
  1. haidut

    Keto diet linked to higher risk of heart disease (CVD) and stroke

    The controversy over low-carb diets is steadily increasing. While such diets are still all the rage on popular podcasts and blogs, many academic researchers and practicing clinicians have started to distance themselves from the diet and no longer recommend it to their patients due to the...
  2. haidut

    Pregnenolone (P5) improves recovery from stroke

    One of the few direct studies with P5 in-vivo, though that may be changing as I noticed the rate of articles on P5 has been rising over the last 5-6 years. This study used four (4) administrations of P5, at a HED of just 0.3mg/kg, 1, 6, 12, and 18 hours after the (ischemic) stroke was caused...
  3. haidut

    Vitamin E Restores Cardiac Health After Heart Attack

    A great study that gives vitamin E a much deserved exposure in mainstream media. A few years ago, vitamin E was lambasted by the press for failing to prevent prostate cancer and heart attacks. Yet, upon a more careful look, it quickly becomes evident that those trials were handicapped from the...
  4. haidut

    Vitamin D Rapidly Reduces Arterial Stiffness In Humans

    As many of you know arterial stiffness is one of the main signs of CVD and contributes significantly to both elevations of blood pressure (BP) and actual ischemic events in brain/heart. According to official guidelines, arterial stiffness cannot be reversed once it sets in, and the only recourse...
  5. haidut

    CNN: Saturated Fat Does NOT Clog Your Arteries; Stress And Inflammation Do

    I think we will be seeing more and more of these "breaking news" on major news outlets as the house of cards made of PUFA slowly crumbles. The FDA already reversed its official recommendations on cholesterol, but left the policies on saturated fat intact even though the same study on which the...
  6. haidut

    SSRI Drugs Increase Stroke Mortality In People With Diabetes

    The study was done on people with diabetes and the presumption was that it was the diabetes that gave them the stroke, not the SSRI. I, personally, dispute that assumption and think that the SSRI was responsible for both the increased stroke incidence and increased mortality from that stroke, as...
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