
  1. C

    Feedback on my labs: Low Ferritin, Low T4, High Inflammation Markers, etc.

    Hi all I’d love some feedback about my labs in relation to my symptoms, and also suggestions for how I can improve. I’ve included US results from October and European results from Nov 2022. Note: When converted from metric to imperial, there are likely some differences due to an increase of...
  2. haidut

    NSAID drugs, except aspirin, linked to heart failure

    The link between NSAID usage (except aspirin) and heart attacks is not new, but I decided to still post this study due to the fact that it is the first to suggest those non-aspirin NSAID may actually damage the heart themselves rather than cause CVD events indirectly. Notably, once again...
  3. haidut

    Endotoxin (LPS) - a reliable biomarker of cardiovascular disease (CVD)

    It looks like more and more medical groups are waking up to the important role LPS plays in many chronic diseases. In the body, LPS is transported back to the liver for processing/excretion by the so-called lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP) and by measuring serum levels of LBP, one can...
  4. haidut

    PUFA damages mitochondria, blocks mitophagy, leads to heart damage

    I can't get access to the full study text, so the comments I have here are based only on the abstract of the study below. However, even just the abstract is sufficient to demonstrate once again the dangers of PUFA. Despite the study not calling PUFA out directly, it does mention lard as the food...
  5. haidut

    Another "paradox" - glucocorticoids cause inflammation, insulin blocks it

    As many of my readers know, I am not a fan of the ubiquitous usage of both bioidentical and synthetic glucocorticoids (GC) in medicine. Once used only in the most severe cases, some form of GC therapy awaits virtually all patients in a hospital (regardless of condition), and doctors are now...
  6. haidut

    Deliberate self-injury may be driven by systemic inflammation

    This study below is not really discussing metabolic topics, but I though it would be interesting to post just as a reminder of the total scam modern psychiatry is. People prone to the so-called non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) are invariably diagnosed with a plethora of mental disorders and given...
  7. haidut

    COVID-19 is a serotonin-dependent disease

    As the COVID-19 pandemic spread all over the world in early 2020, some of the earliest studies identified serotonin (5-HT) as a culprit in the severity of the disease and proposed using 5-HT antagonists such as cyproheptadine as treatment. Other studies found by accident that the anti-acid drug...
  8. haidut

    Endotoxin (LPS) causes Alzheimer Disease (AD)

    I have made posts on this topic in the past, but it seems this most recent study directly states that endotoxin/LPS is a major cause of AD. All other studies have been either animal models or did not directly implicate LPS. The study below claims to be the first that integrates all available...
  9. haidut

    Aspirin may treat pancreatitis...and other fibrotic conditions

    While most of medicine's attention is focused on acute pancreatitis (AP) since AP is often deadly, rates of chronic pancreatitis (CP) have been rising over the last 2-3 decades and it is now recognized that CP is a "gateway" condition to either liver or pancreatic cancers. Officially, CP has no...
  10. haidut

    Mitochondrial debris (from stress/injury) causes "autoimmune" disease

    After dancing around the issue for the last 10+ years, it looks like medicine is finally ready to admit the obvious. Namely, cellular (and more specifically, mitochondrial) debris created by stress/injury and dumped into the bloodstream causes the (in)famous "flares" that define virtually all...
  11. haidut

    Reductive stress drives pathogenesis and progression of tuberculosis

    I am posting this study b/c it is one of the few I have seen lately demonstrating that even infectious diseases are metabolic in origin. Of course, a pathogen is involved as well, but as it turns out it may not be able to cause an infection by itself. For that to happen, a metabolic dysfunction...
  12. haidut

    Low-dose aspirin may prevent most dementias (even Alzheimer's)

    Over the last couple of months, a few studies came out arguing (again) that aspirin is not worth the risk and that people should stop taking it. It seems that Big Pharma has a schedule of pumping propaganda out every year or so against the main "threats" to its dominance - aspirin, vitamin D...
  13. haidut

    PUFA metabolites may trigger diabetes type I

    Type I diabetes is known as an autoimmune condition. Namely, for some "unknown" reason(s) the beta-cells of the pancreas get attacked by the immune system and over time this leads to their destruction and inability to produce insulin. Of course, no such thing as an "autoimmune" disease exists...
  14. haidut

    Vitamin D can prevent, and even reverse, the cancerization process

    The study is on ovarian cancer but I don't see why its findings won't apply to all other cancers, as the study itself states, especially the ones forming in the abdominal cavity and involving the peritoneum. he study found that vitamin D can actually restore the "cancer" cells back to normal...
  15. UG Krishnamurti

    Dietary Ca or Ca/P during inflammation will increase calcification and microcalcification?

    When I am in inflamed state I always felt extremely worse if I drink milk for example. The symptoms I experience were intestinal bleeding (I have Crohn's), extreme scalp hardness, psoriasis getting worse, fatigue, cramping etc. Even just drinking plain mineral water higher in calcium created...
  16. haidut

    Blocking androgens causes inflammation and prostate disease/cancer

    Yet another study striking directly the incredibly corrupt theory known as the "androgen hypothesis" - i.e. that androgens are the cause of many of the issues aging males experience, especially prostate enlargement (BPH) and/or prostate cancer. For almost a century now, the so-called standard of...
  17. Artynoa

    Allergic eye inflammation sucks.

    Hello! Im Peating now since about 2 Years and improved especially my poor digestion with pro metabolic Food. Im 32, male and since 9 years i have bad eye allergy Problems every time Spring season comes. I have to emphasize that my work requires to drive about 2 hours everyday with my E cooter or...
  18. haidut

    Higher PUFA intake correlated with mental disease

    An epidemiological study, yet still useful IMO since the correlation was maintained across the various levels of PUFA intake - i.e. the higher the PUFA intake the higher the prevalence of a mental disorder such as depression, which suggests a causal link. The link was the strongest in males and...
  19. haidut

    COVID-19 vaccines may cause lifelong autoimmune hepatitis

    This topic was briefly brought up on the last podcast with Danny and Ray. I am sure, by now, everybody has seen the news about the spike in "unexplained" cases of severe hepatitis in children, and the accompanying vigorous denial in MSM that COVID-19 vaccines have anything to do with it...
  20. haidut

    Blocking endotoxin may reverse cognitive decline of aging

    Another study implicating endotoxin (LPS) and its associated receptor (TLR4) in a phenotype of aging considered "normal" by mainstream medicine, though it almost universally progresses into dementia territory with advancing age, to the point where 90%+ of people over 85 have at least moderate...
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