vaccine consent

  1. L


    I want to end this discussion by reaching a robust conclusion, hoping this poll will lead to an informative discussion that will help the members of the RPF reach some kind of a general consensus regarding the tetanus vaccination. Suppose a stray dog bit your child, or your child was severely...
  2. A

    Any Nurses/Healthcare Workers on Forum? Advice needed re: vaccination for employment

    I kind of doubt that there are many actual healthcare workers on this forum, but I figured I'd ask anyway. I have the opportunity to train in an allied health profession that would eventually lead to a job in a hospital or private practice. The program is relatively short, the salary is good...
  3. orangeUglad

    Baby and childhood vaccines ADVICE please

    My baby is 8 months old. We don't know what to do as far as childhood's very difficult because they combine almost all of the childhood vaccines together at the visits. You cannot get just one or the other. The reason we are even considering them is because we will be traveling...
  4. K

    I've Never Felt So Alone

    Checking in from Ontario Canada to... rant? Per the title of the thread: I've literally never felt this alone. I'm 25/F, and have been told by my job (online work, small team, not customer facing) if I don't get the vaccine by the end of next month, I'm done. My partner is currently with me in...
  5. miquelangeles

    WHO: The physical presence of the child at the vaccination session, is considered to imply consent

    Considerations regarding consent in vaccinating children and adolescents between 6 and 17 years old page 3
  6. Sitaruîm

    Macron Threatens to Make the Covid Jab Mandatory for Everyone

  7. Sitaruîm

    Immunization Graphs - Do Vaccines Really Stop Disease? This is a great resource, it shows how in the 20th century many of the diseases for which vaccines were adopted were in steep decline already once the vaccine was introduced, suggesting that their decline is NOT...
  8. L

    Vaccine Questions

    In an effort to help combat mis-information (IE the conventional narrative) around these insane vaccines, I've worked on compiling a list of important questions to ask. These are for doctors, healthcare providers, health care systems, etc. - you'll notice the main bulk of this document is...
  9. jay123

    NO VAX! You need to read this! Under federal law, employers and universities cannot legally mandate COVID vaccines because they are unlicensed Emergency Use Authorization products which are, by...
  10. tankasnowgod

    Have you read the COVID 19 Vaccine Consent Form?

    Quick video from Yusef El that get's right to the point- Here is the form he read from Inova- Number 5 would be hilarious if it weren't so potentially tragic. How would someone know if they are...
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