
  1. charlie

    Tracking Software For Temp, Pulse And Nearly Everything Else

    Here is a neat little tool I have been using to check my pulse. Put one hand on your pulse, the other on the spacebar, and tap the spacebar to the beat of your pulse. I am pretty good at it now so it only takes 4 or 5 taps to get a good reading. :dance
  2. M

    Estrogen Dominance - Right Sided Effect?

    I've very curious about the mechanism of estrogen, and if there's any correlation to a "right-sided" effect when there's a case of estrogen dominance. It could be purely chance, but any health issues I've experienced have always occured on my right side. Birth defect in one eye - right eye I...
  3. Bluebell

    Anyone Else Experiencing A Change In State Of Mind?

    I'm feeling like my state of mind or personality has been changing recently, since Peat & improving thyroid. What I've noticed is I seem to be more talkative, louder, talk faster, eat faster, have more motivation, think quicker and feel more resilient. For example if around passive aggression...
  4. Bluebell

    How Many Hrs Sleep Do You Get A Night, & Has It Changed?

    How many hours of sleep do you get a night? And has it changed since starting the Peat diet, and/or since starting thyroid supplement/medication? I used to be able to sleep about 8-9 hours a night, and felt best when I did. Now, since on Peat/thyroid, I am sleeping more like 6-7 hours. I...
  5. J

    How Do You Take Your Temp?

    This is a very simple post but I would like it clearing up. What method dose everyone use to take temperature? Oral, armpit, rectum or ear canal? Maybe there are more methods but these are the most common, or the most common ones I have heard of. I am wondering because they all seem to give...
  6. W

    Motivation. Diet Or Psychological?

    I had a thought this morning... We always talk about how our diet directly affects our motivation. We always say "My diet has been great the past week... i've felt very motivated" or "I ate something "bad"... and i've been very unmotivated." Is motivation the product of a healthy diet/body...
  7. Peata

    Hold The Salmon. Omega 3s Linked To Higher Risk Of Cancer ... ?hpt=hp_c4
  8. J

    What To Do If You Have Appendicitis?

    I think Ray Peat isn't in favor of surgery as first option. What should one do?
  9. D

    Are There Women Here,who Eat 3000Cals. Or More Daily?

    Are there women who eat 3000 or more Calories daily? If so,what do you eat daily also macro-wise and how active are you? (kinda like what has been talked about a lot at 180degrees by various people,to eat at least 3000cals daily)
  10. sladerunner69

    Is Sugar Carcinogenic?

    Fructose promotes cancer growth? Is it hepatotoxic as well? ... 8.abstract
  11. Violet

    Oestrogen Dominance And Thyroid

    Hey guys :) I have Oestrogen Dominance and one of the effects is that it down regulates the thyroid. Does anyone know how high Oestrogen causes this to happen? My T3 is in the lower 20% but it's my T4 that's below the acceptable range.
  12. biggirlkisss

    My Portable Uv Film

    I wanted to share this on here because I don't know if everyone got to see it. It cost me around 30 bucks. Wood was 10 dollars and uv film was 20. You most get one that is very thick. Uv film blocks up to 370nm. Which is some blue and uvb. Will violent but close enough.
  13. Peata

    Outer Third Of Eyebrow Loss - Anyone Reverse It?

    In my early 30s, I probably overplucked my brows, but even so, it's not like I plucked the whole outer-third of the brow away. Yet that part of the right brow went away and never grew back. I didn't know this had anything to do with thyroid. Then by my mid to late 30s, the left brow in the...
  14. Jenn

    RP Email Advice Comment: Wounds

    Regarding wounds: Gelatin is fabulous for an open wound. Clean and apply directly. Wet, if needed. Acts like second skin or nail.
  15. J

    Borderline Personality Disorder And Estrogen

    Estrogen fluctuations, oral contraceptives and borderline personality
  16. D

    Daytime And Nigthtime Persons?

    I wonder if there's any truth in regards to what usually gets referred to as 2types of people earlyrisers/daytime people and on the other side the nigthtime/nigthowl people? Bc currently I have such weird patterns which don't lead to anything. Most days look like this: I usually wake up between...
  17. J

    Metabolism And Professions?

    Is there a study that compares the metabolic rates of people in different professions? The metabolism of mathematicians, against musicians, etc.?
  18. W

    Lunula / Thyroid Function/ General Health

    Hi everyone, I just want to know how many of us here have their lunulas on all of their fingertips? I read the work of a french doctor named Paul Carton who used to treat very ill patients from tuberculosis and he noted that those who were very ill had almost none of their lunulas and when they...
  19. S

    Study About Gut Derived Serotonin's Effect On Metabolism This study would seem to agree with what Ray Peat says about serotonin being a problem at least as far as glucose metabolism.
  20. J

    Burzynski Antineoplaston Therapy/ Relation

    Anyone know about this type of therapy and if ray peat has comment on it. I don't know anything technically but it seems a bit odd. Any comments would be great thank you.
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