
  1. C

    Heart Disease "Found In 100% Of Kids By Age 10." We All Have Heart Disease? (Video)

    Youtuber Dr. Gregor is a vegan activist and targets high cholesterol as the major factor in vascular disease. His 10 year old video has no breaking news but includes studies worth being aware of imo. Heart Disease Starts In Childhood View:
  2. haidut

    Mitochondrial dysfunction is a major cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD)

    At a first glance, mitochondrial dysfunction (a "functional" problem) has little in common with the build-up of plaque on arterial walls (a "structural" problem). However, as my readers know quite well, structure and function cannot be separated and a functional pathology is perfectly capable...
  3. UG Krishnamurti

    Dietary Ca or Ca/P during inflammation will increase calcification and microcalcification?

    When I am in inflamed state I always felt extremely worse if I drink milk for example. The symptoms I experience were intestinal bleeding (I have Crohn's), extreme scalp hardness, psoriasis getting worse, fatigue, cramping etc. Even just drinking plain mineral water higher in calcium created...
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