
  1. C

    "With hair loss on the rise, Asia’s men grapple with what it means to be bald" (Androgenetic?:)

    With hair loss on the rise, Asia’s men grapple with what it means to be bald
  2. A

    Nystatin Experiences

    Hi everyone, I was speaking to a friend who is Hypothyroid like myself (My TSH is 2.2). She mentioned that her Doctor prescribed her Nystatin tablets due to having yeast issues, and Nystatin was very helpful for her especially with Digestion (less bloating), less hairloss and itching around...
  3. Xemnoraq

    Petition For Idealabs Hair Loss Product

    Ok guys, im gonna keep it nice and short, i doubt this will go anywhere, but who knows, If anyone can crack the code to hair loss i feel like it's Georgi, All other hairloss treatment methods basically only half work with severe side effects that end up basically castrating you, So i...
  4. DeadCatBounce

    What went wrong ? 65 days of continuous hairloss after Progesterone (men), need help

    After reading a bit about progesterone and its ability to remove Estrogen from the cells as well as help with hair/skin and make ones look younger overall, decided to try out and experiment (worst experiment I've ever done so far in my life and I highly regret it). Took 100mgs orally for 4 days...
  5. DeadCatBounce

    Progesterone + DHEA = massive hairloss ? What the hell ?

    Yesterday took Cortinon 3:1 ratio and today I am shedding like crazy ! Took only 2 drops and added a bit of progestene to get to 1:10 ratio. 20mg progesterone , 2mg DHEA. My hair is reacting super badly and got a dozen hairs everytime I get my hand throught my hair. Had a slight shedding last...
  6. E

    Anyone tried the mazzarella 0,005%(Finasteride) study with success?

    Hi guys, Was curious to know if some forum members tried the topical finasteride at 0,005% like in the mazzarella study( that claim no systemic sides over long run. Thanks for your feedback
  7. T

    Leeches seem Peaty

    I'm delving into all things blood and fibrosis...hidurin is the strongest thrombin inhibitor it seems. Interestingly while investigating I found this channel and the woman described other approaches minute 21ish : View: 1. Eating and using orange...
  8. 3

    Anyone receding / mpb / aga and cant touch toes?

    hello, inspired by @rei s comments of hair loss being due to fascial tension i'd love to hear what you guys think. also regarding the fascial tension theory of hair loss: does a females high progesterone inhibit this fascial tension from inducing aga?
  9. B

    Low-dose naltrexone: a novel adjunctive treatment in symptomatic alopecias?

    Abstract Naltrexone is a competitive antagonist of μ, κ and γ opioid receptors, used for treatment of alcoholism and opioid addiction. Low-dose naltrexone (LDN) is defined as daily doses ranging from 1mg to 5mg. This is purported to have a paradoxical effect that leads to an increase in...
  10. B

    I feel so lost - hair loss as a 26 year old (w/ pictures)

    I have been experiencing immense hair loss since May of this year. Both a receding hairline and intense shedding when I run my fingers through my hair. I have implemented everything under the sun from oysters, aspirin, oxtail, raw liver, methyl blue, cutting training, increasing protein, to...
  11. D

    Asprin solution for mpb?

    Hey everybody, Ive been looking for an alternative to minoxidil to combat the stress related hairloss on my temples. I think minoxidil is unhealthy and Aspirin would work in a similar way without the Nitric oxide boost. I'm working on fixing my diet & trying to minimize stress as much as...
  12. C

    Methylene blue makes hair completely white. Why?

    Hi guys, i have noticed something strange. When i use MB directly on my hair (4mg) before shower, keeping it 10 minutes, after 2 days i have some white hair all over my head. And then they start to fall off, all of them. Anyone knows why this happen? Thanks:)
  13. IROM

    Alpecin shampoo: Caffeine, Taurine and Niacinamide (are corporations on to Peating?)

    Just bough this German brand: Alpecin. It contains caffeine, taurine and niacinamide. After a long search for a perfect ready-made shampoo, I may have found it. I was looking in American stores for the longest time and all the caffeine shampoos have garbage like hemp oil or other seed oils...
  14. Inaut

    Nickel - Cause Of Hairloss - Chelator

    I’ve been doing some research on the type of eczema I have (dyshidrotic) and think I have narrowed down the cause of it. I think it’s nickel related.... Recently I started binging on chocolate and it coincided with my eczema and allergy reaction. I’ve also noticed more hair loss during this...
  15. 3

    NLRP3 Inflammasome Cause Of Male Pattern Baldness

    So far I haven't really seen any profound regrowth stories on this forum (eg returning to dense nw1). I think Danny and Ray are correct, though I wonder if someone who has a better understanding of biochemistry than i do could possibly integrate this guys theory into our bioenergetic view...
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