1-acetyl- LSD, a better LSD-alternative? (aka ALD-52)

Would you want to try 1-ACETYL-LSD/ ALD52 ?

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    Votes: 10 76.9%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • No

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Apr 15, 2020
There is a study where two volunteers ingest 100 mcg of 1P-LSD and within 2 hours only LSD can be detected in the serum, which indicates that all 1P-LSD hydrolyzes in LSD in the Body so any differences are probably not very significant.

In my experience 1P-LSD and LSD are impossible to distinguish in a blind test, the effects are exactly the same, maybe onset is a little different due to pharmacokinetics,
but apart from that they basically induce indistinguishable experiences.

i tried 1P-LSD in many different doses and settings, from microdoses of 4-5 mcg up to 100 mcg,

There are also studies that claim that 1P-LSD possesses only a fraction of the effectiveness or something, I learned from personal experience that this couldn't be further from the truth, 100 mcg was enough to make me trip balls, I was naked in the forest, near a beautiful pond, with friends playing guitar and had an awesome time but 100 mcg is too much for concentrated thought for me, we all tolerated the substance extremely well, my friend that took 200 mcg had so much fun.'

Around 70-75 mcg was the optimal dose for cognitive enhancement, i was also sipping orange juice through out the trip to keep my blood sugar from falling,
it definitely enhanced cognition and induced child like behavior, with playfulness, curiosity and creativity increasing and authoritarianism diminishing.

What people call "hallucinations" are definitely an essential and irreplaceable part of the experience in my opinion, its basically experiencing life through the low serotonin awareness and induction of child like perception that psychedelics manifest.
Mirin tbh


Sep 27, 2018
What people call "hallucinations" are definitely an essential and irreplaceable part of the experience in my opinion, its basically experiencing life through the low serotonin awareness and induction of child like perception that psychedelics manifest.

Yeah, I often think about that when I see babies being pushed around in their strollers. They often have these wide open eyes full of wonder and I just think to myself "man, that little guy is tripping balls".


Jun 22, 2021
Yeah, I often think about that when I see babies being pushed around in their strollers. They often have these wide open eyes full of wonder and I just think to myself "man, that little guy is tripping balls".

Yea, taking LSD (or other psychedelics) is the closest that an adult can get to seeing the world through the eyes of a child. For a short while, you are not perceiving the world through previous experiences.

I always love how interesting things happen to me when I am tripping, which rarely happens normally like:

- Huge thunderstorms and snow storms (they don't happen often where I live)
- Finding an outdoor Shakespeare play with everyone wearing animal masks
- Meeting weird interesting people


Jun 5, 2019
Yeah, I often think about that when I see babies being pushed around in their strollers. They often have these wide open eyes full of wonder and I just think to myself "man, that little guy is tripping balls".
After experiencing psychedelics I can't ever see children the same way as before, I actually observe their behavior from a different perspective now and I even treat them differently, I used to think of children as goofy adult miniatures before, but now I greatly appreciate their unique intelligence and behavior, I almost treat them like tripping friends now, this is probably the reason why they can learn things so fast, while you trip your brain is extremely plastic, it's the perfect state for learning new things, and exploring the world.


Mar 6, 2022
After reviewing studies on the pharmacokinetics of LSD and ALD52 in humans, I came to the conclusion that it is not worth taking more than 125mcg of both substances, since 125mcg of  LSD is ed50 for the 5-ht5 serotonin autoreceptor and ~ ed85 for 5-ht1. Higher dosages will result in significant activation of 5-ht2c. But even at 125mcg of both, we get pretty strong activation of 5-ht6 and (perhaps not in the case of ALD52) 5-ht2b. To avoid activation of the above two receptors, you will have to take no more than 30mcg


Mar 6, 2022
A few days ago I did a post on 2-bromo-LSD as a better LSD alternative .
2-bromo-lsd ,lacks the hallucinogenic effect of LSD ,which might be due to a stronger anti-serotonin effect .
The problem is: it is very hard to get and pretty expensive, plus its illegal .

Today I stumbled upon1-acetyl-LSD ,which is commonly sold as an LSD prodrug. It seems to be the case that it does have slightly different binding affinities to certain receptor and thus might be more or less serotonergic .

As it turns it it might be more anti-serotonergic ! This is what wikipedia says on it:

" The Hallucinogens by Hoffer and Osmond (1967), ALD-52 is listed as having a lower (approximately 1/5) intravenous toxicity (in rabbits), a lower (approximately 1/8) pyretogenic effect, an equal psychological effect in humans, and double the "antiserotonin" effect as compared with LSD.

One account found that there was less visual distortion than with LSD and it seemed to produce less anxiety and tenseness and that it was somewhat less potent"

So Hoffer himself confirms stronger anti-serotonin effects than with LSD.

Coincidentally theres a very recent study that supports the claim that it is less serotonergic/ more anti-serotonergic. Remember a good chunk of it is going to end up as LSD ,so there is going to be hallucinations, but it seems that this is a less serotonergic alternative to LSD .

"1-Acyl-substitution reduced the affinity of LSD for most monoamine receptors, including 5-HT2A sites, by one to two orders of magnitude. Although LSD acts as an agonist at 5-HT2 subtypes, ALD-52, 1P-LSD and 1B-LSD have weak efficacy or act as antagonists in Ca2+-mobilization assays."

From an article :
"The data showed that ALD-52, 1P-LSD, and 1B-LSD were very weak partial agonists at the human 5-HT2A compared to LSD. Interestingly, despite showing comparatively high affinity for 5-HT2B and 5-HT2C, the compounds showed no agonist activity at those receptors. This behavior is in contrast to LSD, which is an agonist at recombinant human 5-HT2B and 5-HT2C receptors."

This means that ALD52 is an antagonist at 5ht2b and c ! Plus a its just a very weak agonist on 5ht2a . Awesome.

Here's a report of guy who says that uses ald52 to get rid of his cluster headaches. Which are probably caused by serotonin .

This study shows that 1-acetyl-LSD, which is ALD52 ,is less potent at elevating brain serotonin and 2-bromo-lsd is actually even less potent at that .

Last but not least ALD52/ 1-acetyl-LSD is legal or at least tolerated in most countries. Which makes it a great legal LSD and 2-bromo-lsd alternative with a stronger anti-serotonin effect .
2-bromo-lsd still seems to be a bit stronger, but for now we have to go with ALD52.


May 27, 2022
Isnt ALD52 also legal ?
At least theres a shop from the Netherlands that sells it. It would be weird if they could sell it but people can't buy it .

But 1P-LSD seems to be pretty similar!
Have you ordered from this site and is it legit?


Feb 26, 2018
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