
  1. haidut

    Millennials Will Likely Die Earlier Than Gen X Due To Poor(er) Health

    This study is perhaps the pearl in the crown of at least 20 studies that have come out over the 2-3 years. It finally states what has been abundantly clear from those prior studies in individual diseases. Namely, there are no young / healthy people any more. Both the Generation X (Gen X) and...
  2. haidut

    Millennials Are Sicker Than Previous Generations

    Finally, a study that says what no doctor wants to say publicly - the younger generations are in such a poor health they are far less healthy than their parents were at the same age, and even more so their grandparents. I posted quite a few studies showing the rapidly rising rates of various...
  3. haidut

    Heart Failure Deaths On The Rise In Younger US Adults

    The bad news for younger Americans just keep on coming. In addition to lethal cancers, diabetes, stroke, CVD, infertility, etc now we can add yet another "old man" disease to the list of banes inflicting the "young". The "Young" Have Now Become The Old Heart failure is a condition traditionally...
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