
  1. haidut

    Policosanol Is Antiviral And A Potent Inducer Of Anti-aging Gene Klotho

    This post is a good complement to the recent ones I did on androgens, estrogens and their opposing effects on the expression of the anti-aging gene Klotho. While I was doing research on that gene, I had a "random" thought pop up in my mind. It is well-known that some Caribbean countries have a...
  2. Mauritio

    The Policosanols Thread

    In his latest interview with danny roddy and @haidut ray peat talked about policosanols beeing best at replacing stores PUFA over time. They start talking about it at about 1:33:00 Now this is an important topic ,yet I haven't found much info on it. Why dont we compile some info here and...
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