
  1. haidut

    Forcing The Heart To Burn Glucose Instead Of Fat May Cure Heart Failure

    One of the blockbuster studies I have seen over the last 12 months. It reads as if written by Peat himself and discusses tissue regeneration, Randle cycle, dietary control of metabolism, etc. AFAIK this is the first study brave enough to demonstrate that simply switching fuel types in an...
  2. haidut

    Glucose Is Anabolic For Thymus, Opposes Catabolic Effects Of Cortisol

    As most of my readers know, cortisol is a highly catabolic steroid and one of the main agents (estrogen being another) responsible for thymus atrophy with age. These catabolic effects of cortisol can be blocked by progesterone, DHEA, pregnenolone, and even DHT (but not by testosterone). The...
  3. haidut

    Down Syndrome (DS) Cognitive Handicap Is Due To (cellular) Stress, May Be Reversible

    If there is any disease that is currently considered incurable even in principles, it likely comes from the group of inherited/genetic disorders. Perhaps the most well-known one, due to rapidly rising incidence and thus publicity, is DS. Perhaps its most disabling aspect of DS is the cognitive...
  4. haidut

    Mitochondrial Damage And Fatty Acid Buildup, Not Glucose, May Drive Diabetes

    Finally some common sense is coming out of mainstream medicine. The study below demonstrates that it is the buildup of fatty acid metabolites and mitochondrial damage that drives the chronic inflammation now known to be a major causative factor for diabetes II (T2DM), as well as virtually all...
  5. haidut

    MS Tied To Glucose Deficiency Due To Endotoxin And Fat, Extra Glucose May Treat It

    Just a few days ago I posted the groundbreaking study on metabolic derangement in ALS - i.e. it is a diseased characterized by increased FAO, which wastes glucose. Simply increasing dietary glucose was able to greatly restrain the pathology...
  6. haidut

    ALS Tied To Increased Fat Oxidation (FAO), Increasing Glucose May Treat It

    I made a few posts in the past about ALS characterized by adrenal hyperactivity and suppressed gonadal function, as well as mitochondrial dysfunction and copper deficiency. Also, non-familial ALS is known to occurs 4-5 times more often in active/retired elite athletes. All of these findings...
  7. ecstatichamster

    Inhaled Sugar May Lower Inflammation

    Is sugar the key to treating lung problems? The lung environment controls alveolar macrophage metabolism and responsiveness in type 2 inflammation So type 2 immunity is the characterization of “allergies” Type 2 immunity in tissue repair and fibrosis Type 2 immunity is characterized by the...
  8. haidut

    Cancer Is NOT Addicted To Glucose, As Previously Thought

    Little by little, the lies about cancer told for over 100 years start to fall apart. One of the last strongholds of the "traditional" view on cancer is that it is "addicted" to glucose and eating a high-carb diet fuels tumor growth. Evidence to the contrary has actually been available for...
  9. haidut

    The Anti-cancer Chemical DCA May Treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

    Over the last 2 years, I posted a few studies on the stress-induced origins of CFS as well as some of details about the pathology such as downregulated activity of the enzyme PDH. That enzyme is crucial for proper glucose metabolism and is downregulated in many other conditions, especially...
  10. P

    Glucose Plus Fructose Ingestion For Post-Exercise Recovery—Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts?

    Nutrients. 2017 Apr; 9(4): 344. Published online 2017 Mar 30. doi: 10.3390/nu9040344 PMCID: PMC5409683 PMID: 28358334 Glucose Plus Fructose Ingestion for Post-Exercise Recovery—Greater than the Sum of Its Parts? Abstract Carbohydrate availability in the form of muscle and liver glycogen is...
  11. haidut

    Human Study Confirms Alzheimer As A Metabolic Condition (brain Diabetes)

    Over the last 3 years I posted quite a few studies on Alzheimer disease (AD) and have discussed it at length in the Danny Roddy podcasts. Among the most successful interventions are niacinamide and methylene blue (MB) both of which are in human clinical trials, thyroid and aspirin. Alzheimer...
  12. haidut

    Alzheimer Disease (AD) May Be Simply Diabetes Of The Brain

    I touched upon this topic in one of the Danny Roddy shows we did last year but the evidence since then has continues to accumulate that AD is entirely a metabolic disorders, basically identical to diabetes but focusing on the brain. A recent study found that delirium, an acute form of...
  13. haidut

    Delirium (and Dementia/AD) Is Caused By Inability To Oxidize Glucose

    Ray has written about the metabolic origins of Alzheimer disease (AD) and I posted quite a few studies on the links between AD and PUFA metabolites as well as insulin resistance in the brain. I even mentioned on one of Danny Roddy's shows that there is a proposal by NIH to reclassify AD as...
  14. haidut

    Vitamin B2 (FAD) (not Light) May Control The Circadian Clock

    Hopefully this won't spur another war on words as the previous discussion on the circadian clock. This study found that the coenzyme FAD (a derivative of riboflavin) control the circadian clock in a light-independent manner. To make the matters even more "metabolic" so to speak, the levels of...
  15. W

    Studies On Sucrose And Starch

    Replacement of dietary fat by sucrose or starch: effects on 14 d ad libitum energy intake, energy expenditure and body weight in formerly obese and... - PubMed - NCBI Liquid versus solid carbohydrate: effects on food intake and body weight. - PubMed - NCBI Isocaloric exchange of dietary...
  16. haidut

    Glucose Deprivation In The Brain Is A Causative Factor In Alzheimer's Dieases (AD)

    As the study says, whether lower glucose levels in the brain were the consequence or cause of AD was considered unknown until recently. This is one of the studies that established a causal link between lower blood glucose levels in the brain and the development AD. I wonder if we are going to...
  17. haidut

    Sugar (glucose) Enhances, Not Depletes, Self-control

    If you Google for "sugar self-control" you will see thousands of news articles and blog posts about how sugar consumption depletes our limited resource called self-control. This study found the exact opposite, sugar enhances self-control by signalling environmental richness and (dare I say) good...
  18. haidut

    Pregnenolone For Blood Sugar Control

    It was recently discovered that the so-called TRM3 "receptors" in the pancreatic beta cells can be activated by pregnenolone sulfate (PS) at relatively low concentrations and result in insulin release. This makes pregnenolone a potential tool for keeping blood sugar levels normal and can also...
  19. S

    Macromolecular Mobility Is Dramatically Restricted In Glucose Starvation

    A glucose-starvation response regulates the diffusion of macromolecules
  20. GAF

    Cancer And Glucose (sugar)

    The following is from the MAF & ME facebook group by a lady who is cancer researcher and advocate of Gcmaf . The purpose of this post is to present an example anti-sugar side of the debate and ask the Forum members to present their scientific views on the topic. The question for the Forum is...
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