
  1. haidut

    Vitamin D, reducing fat oxidation may treat lung fibrosis, COVID-19

    Pulmonary fibrosis, regardless of etiology, is considered invariably a progressive and fatal disease. Despite this official story, behind the scenes several pharma companies are running clinical trials with several anti-fibrotic agents and the results so-far demonstrate that the condition is...
  2. md_a


    I think excess cortisol-aldosterone- mineralocorticoid activation trough angiotensin system are main players in balding by cytokine activation and progressing to fibrosis. Focusing on TGF-β₁, which shuts off the anagen phase of the hair cycle, and 11β-HSD₁ expression should fix to the problem...
  3. haidut

    Low Sodium Diet Increases CVD / Death Regardless Of Person's Blood Pressure

    Another big point in favor of salt and this time the scientists actually provide salient explanation for why the low salt diet was detrimental - i.e. it increases renin, aldosterone and adrenaline. Pretty much what Peat wrote...about 30 years before this study. It also matches well another study...
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