requiring while with very little milk it feels that my creativity is not dormant anymore and urge to live outside predictable patterns is much more active. Go figure! ?

I had couple hundreds gram of buckwheat yesterday. Mixed with date syrup but still tasted like feasting on a clipboard.

Seems that rice is the only starch I can digest now without issues but, man, is it hard to get all nutrients with rice centered diet. I mean talk about complicating ones diet!

For now I will try drinking milk only in a form of lattes and only if I am gonna crave it much and see how much more (if any) joy to life it will bring.


Feb 5, 2015
The other day I had sheep's cheese. After eating high quality dairy products, especially raw, my muscles always feel firm and all I wanna do is to compete, conquer, lead although I am neither athlete nor soldier lol. It is very empowering feeling in a sense that if your life has any postponed actions such bodily state will demand immediate action to resolve it. There is this "no nonsense" attitude which, I am sure, much more preferable than apathy from energetic deficit. Yet it is not "that" ? I used to think this "go get" drive is an expression of testosterone but because it lacks deep relaxation, fun and is very self oriented, I know think it is seratonin + something else. When I drink coffee I want to share, cooperate, connect. When I eat raw dairy all I want is to swing hammer all day in silence and have sex after lol.

Other thing I am doing that has slight net positive result but not optimal also, is a 1 set of bodyweight exercise a day. I am only doing it just to "clean" learned helplessness feel which seems to be my default state. I quickly become melancholic with that spice of "ready to give up'ness". It would be fine but I hate when this state overtakes any conversation. At times when I suppose to share experience with friends I end up being without conversational flow or even worse, silent, not because I don't have what to say but because it feels like I am locked inwardly. Such state also messes with my timing. I end up saying some nonsense or something too late. Potatoes, for example, completely changes my personality in these scenarios. I think it is just stressful outcome from these foods and it keeps me inwardly oriented. Lack of stress for me is always expansion outwards.
So a very minimal training takes away learned helplesness but only "upgrades" to another more subtle state of stress. I will not give up, no matter what, but it is "I am ready to fight, bring it" demeanour. It is still driven by fear (stress). Optimal state for me when lack of fear gives a place to curiosity. Child is not afraid (until he learns it), child is curious.
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