light therapy

  1. Mauritio

    Photobiomodulation and the influence of light on thyroid status

    Photobiomodulation/Photoperiodism and the influence of light on thyroid status Here is a collection of studies showing how the amount of light we receive every day infleunces our body's metabolism. Our bodies anticipate the season by amount of light we get and changes the metabolism...
  2. FitnessMike

    Your incandescent light experience?

  3. bogbody

    Does This Look Like An OK Light Setup?

    I'm just getting started with light therapy and was wondering if anyone could take a look and see if this looks like a decent basic starter setup. Just looking for a basic red light for nighttime and then a bright light for daytime without spending a ton of money. No specific health concerns...
  4. haidut

    Bright Light May Treat Bipolar Disorder With The Same Response Rate As Lithium

    Bipolar disorder is one of the most difficult ones to treat and often requires hospitalization during episodes of acute mania. The god standard of treatment for this disorder is still lithium - a drug that has been in use for more than 100 years. This new study shows that simply getting...
  5. P

    Iron Decreases Adiponectin - Phlebotomy(blood Donation),Manganese,zinc,vitamin D Increasing It

    Adipocyte iron regulates adiponectin and insulin sensitivity. - PubMed - NCBI Iron overload is associated with increased diabetes risk. We therefore investigated the effect of iron on adiponectin, an insulin-sensitizing adipokine that is decreased in diabetic patients. In humans, normal-range...
  6. S

    Light Therapy

    Since there's a lot of talk on here about red/blue light recently and it has been kind of overlooked in the past, I thought I should start a thread about it. Just starting to read up on it and could use some input. I assume the natural sunlight we can find during the summer is something we can...
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