
  1. haidut

    Young age, instead of old, is now a risk factor for stroke...even without predisposing conditions

    Just a week or so ago I did a post on the unfolding epidemic of cancer in the young. Just 20 years ago, most cancers were seen in people over 50 years of age and the strongest predictive factor for developing cancer was age itself. That link has now been reversed and the older generations are...
  2. haidut

    Striking Accumulation Of PUFA In Aged Cells

    Peat has written many times about the changes that occur in "aged" cells. Those changes are virtually indistinguishable from the ones that occur in "sick" cells and are characterized by reduced mitochondrial number/size and a shift in lipid composition away from saturated and towards unsaturated...
  3. haidut

    Millennials Will Likely Die Earlier Than Gen X Due To Poor(er) Health

    This study is perhaps the pearl in the crown of at least 20 studies that have come out over the 2-3 years. It finally states what has been abundantly clear from those prior studies in individual diseases. Namely, there are no young / healthy people any more. Both the Generation X (Gen X) and...
  4. haidut

    Poverty Makes People Dumb And Prematurely Old

    A common debate in public policy is whether people slide into poverty because they are stupid or being poor makes people stupid and unable to cope with life. The study below adds some evidence to the latter claim and found that extended poverty (20 years or longer) exposure also causes premature...
  5. haidut

    New Science Blooms After Star Researchers Die

    As the article aptly quotes Max Planck, the running joke in physics for the last 100+ years has always been that science advances "one funeral at a time". However, up until the study below came out this informal statement/knowledge was viewed as little more than the gripe of cynical...
  6. haidut

    If Current Trends Hold, Soon The Entire Population May Become Autistic

    Peat published a newsletter not long ago in which he presented evidence that not only are autism rates rising but the general population is starting to exhibit some signs/symptoms of the condition. I think he called the phenomenon a "generation-wide autism". The study below alarmingly predicts...
  7. haidut

    Deficiency Of Vitamin K Involved In Age-related Disability / Frailty

    A nice study illustrating that vitamin K deficiency may be one of the reasons people become frail with age. Age-relate disability/frailty is one the leading causes of death in the elderly, behind infections and iatrogenic causes. Given the role of vitamin K in the synthesis of osteocalcin and...
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