
  1. theantagonist

    Transcript of PMS, PCOS, and Breast Cancer [Generative Energy #17]

    Below a link to a transcript of PMS, PCOS, and Breast Cancer [Generative Energy #17] * It is your responsibility to check if the information in the transcript is correct. There may be errors in the transcript. Enjoy...
  2. theantagonist

    Transcript A Bioenergetic View of Dementia [Generative Energy #20]

    Below a link to a transript of A Bioenergetic View of Dementia [Generative Energy #20] * It is your responsibility to check if the information in the transcript is correct. There may be errors in the transcript. Enjoy...
  3. rothko

    Recommendations for Books on Evolution of Metabolism

    Hello! Im interested in the evolution of metabolic processes. I have found academic books which are focused on the very minute, but nothing that would be useful to me. Does anyone have any recommendations? I was looking at Nick Lane's vital question. Mae-Won Ho? Gerald Pollack? Ling? I am...
  4. Lokzo

    I Interviewed @Haidut On My Podcast

    Listen here:
  5. Lokzo

    An Interview With Haidut (Georgi Dinkov) About PUFA's

    Here's a snippet of my podcast with @haidut ! Full episode will be live here soon: Boost Your Biology
  6. J


    Can Androsterone cause lower testosterone, low libido and infertility? I am taking 5mg of idealabs supplement I have atrocious testosterone levels of under 200 and obese 270lbs
  7. Mauritio

    The Policosanols Thread

    In his latest interview with danny roddy and @haidut ray peat talked about policosanols beeing best at replacing stores PUFA over time. They start talking about it at about 1:33:00 Now this is an important topic ,yet I haven't found much info on it. Why dont we compile some info here and...
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