
  1. haidut

    Low-dose Aspirin Blocks Multiple Sclerosis (MS) And Reverses Its Damage

    A few years ago I posted a study showing that 1.2g aspirin daily greatly ameliorated fatigue in MS patients and was considered safe enough even at that high dose to be recommended for daily use. Sunlight And Aspirin Can Treat Multiple Sclerosis (MS) However, those studies did not look at...
  2. haidut

    Aspirin May Prevent / Reduce HIV Infection In Humans

    A few years ago, I posted some studies showing that endotoxin is key in the development of AIDS. Those studies also found that without endotoxin, the HIV poses little risk to (healthy) organisms...
  3. haidut

    Aspirin Can Treat Pre-eclampsia

    Ray has written extensively on the topic of eclampsia and pre-eclampsia and its relationship with hypothyroidism, protein and salt deficiency, and estrogen excess. Currently, there is no treatment for these conditions according to mainstream medicine except for pre-term delivery of the baby...
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