soft-tissue calcification

  1. Candeias

    Searching best supps/pharma for soft tissue calcification

    Cyproheptadine Cyproheptadine Prevents / Reverses Soft Tissue Calcification "Human equivalent dose was about 12mg daily, duration was just 4 days. Cyproheptadine prevented AND reversed soft tissue calcification by acting as an anti-heparin agent, which is similar to what vitamin K2 does...
  2. haidut

    Exercise causes (and worsens) arterial calcification

    A great new study sent to me by one of my readers. It will more than likely cause a lot of controversy, despite its findings having a very simple explanation. Namely, chronic exercise increases baseline cortisol and over time, cortisol (acting through the aldosterone/mineralocorticoid receptor)...
  3. haidut

    Vitamin E, Anabolic / Catatoxic Steroids, Egg Yolks Stop Soft Tissue Calcification And (maybe) Even

    A great series of studies performed in the 1960s, with Hans Selye spearheading most of the investigations. It is amazing how much was known about human disease and aging, and how much of that knowledge has been so thoroughly forgotten to the point that doctors nowadays have never even heard of...
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