A Cancer Therapy By Max Gerson - Selected Parts


Jul 14, 2016
So I had decided to investigate one of theses Kreb's Cycle enzymes and chose Lactate Dehydrogenase because it converts lactate into pyruvate (by removing two hydrogens.) This enzyme came-to-mind first for two reasons: Methylglyoxal will become lactate through enzymes glyoxylase I & II; lactate it is also found in higher amounts in cancer (Warburg,1956)—the very condition that methylglyoxal is notorius for reversing, also a selective arginine ligand like CO₂.

As you might expect from a dehydrogenase-type enzyme, the cofactor for this one is NAD⁺: Two nucleotides separated by a pyrophosphate bridge. This is usually depicted in the Hawthorn projection, but there are more realistic depictions (see below):

NADH.png click to embiggen

Of course, an enzyme cannot work without its cofactor. This makes the enzyme's cofactor binding region of primary importance. (Enzymes not requiring a cofactor also have catalytic domains which are critical.)

So: As an enzyme of utmost importance both in carbon dioxide formation—by turning lactate into pyruvate (which then releases CO₂ with Breslow's Magic Wand)—and in clearing methylglyoxal-formed lactate, you'd expect this enzyme to have arginines if you can expect anything at all.

This enzyme has not one, and not two, but three—three!

All three arginine side-chains are directly responsible for binding the cofactor NAD⁺ to the enzyme:


Without Arginine¹⁷¹, Arginine¹⁰⁹, and Arginine¹⁰¹—but especially Arginine¹⁰¹—the binding of cofactor seems all but impossible.

You could almost expect that low CO₂ concentrations would activate this enzyme, allowing it to detoxify excess lactate which would surely be found in such a state. With low glycolytic flux, this enzyme should be more active.
  • "Methylglyoxal formation is quantitatively related to glycolysis, representing 0.3% of the total glycolytic flux in S. cerevisiae." ―Ponces–Freire
However, this doesn't appear to be a huge player in metabolism. It has its role, for sure, but it's completely overshadowed by the massive enzymatic rates of the enzymes malate dehydrogenase and fumarate reductase (see below):

table 2.png click to embiggen

Regardless of it's minor role in the Kreb's Cycle, increasing the carbon dioxide concentration led to undetectable activity. That is to say: The enzyme was present, yet not functional (Lamed, 1991). It could have been missing its coenzyme . . . perhaps unable to bind to the arginines (CO₂-occupied?).

Perhaps the methylglyoxal–arginine binding only really becomes a factor in the event of low CO₂, as Ray Peat himself had implied. Perhaps this is why methylglyoxal has no apparent effect on healthy cells, yet always exerts a profound effect on cancer cells? The answer could simply be that the CO₂ concentrations in a healthy cell are high enough to occupy all arginine side-chains, or most of them.
  • "Do all enzymes which have an NAD⁺/NADH cofactor have such arginine binding domains?" ―Travis
Can we assign a role to all amino acid side-chains? The hydrophobic ones would be easy, since they can do little besides increasing increasing hydrophobicity. This highly determines protein shape through water repulsion, as well as through the leucine zipper. You might also expect straight-chain hydrophobic amino acids to influence the binding of non-polar ligands, such as androgens, to their receptors.

Gilbert Ling assigned novel role to gluatmate and aspartate side-chains. He pointed-out the affinity these had for Group IA ions.

The modified γ-carboxyglutamate is indisputably a Ca²⁺-chelator; found in both blood and bone proteins, it can only be formed through the help of vitamin K.

The aromatic, planar, resonant amino acids seem to have a role in conducting biophotons throughout the body.

And arginine: The only amino acid either modified or blocked by two products of glycolysis would seem the one most suitable for sensing glycolytic flux. It could do so by determining which enzyme binds NAD⁺/NADH and which does not; perhaps controlling metabolism in this way.

[1] Adams, Margaret J., et al. "Structure-function relationships in lactate dehydrogenase." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (1973)
[2] Ponces–Freire, Ana Maria J. "In situ analysis of methylglyoxal metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae." FEBS letters (2001)
[3] Samuelov, N. S., et al. "Influence of CO₂–HCO₃ levels and pH on growth, succinate production, and enzyme activities of Anaerobiospirillum succiniciproducens." Applied and Environmental Microbiology (1991)
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Jul 14, 2016
Louis Lange has also noticed the trend, the same thing Thornally had mentioned in one of his articles on glyoxylase I & II.

"At part of a general study on the mode of binding of such ligands to these enzymes, we have found that arginyl residues often serve as the complementary, positively charged recognition sites." ―Lange
"...arginines are critical for substrate binding to Echerichia coli alkaline phosphatase." ―Lange
"Moreover, metabolic regulation of enzyme function by hormones or other means frequently involves interaction with phosphate, cyclic AMP, ATP, their derivatives, or related compounds. Recognition of these anionic ligands might constitute a very important function or arginyl residues in proteins." ―Lange

But he doesn't mention the obvious ones. His omission of CO₂ can probably be understood, as gasses seem to be overlooked in general and it doesn't actually bind covalently; but his omission of methylgloxal is odd considering the following:

"Two specific arignyl reagents, 2,3-butanedione and phenylglyoxal, inactivate the alcohol dehydrogenases from human liver, horse liver, and yeast. These arginyl residues have been identified as components of the NADH binding sides..." ―Lange

Two,3-butanedione is rather similar to methylgloxal. So similar, in fact, that it must be depicted:

methylglyoxal.png click to embiggen

The other inactivator, phenylglyoxal, is similar as well—similar in function, despite having a massive phenyl group attached.

"Protection experiments with a series of coenzyme analogs further indicate these anginyl residues interact, most likely, with the pyrophosphate moiety of the coenzyme." ―Lange

Exactly as depicted above. Arginine seems necessary for binding the pyrophosphate bridge of NADH.
"...arginine-specific, α-dicarbonyl reagents inactivate all three of these dehydrogenases, and loss of activity correlates both with arginine modification and loss of coenzyme binding. These results identify arginyl residues as NADH binding sites in these alcohol dehydrogenases and may bear on the binding of NADH and other nucleotide coenzymes, in general." ―Lange

He fails to mention that methylglyoxal is an "α-dicarbonyl reagent" (see French & Freelander, Koch, Szent-Györgyi, ect.) as well, and is the only one expected to exist within the body. Perhaps he was afraid of the long arm of the AMA? Or perhaps his editor had something to do with this?
  • French, F. A., et al. "Carcinostatic activity of some dicarbonyl compounds and their bis-hydrazones." Acta-Unio Internationalis Contra Cancrum 16 (1960): 614-624.
So apparently, this is one way methylglyoxal works; by lowering the amount of glycolytic enzymes in the hyper-glycolytic cancer cell. You can see many articles speaking in these terms, this paradigm, and more often in the case of methylglyoxal cousin 3-bromopyruvate.
But we already have an α-dicarbonyl compound naturally, called methylglyoxal. This occurs at a steady-state concentrations within the cell. It is produced form triose sugars, threonine, and glycerol and its levels are kept in check by the enzymes glyoxylase I & II. The best way to raise intracellular methylglyoxal levels appears to be through using small glyoxylase I inhibitors (i.e. lapachol, β-lapachone, hinokitiol, baicalein) while taking L-threonine.

The chemist David Stokell agrees with the necessity of having arginine for protein·NADH binding.
"The structure of the CS-NADH complex allows the prediction of a number of hydrogen bonds between NADH and the protein, including nine involving amino acid side chains." ―Stokell
"We used site-directed mutagenesis to prepare variant CS proteins in which each of these was replaced with a non-hydrogen-bonding residue. These variants are listed in Table II, along with the effects of the amino acid substitutions on NADH binding and inhibition." ―Stokell

In citrate synthase, two arginines are found in the NADH-binding region. One is found at position #109, and one at #163 (as counted by Stokell.) You can confirm this here, at uniprot.org, although the sequence they have is shifted by one amino acid—putting the arginines at #110 and #164.

"These three variants, Y145A, R163L, and K167A, all involve residues that are believed to take part in a complex hydrogen bonding network with the pyrophosphate moiety of NADH." ―Stokell

Every single glycolytic enzyme that I've seen has an arginine which forms a hydrogen bond with the pyrophosphate bridge of its cofactor, NADH. These arginines have been shown to be deactivated by α-dicarbonyl compounds (Lange, 1974), which disables its ability to bind NADH. Methylglyoxal would almost surely do such a thing, as it forms adducts with arginine that have been well-characterized.

arginine2.png methylgloxal1.png click to embiggen

From all this you might expect low methylglyoxal levels to be able support extremely high levels of glycolysis—levels so high as to be able to promote carcinogenesis—by allowing glycolytic enzymes to proliferate unchecked. The dicarbonyl is suited to be the natural conjugate of arginine, a molecules selected through evolution to bond NADH in glycolytic enzymes. It wouldn't be a stretch to assume that enodogenous steady-state methylglyoxal levels check hyper-proliferation in this very manner.

For clinic evidence supporting this line of reasoning, you don't have to look very far. There's even epidemiological evidence: There are quite a few studies showing higher glyoxylase I levels—the enzyme which lowers methylglyoxal—in cancer patients.
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Raw pineapples, apples, pears, lychees, dragonfruit, durian, watermelon (seeded), grapes (seeded), blueberries, papaya, raspberries.
What's unique about them that made you exclude the rest?
Transdermal vitamin D₃ (2,000·IU/d)
And how did you arrive on this specific amount?


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Dear Amazoniac

Thank you so much for your thoughts and text extractions, this has been most helpful for me and I appreciate your time and devotion here.
Which Gerson book did you refer to please? I would like to read more of his thoughts as all this is finally beginning to make sense and has implications downwind for some of those with proliferative issues that I care about.

All power to you, many thanks,



  • max-gerson-a-cancer-therapy-results-of-fifty-cases.pdf
    5.8 MB · Views: 77


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
This is from Gerson's book (if I'm not wrong this part was edited later without his consent):

"The Less Intensive Gerson Therapy for Non-Malignant Diseases
(should not be used in the treatment of cancer)"

"First 3 to 4 weeks: no animal proteins whatsoever. Time depends on severity of condition and patient's response.

If water supply is fluoridated, use spring or distilled water for making soup, teas, stewed fruit, etc.

For the preparation of juices, a centrifugal type juicer may be used, although it is not as effective as the press-type. Juice may be made of a combination of carrots, apples, green leaves, etc. instead of making carrot-and-apple juice and green-leaf juice separately.

Breakfast, lunch and dinners: see sample menu, pp. 244. Between meals: juice and fresh fruit as often as possible.

  • 1 tablespoonful of 10% solution of potassium compound*
  • in each glass of juice (6-8 a day)
  • 1 tablet of niacin, 50 mg., three times a day, with meals
  • 2 capsules Vitamin E (made of mixed tocopherols, not acetate)
    • 400 I.U. each, or equivalent, in the morning
  • 1 drop lugol's solution in glass of juice, morning and night
    • (total: 2 drops full strength, or equivalent)
  • 2 tablets Pancreatin, Lilly 1001, three times daily with meals
  • 2 capsules Vitamin A (from fish liver oil), 25,000 units each, or equivalent, at night before retiring
  • 500 mg. Vitamin C twice daily, morning and night
  • Injection of Crude Liver Extract, Lilly 370; 3cc, 3 times a week, intramuscularly
  • 2 tablets defatted, dessicated liver with each meal
  • 4 tablets 3 times daily of brewer's yeast (or 2 rounded tbsp. daily)
  • 2 capsules Acidol (see p. 236a & 246) before each meal
No other medication should be used except for pain relief after enema has been tried first: 1 aspirin, 1 Vitamin C (100 mg.), 1 niacin (50 mg.). This medication no more than 4 times in 24 hours.

Enemas: Two coffee enemas daily, preferably three, after meals (not at bedtime). Take additional coffee enema immediately if in pain or discomfort of any kind.

After 3 to 4 weeks, depending on severity of condition and on patient's reaction, add defatted, plain yogurt, 2 cups daily, or one cup plus 1/2 lb. uncreamed, unsalted cottage cheese. Mix with yogurt and onions, chives, garlic, etc. or mix with fruit, raw or stewed, and honey. If these proteins cause renewed symptoms or disturbances, omit again. Two level tablespoons of bee pollen may be used daily.

Depending on condition, add lean fish, boiled or broiled, after 4 - 6 months. Start with the use of a small portion once a week; add more only if no trouble is noted. If renewed symptoms occur, omit immediately.

An intensive Gerson Therapy is indicated in cases of serious degeneration or intoxication (including previous long term drug usage) such as (pp. 81, 82, 210):
1. intoxication during pregnancy
2. tuberculosis
3. osteoarthritis
4. mental disease & bodily aesthenias
5. spastic conditions, especially angina pectoris
6. asthma
7. malignancies
8. spinal cord degenerative changes"

"we gave the patients large amounts of potassium.12 It took about 300 experiments until I found the right potassium combination. It is a 10% solution of potassium gluconate, potassium phosphate (monobasic), and potassium acetate."
"100 grams (equal parts of each salt) dissolved in approx. 1 quart water."​


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Health Maintenance Guidelines from the Gerson Institute
Dr. Gerson wrote that "people and animals need not only proper diet, but enough movement, light, air, sun and a healthy home."[12] He continued by adding, "The rays of the sun are as necessary as food for plants, animals and people. The sun maintains the progression of life [...]. It is a certain fact that the sun and sunbathing have a hugely beneficial effect on the circulation of blood and perspiration of the skin. Too much sunlight can cause sunburn [...] therefore, one must start the sun baths with short intervals, initially some 5-10 minutes, and allow the sun to shine, alternating, on each side of the body. The earlier we take the sun in the morning, the milder the effect."[13]

Dr. Gerson also commented on exercising, stating, "All people and animals need exercise every day, enough muscle work that the accumulated natural reserves will be processed and discharged. Walking puts the muscles in motion and drives the circulation of the blood and ensures a sufficient breakdown and construction of all organs systems. One must avoid excessive exertion. Nature has given us the feeling of fatigue as a guide, just as with food we have the feeling of satiety. He who has the feeling of satiety should stop eating and he who feels fatigue should rest."[14]

He recommends gymnastics at least in the morning, in a room by an open window for a limited time (briefly, 1⁄4 to 1⁄2 hour) thereby giving the body some of the refreshing effects of an air bath and movement. He also states that for longevity one should move at least one hour a day in the open air. He poetically puts forth—"A hike in the mountains strengthens one’s free outlook, in addition to the body; it yields cheerfulness, peace of mind, and lets us again unfold the simple joys of heart and nature."


Jun 2, 2017
Agreed. Thanks, Amazoniac. Glad to hear a Dr. say it; in generations past this would be said by way of grandma or grandpa, as good common sense.


Jul 14, 2016
I think taurine could be a substitute for the coffee enemas, an amino acid which spares coffee for drinking and also the awkwardness of intubating your ****. Taurine will convert liver cholesterol into taurine-conjugated bile salts, noted for having a higher water solubility than those glycine-conjugated. Taurine has also been shown capable of completely preventing bile stones in multiple high-cholesterol animal-feeding studies, and daily doses of tauroursodeoxycholic acid has been shown capable of dissolving 3 centimetre gallstones within months—in humans. However, were somebody were to gift me a can of Folgers™.. . there would be no other acceptable thing to do with it besides an enema; my outdoor plants get Maxwell House. Charles Manson did not kill Abigail Folger—heir to the Folgers™ coffee empire—for reasons commonly stated (e.g. the Beatles White Album, as a satanic ritual, retribution against Roman Polanski's horrible box office break-through Rosemary's Baby), yet did so in attempt of ridding the world of ***t-tasting coffee.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
As you know, it was very important for a patient to adopt a good mindset before embarking on the program. As you also might know, the choices of many people are often limited by their philosophies. But what perhaps you didn't know is that Gerson used to give "The Talk" when people were admitted.

The patient was asked to wait in a silent waiting room in which every action seemed immoderate. This intimidating set lasted as long as it was required for people to start agitating. After the unnecessary wait, the secretary invited the patient to enter Max's office.

- You may sit please. I can tell that you are tense, but there's no need to. He's about to arrive.

With that reinforcement of anxiety the secretary left.

While the patient was trying his best to familiarize with the environment, this desperate attempt was eliminated by a door that was aggressively shut by none other than Max. The floor was hollow and he made advantage of that by always wearing tap shoes; it was a long and slow walk until his desk, every time the shoes touched the floor, the patient felt an emotional punch. When he was finally close to his desk, he surprised by turning around and extending the consterned reflection. He grabbed the record to finally say his first words:

- You must be.. [censored]. I'm Max, you can call me.. Max. We made sure to cover every known aspect that's capable of recovering health in this program, but first and foremost you have to be willing to live. How bad do you want it?

The scared person felt relief when expression was encouraged. However! As the first words were making their way out, they were held in place by a 'shh' gesture (How to Basic, 2012-18) executed by Max.

- It was rhetorical.

Pause until eyes were frightened, so that he knew that information will fixate:

- Our protocol is indeed restricted but you'll be surprised by how many options we have. We value your intuition but you have to let go of your philosophies, these get in the way of our program and are often misconcepted, sometimes they're even the cause of the trouble. For being a program that was refined over time, everything works together and every component missing might compromise it. When you leave here, you'll face resistance from doctors and even people around you, finding a cooperating person is important, but no amount of support will get you through this if you don't have a reason or don't want to live. You have to believe that it will work as much as we do. By the way, I'm not like this, I'm acting tough to be impacting. Please meditate on these words, see you around. Gerson therapy, a protocol that maximizes your life.

- What about the enem..

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Jul 14, 2016
ACV and taurine! Throw in some glycine for good measure.

I'm not sure, as the tauro-conjugates do appear more effective than glycyl-conjugates. But either way, gelatin or not, a person can reliably prevent and/or dissolve gallstones. These studies I am talking show either prevention or dissolution in 100% of cases, with no exception. Besides capable of dissolving cholesterol–mucin stones in the gallbladder, taurine will also remove a considerable amount of cholesterol from the liver safely. If this is the primary aim of the coffee enema, then taurine could be a more convenient substitute for intubation while presenting less risk from leached plasticizers. After reading about the genesis of the Gerson diet, its early failures, and its subsequent modifications with time, I wouldn't assume there couldn't still be a room for a little improvement. I mean, he doesn't stress the pineapple! [Sound of glass shattering and dog yelping.] A person could, for instance, also use a glyoxylase inhibitor—i.e. baicalein, lapachol, β-lapachone—with threonine to make for a modified Gerson–Koch–Szent-Györgi approach. The Lugol's seems quaint by comparison to the safer potassium iodide, and selenomethionine and γ-tocopherol are quite effective yet weren't known at the time.
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Demystifying Thyroid Supplementation | Dannyroddy.com on Patreon

Max :therethere Broda

From the book:
Thyroid - Dosage (first 3-4 weeks only): 5x 1 grain daily. In the example case on page 235, the dosage was reduced to 3x 1 grain for 8 weeks, then 3x 1/2 grain for 14 weeks. More frequent adjustments by the physician are common (pp. 205, 206, 235, 246, 409). Tachycardia (pulse over 120) may indicate overdosage. Discontinue temporarily during menses.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
- Pernicious Cachexia

"Tumor as protective organ

It is proposed here that carcinogens, deplete a vital substance, inducing a metabolic deficiency that ends in cachexia. In order to survive, the organism mobilizes a protective organ, the tumor, that replenishes the missing substance. During pre-clinical phase of cancer, deficiency is slight and compensated by a minute tumor. With time it gets worse and tumor has to grow more and more in order to make up for the loss, causing pain and secondary damage to vital functions. The patient seeks help and the disease starts its clinical course. When deficiency intensifies, the patient dies in a state of decompensation, known as crisis or relapse.

There is a disease called pernicious anemia that illustrates how a tumor might be protective. It is triggered by a "carcinogen" preventing the entry of vitamin B12 into the body. During its pre-clinical phase, that lasts about two years, the patient is healthy. The clinical phase starts with anemia and "paraneoplasia", known as combined degeneration of the spinal cord and brain. The bone marrow displays "neoplastic" features, e.g., hyperplasia, maturation arrest, and ineffective erythropoiesis, that were regarded in the past as "pseudo-leukemia" (21). These are protective means by the bone marrow that keep the patient alive. With time deficiency deepens more and more until reaching the state of decompensation whereupon the patient dies."​

- Pathogenesis and immunity as conveyed by ethylene and carbonyl groups

"Only a crippled oxidation mechanism is required to permit the entrance, development, and activity of the poisons at the bottom of allergy; and this suppression of oxidation can come about in part by hereditary gene deficiency. But the common catalase destroyers like aluminum, bismuth, hydrogen sulphide, tannin, toxic amides, and other nitrogenous materials originating in a putrid colon and in focal infections, and also the exhaustion of catalase by fatigue and exposure play their part here just as they do in the preparation of the patient for such acute infections as pneumonia and infantile paralysis. In all of the allergies including cancer, the toxic agent is a product of comparatively anaerobic activity, be it produced in a plant, a germ, a spirochete, some virus, or from some metabolite in the body.

The toxic activity may be multiple and persist for years producing various allergic symptoms and tissue changes before an appropriate molecule has absorbed deeply enough into so primitive a structure as the reproductive mechanism to facilitate its acceptor behavior. Thus we often see years of allergic headaches, neuritis, gastric ulcer, psoriasis, arthritis, and the like, before a cancer growth comes. Strangely enough when the growth gets well under way the pre-growth symptoms are lessened in intensity or may disappear altogether, and the growth evidently serves as a detoxicating mechanism so far as these symptoms are concerned. But it, of course, produces other poisons incidental to its lost oxidation capacity, because it permits support to so many toxic organisms. This protective function is secondary to the allergic cell divisions for with increase in the amount of colloidal cell substance; adsorption capacity is increased favoring detoxification of the rest of the body. This factor is also facilitated by the deficiency in divalent cations and a lipoid in water phase of the cancer cell contents, whereby materials gain more ready entrance to the cancer cell than to normal cells. What the cancer cell attempts in part, therefore, is to protect the body, and come back to normal by diluting its contained toxins through multiplication."​


Jan 1, 2013
As you know, it was very important for a patient to adopt a good mindset before embarking on the program. As you also might know, the choices of many people are often limited by their philosophies. But what perhaps you didn't know is that Gerson used to give "The Talk" when people were admitted.

The patient was asked to wait in a silent waiting room in which every action seemed immoderate. This intimidating set lasted as long as it was required for people to start agitating. After the unnecessary wait, the secretary invited the patient to enter Max's office.

- You may sit please. I can tell that you are tense, but there's no need to. He's about to arrive.

With that reinforcement of anxiety the secretary left.

While the patient was trying his best to familiarize with the environment, this desperate attempt was eliminated by a door that was aggressively shut by none other than Max. The floor was hollow and he made advantage of that by always wearing tap shoes; it was a long and slow walk until his desk, every time the shoes touched the floor, the patient felt an emotional punch. When he was finally close to his desk, he surprised by turning around and extending the consterned reflection. He grabbed the record to finally say his first words:

- You must be.. [censored]. I'm Max, you can call me.. Max. We made sure to cover every known aspect that's capable of recovering health in this program, but first and foremost you have to be willing to live. How bad do you want it?

The scared person felt relief when expression was encouraged. However! As the first words were making their way out, they were held in place by a 'shh' gesture (How to Basic, 2012-18) executed by Max.

- It was rhetorical.

Pause until eyes were frightened, so that he knew that information will fixate:

- Our protocol is indeed restricted but you'll be surprised by how many options we have. We value your intuition but you have to let go of your philosophies, these get in the way of our program and are often misconcepted, sometimes they're even the cause of the trouble. For being a program that was refined over time, everything works together and every component missing might compromise it. When you leave here, you'll face resistance from doctors and even people around you, finding a cooperating person is important, but no amount of support will get you through this if you don't have a reason or don't want to live. You have to believe that it will work as much as we do. By the way, I'm not like this, I'm acting tough to be impacting. Please meditate on these words, see you around. Gerson therapy, a protocol that maximizes your life.

- What about the enem..


From where did you get that info ?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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