white tongue

  1. Hans

    From White To Clear: How I Transformed My Tongue In Only 8 Days

    I recently had a bad experience with food poisoning on top of a stressful day. In short, I got some digestive issues, which I was able to fix in no time with this stack. https://men-elite.com/2021/05/14/from-white-to-clear-how-i-transformed-my-tongue-in-only-8-days/
  2. Re.Generate

    Peat Practice - Help Needed With Inflammation And Water Retention

    Hey Ya'll I could do with some help ala inflammation type variety. Male, 35 years old, reasonably lean (12-15ish% bf) - tall! I come from a background, until about a year and a half ago, of many different types of diet practices over the last 15 years or so - lots and lots of reading...
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