
  1. haidut

    Low salt diet poses a health risk

    The evidence is hard to argue with, and hopefully the FDA will finally change their shortsighted public "health" campaigns to lower sodium in diet. ... 1407964274
  2. I

    Mortons Pickling Salt

    I know this is the salt of choice by 'Peaties', but I wonder if anyone here has had adverse reactions to it?
  3. P

    Salt Or Just Sodium?

    I am only just beginning to be exposed to some of Ray Peat's ideas. He seems to be an advocate of an adequate salt intake. Does he see value in just sodium, or is the chloride essential in his view? For example, could we take sodium bicarbonate and get the same value?
  4. J

    Salt in Canada

    Does anyone know where to order Mortons Canning Salt (or similar brand) online and ship to Canada without paying an arm and a leg in shipping fees?
  5. T

    Salt in Australia

    So I gather that Morton's pickling salt is the best because it has no impurities in it, but haven't heard whether or not it has a favourable sodium content (if that even exists between different salts). In Australia I can't find Morton's and it would cost me seventy dollars just for shipping so...
  6. J

    Vitamin E Supplementation: Effect On Sodium And Vitamin K Requirements?

    Could vitamin E supplementation increase sodium requirements?
  7. haidut

    Low salt intake is associated with poorer health outcomes

    This study gives direct corroboration that sodium intake in the range of 2.5g-5g daily result in much better health than the officially (based on official CDC policy) recommended <2,300mg intake. Most people already eat the higher amounts of sodium, but one likely needs higher doses since peat...
  8. paper_clips43

    Himalayan Black Salt

    Found some interesting info on this website for Himalayan Black Salt. Apparently it is rich in sulfur which leads me to the real reason I am posting this. This excerpt from the website mentions how animal foods are rich in sulfur although are also rich in methionine and cysteine and can shorten...
  9. D

    Ideas On Getting Salt Into The Diet

    Firstly, I am aware of the 'how much salt to go into your diet' thread. This is a different thread. This is a thread of HOW do I get salt into my diet. If adding salt into sugary OJ/creamy milk makes you want to heave, what other options are there? I love salt, but it bears no place in a...
  10. himsahimsa

    Sea Salt = Polution

    The North Sea was used by the Soviets and the Europeans for 50 years as a dumping ground for nuclear waste. They used plain steel drums, like 50 gallon oil drums. The water of the north Sea is polluted by that material. All sea salt is made from near coastal water that is washed into broad flat...
  11. haidut

    Sodium (Salt, Soda, Etc) Acts Like Naltrexone

    Hi all, I have been researching this lately, since I have always wondered why salt is thermogenic. It looks like one of the main reasons is that salt acts like a functional opioid "receptor" antagonist, very similar to naltrexone. As you probably know, all opioid agonists (alcohol, morphine...
  12. J

    Do you consume iodized salt at home?

    Do you consume iodized salt at home? Did you do differently before reading Peat? Do you think iodine's RDA (150 mcg) is correct?
  13. P

    How Do I Know How Much Salt To Add To My Diet?

    My diet is mostly milk, OJ and coffee throughout the day. I will have liver once in a while. I do not like the taste of salt in my drink, so how do I know how much salt to eat? I put salt on my spoon (probably about 1/4tsp), eat that and then down it with some liquid, a few times a day. So I...
  14. I


    Let's talk SALT. Is there anyone here that had health issues disappear when upping their salt intake? If so, could you please elaborate?
  15. A

    Thoughts on mixing baking soda with lemon, lime, vinegar?

    What are your thoughts when it comes to making a drink where you mix baking soda with either lemon juice, lime juice, or vinegar (shooting for a pH of 7)? I am trying to find out of this is harmful or beneficial. My thoughts are that if you mix the baking soda with the acids, all you are left...
  16. F

    Where to get proper salt in Italy/Austria/Germany?

    Well I just stopped eating the unrefined sea salt because I saw heavy metal analyis (and also realized the mafia used the Mediterenean sea for radioactive waste disposal), lead is rearly under 500 ppb, ususaly 1 ppm to 2ppm. In regular store I could not find refined salt withoud sodium...
  17. P

    Eating too much salt?

    Hi, I've been Peating in the last two months and I increased my salt intake drastically. Currently, I'm eating 1 tsp of coarse salt 3 times a day before meals. I just take the coarse salt into my mouth and swallow it with some water. I'm doing this because of edema due to estrogen dominance...
  18. W

    Salt. My Experience With Morton's Canning And Himalayan

    First post here... I recently switched to the peat diet a few months ago. It's been doing wonders for me. I also do bikram yoga, which is an hour and half of yoga in a heated room with high humidity. In the yoga community... himalayan salt is king. I recently came across the recommendation...
  19. S

    how much salt?

    How much extra salt do you add, not including the normal sodium found in your foods.. I mean the salt you actually add I been using 1-3teaspoons of extra salt a day... and I still find my sodium levels are a tad low..... I know some people take florinef due to aldoesterone/renin issues...
  20. P

    Salt, best type to use, acidity

    Hello, I've been using celtic sea salt and this pink bolivian rock salt mostly (and whatever type of salt that happens to be in prebought foods). Also the mineral spring water I drink has some sodium in it (10mg per cup). For months now I've been going back and forth with edema in legs/feet and...
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