
  1. haidut

    All Gut Bacteria Dangerous, Its Endotoxin Drives Liver Cancer; Antibiotics Cure

    As Peat has written many times, there is truly no such thing as “beneficial” gut bacteria as long as they are capable of producing endotoxin (LPS). And since most bacterial species known to colonize the gut can produce LPS when exposed to undigested food or mechanical stimulation (stretching or...
  2. haidut

    A Common Probiotic Strain (lactobacillus) May Cause Lupus

    In one of his articles, Ray briefly mentioned the possible role of lactobacillus strains in the pathology of Lupus. Food-junk and some mystery ailments: Fatigue, Alzheimer's, Colitis, Immunodeficiency. Carrageenan "...The variations in the post-influenza syndromes are very likely influenced by...
  3. haidut

    Soluble Fiber Causes Liver Cancer, Insoluble And Antibiotics Prevent/stop It

    Perhaps one of the most controversial topics in Peat-land is fiber. Over the years he has consistently recommended insoluble fiber, such as found in carrots/mushrooms/bamboo, while recommending explicitly against soluble fiber such as pectin and other fermentable starches. I think in one of his...
  4. haidut

    The Benefits Of Fasting Are Due To Lowering Endotoxin (LPS), Not Less Calories

    As many of you know, the argument for/against fasting has been raging on the forum for several years at this point. While Ray has spoken several times favorably about potentially skipping a meal or two, he has repeatedly said that chronic fasting is not something he recommends due to its...
  5. haidut

    Sterilizing The Gut Restores Insulin Sensitivity By Reducing Fatty Acid Oxidation

    I am posting this study just as an example of how important the role of endotoxin is in insulin resistance and diabetes. Similarly to the human study with aspirin, sterilizing the gut with antibiotics did not reduce the weight in the obese subjects (in this case mice). So, obesity may be a less...
  6. haidut

    Dietary Nitrates Can Cause Mania After Just Two Weeks Of Consumption

    As many forum users already know dietary nitrates are an effective precursor to nitric oxide (NO). NO has been reliably linked to mania in humans, and mania is a known side effect of drugslike Viagra or nitroglycerin, but so far the official claim is that dietary nitrate intake does not cause...
  7. haidut

    Pancreatic Cancer Driven By Bacteria/endotoxin; Antibiotics Can Prevent/treat

    I just posted a seminal study showing that possibly ALL autoimmune conditions may be caused by a chronic low-grade infection. This infection stems from a gut bacteria, which has translocated from the gut to the liver/lymphs due to compromised gut barrier and lingers there chronically thus...
  8. haidut

    Gut Bacteria May Cause ALL Autoimmune Conditions; Antibiotics Can Cure

    Ray has spoken/written at length about the importance of gut bacteria and the endotoxin they produce in virtually all chronic conditions. I posted a number of recent studies confirming the role of endotoxin (and iron) in a number of very serious conditions for which modern medicine claims there...
  9. haidut

    Environment (diet), Not Genetics, Mainly Shapes Gut Bacteria Composition

    As many forum users know, studying the microbiome is the current hot topic in biochemistry and imbalances in the microbiome are used to explain everything from depression, to CVD, to cancer. A major argument advanced in the microbiome analysis field is that genes are the main driver of the...
  10. haidut

    The Brain Damage In Cases Of TBI May Be Partially Driven By Gut Bacteria

    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the most common injuries sustained by soldiers on the battleield, as well as by various athletes (NFL, NHL, major league soccer, etc). Repeated TBI events or even a single TBI of sufficient severity can trigger what is commonly known as chronic traumatic...
  11. haidut

    Fungi / Bacteria, Not Autoimmunity, Cause IBD (Chron's, UC) And IBS

    I posted a study recently that chronic alcohol consumption increases Candida overgrowth in the gut while simultaneously decreasing the number of benign bacteria. Candida Overgrowth Is A Major Factor In (alcoholic) Liver Damage / Cirrhosis Actually, the term "benign bacteria" is wrong as there...
  12. haidut

    Stress Just As Bad As High-PUFA Diet For Your Health

    Most doctors consider stress to be an inescapable fact of daily life, but something that is of concern to only genetically pre-disposed people or ones who have CVD. The official version is that for most people stress does NOT cause adverse health outcomes. However, this house of cards has stated...
  13. haidut

    Gut Dysbiosis May Cause Autism Through Cortisol And Serotonin

    The bad news about cortisol and serotonin just keep on coming. Aside from causing liver cancer and tinnitus, now these two chemicals have also been implicated in autism. Well, the link between serotonin and autism is not new and I posted a few studies in the past showing that serotonin...
  14. haidut

    Endotoxin (LPS) Is The Cause Of Venous Malformations In The Brain (CNS)

    As a former athlete I am keenly aware of the several conditions that are known to have much higher incidence in (even very young) athletes. Aside from cardiac arrest and kidney damage, other conditions with higher incidence in athletes include aneurysms and various other vascular disorders in...
  15. haidut

    Supplementary Choline Raises Risk Of Blood Clots; Aspirin To The Rescue

    Ray has written about the dangers of choline and its close relationship with estrogen. The histamine and acetylcholine receptors are perhaps the two main systems through which estrogen negatively affects the systemic health of the organism. As such, antihistamine and antocholinergic drugs can...
  16. haidut

    Serotonin Production In The Gut Is Fully Controlled By Microbiome

    A year and a half ago I posted about a study which found that serotonin production in the gut depends on the bacteria living in the colon. Serotonin Production (gut) Depends On Bacteria At the time, the study was considered controversial as the role of microbiome in serotonin production was...
  17. haidut

    Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Positively Modulates The Microbiome

    I posted a few studies recently showing that riboflavin has an anti-endotoxin effect and protects from colonic inflammation. Apparently, in addition to its direct effects on the TLR4 receptor, riboflavin is capable of actually changing the microbiome composition when used as a supplement. It...
  18. haidut

    Nitrix Oxide (NO) Is A Likely Cause Of Migraines

    The good thing about this study is that it finally makes the connection between the known neurotoxin NO and the pathology of migraines. The bad thing about this study is that it still refers to NO as a heart-protective chemical and it also tries to blame the elevated levels of NO on specific gut...
  19. haidut

    Changes In Thiamine Levels May Be The First Sign Of Type I Diabetes

    The study is focusing on the fashionable topic of "microbiome analysis", which is most likely a fad that won't lead to any breakthrough cures. However, the important finding of the study is that changes of vitamin B1 (thiamine) levels are involved in the pathogenesis of diabetes. Sudden drop in...
  20. haidut

    Riboflavin As The Next Generation Prebiotic Supplement

    This is a very good study IMO because it highlight that, as Ray has said many times, the microbial balance in the colon depends on the redox state of the organism. So, the solution to microbiome imbalance is probably not to ingest cupsfuls of bacteria but to improve the oxidative state of the...
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