low t3

  1. Drareg

    The Relation Between The Low T3 Syndrome In The Clinical Course Of Myocardial Infarction And Heart F

    Abstract It has been proven that either excess or deficiency of thyroid hormones has harmful influence on the cardiovascular system function. On the other hand, severe systemic conditions like myocardial infarction or severe heart failure may affect thyroid hormones secretion and their...
  2. haidut

    Low Calorie, Low Carb Intake Lowers T3 And Increases RT3

    Perfectly logical findings for those following Peat, but it is nonetheless nice to see even a mainstream "broscience" blog conclude that the only solution to curing the chronic low T3 syndrome is...to eat more and make sure a lot of the food is carbs. Also, it seems that people are also finally...
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