
  1. haidut

    The Inconvenient Truth About Cancer And Mobile Phones

    This mainstream media article is one of the best reviews on the dangers of EMF exposure and it does a very good job of explaining why this "inconvenient truth" is not more widely known - i.e. deliberate and well-funded propaganda campaign by the wireless industry often involving direct bribing...
  2. haidut

    We Have No Reason To Believe 5G Is Safe

    It is always pleasing to see that a bastion of corrupt, institutionalized science such as the Scientific American is publishing editorials exposing 5G wireless technology for what it is - a known human carcinogen that has also been already causally linked to virtually every chronic health...
  3. haidut

    Neurons In The Brain Communicate Remotely Using EMF Signals

    I know the findings of this study probably won't come as surprise to many forum users but they are nonetheless worth pointing out given their potential for dramatically shifting how medicine views the brain. While Peat has written many times about long range communication between cells that...
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