
  1. Saphire

    Thyroid and Stomach health issues, need help!

    I need some help, I am going to try and make a long story short, so I will start with most recent. In February I went through some serious stress. It cause some issues in my neck to the point after 2 massage visits, 2 Chiropractor visits and 3 Dr visits I broke down and took prednisone. I had...
  2. J

    TUDCA effect!!! Maybe TMI...

    Holy Jebus, what is happening? I took 1/4 of a 250mg Nutricost TUDCA pill and it flipped my insides out. Due to my ill health and poor gut microbes/SIBO, I could go 4 days without a bowel movement and even after that I would need the assistance of Magnesium oxide or bisglycinate. I took the...
  3. Yonebayashian

    Parasites, Fungi, Bacteria: Nuisance or helpers?

    A growing idea in the nu-nutrition sphere is that parasites and bacteria play an essential role in the selective decomposition of diseased tissue; preferentially leaving healthy tissue alone akin to how predators seek out the diseased members of a herd. Such proponents claim that the harm...
  4. AbundantLifeCor

    Can anyone identify these parasites? (NON graphic)

    Please identify these parasites (links at end) During a juice fast, & about two or three weeks into the Salt C protocol (which is said to work on parasites, let me know if u want the protocol) and being pretty well emptied out of solids. I saw these strange seedlike pods that were grayish/white...
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