
  1. haidut

    Emulsifiers Found In Most Commercial Foods Cause Brain Tumors, Hemorrhage, And Stroke

    A really interesting study that demonstrates how emulsifiers considered "benign" by the FDA/USDA and present in virtually all commercial food can actually cause quite a bit of damage to health. The study demonstrates that even a low-dose of a common commercial emulsifier Polysorbate 80 (P80)...
  2. haidut

    Pancreatic Cancer Driven By Bacteria/endotoxin; Antibiotics Can Prevent/treat

    I just posted a seminal study showing that possibly ALL autoimmune conditions may be caused by a chronic low-grade infection. This infection stems from a gut bacteria, which has translocated from the gut to the liver/lymphs due to compromised gut barrier and lingers there chronically thus...
  3. haidut

    The Anti-cortisol Mechanism Of Pregnenolone

    One of the recurring arguments on this forum is whether pregnenolone and progesterone (being technically precursor to the glucocorticoids) raise or lower cortisol levels, and whether they have effects opposing or promoting those of the glucocorticoids. The argument advanced by a few people here...
  4. haidut

    Pregnenolone & Progesterone Are Both Agonists Of The Androgen Receptor

    Patients with prostate cancer are often treated with a combination of therapies such as 5-AR inhibitors to reduce production of DHT as well as other enzyme inhibitors to reduce conversion of DHEA into other downstream androgens. From the point of view of mainstream "treatment" for prostate...
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