
  1. haidut

    Most cancers overproduce cortisol, and it accelerates their growth

    This post is right on the heels of the one I just did on cortisol stimulating its own production and driving cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, etc. The study below demonstrates that most tumor types known to medicine overexpress the rate-limiting enzyme for cortisol synthesis known as...
  2. haidut

    Another "paradox" - elevated cortisol, from high-fat diet, increases inflammation

    Over the last year or so I posted about several studies demonstrating that even short-term usage of glucocorticoids may be a double-edged sword. Namely, while it is beyond doubt that, acutely, glucocorticoids suppress inflammation, those studies demonstrated that the glucocorticoids upregulated...
  3. haidut

    Androgens, glucocorticoids are antagonistic - former inhibit, latter promote fat gain

    As most of my readers know, androgenic steroids are considered extremely dangerous by medicine and are in fact outlawed in most "developed" countries. Aside from the (in)famous "roid rage", medicine claims that a large number of chronic conditions (spanning the spectrum from cosmetic to...
  4. Mauritio

    Thyroid hormone increases anti-oxidant enzymes, glucocorticoids lower them

    In this study they looked at the influence of certain hormones (thyroid hormone, insulin and glucocorticoids) on certain anti-oxidant enzymes (SOD, catalase, glutathione peroxidase). They showed that thyroid increased catalase and superoxide dismutase, while glucocorticoids lower them...
  5. haidut

    Another "paradox" - glucocorticoids cause inflammation, insulin blocks it

    As many of my readers know, I am not a fan of the ubiquitous usage of both bioidentical and synthetic glucocorticoids (GC) in medicine. Once used only in the most severe cases, some form of GC therapy awaits virtually all patients in a hospital (regardless of condition), and doctors are now...
  6. haidut

    DHT as anti-inflammatory as cortisol, but without the side effects

    As most of my readers know, glucocorticoids (synthetic or bioidentical) are widely used clinically and there is hardly a chronic conditions for which they are not prescribed even if only for managing brief "acute exacerbations". Despite mainstream medicine doing everything it can to conceal the...
  7. haidut

    Cortisol causes fatty liver (as well as obesity, diabetes, etc)

    Not really a surprise for most of my readers, but it is always nice to see more evidence establishing various disorders attributed to "gluttony", "weak will", "addiction", etc as actual endocrine disturbances. And since the current study implicates cortisol, we can point the finger once again at...
  8. haidut

    Glucocorticoids may increase inflammation in the long run

    Glucocorticoids (both bioidentical and synthetic) are some of the most widely used drugs in the clinical setting, as well as in outpatient treatment for all sorts of ailments - i.e. autoimmune conditions, joint pain, post-operative inflammation, asthma, and even infectious diseases such as...
  9. haidut

    Cortisol may drive COVID-19 mortality

    The reason I decided to do a post on this study is that over the last several months, various public health authority bodies around the world have adopted "treatment protocols" for COVID-19 hospitalized patients, and virtually all such protocols contain a potent synthetic glucocorticoid such as...
  10. haidut

    Fasting ups estrogen & cortisol, decimates vitamin D, may cause diabetes

    A really interesting study, which will likely generate more than a few hateful emails for my Inbox :): Anyways, as the study demonstrates, fasting achieves these negative effects due to the elevated fatty acids working through PPAR activator PGC-1α, to activate both the estrogen receptor (ER)...
  11. haidut

    Vitamin D is anti-catabolic / anabolic, protects liver from cortisol injury

    In a recent post of mine I discussed the effects of cortisol on various aminotransferases (especially TAT), their role as biomarkers of catabolism, and how inhibitors of said aminotransferases have a potent anti-catabolic / anabolic effects. In that same post, I also described how cortisol (a...
  12. haidut

    Cheating Is Driven By Cortisol, Not Testosterone

    The topic of macho behavior and its apparent mediator testosterone has been studies every since steroids were discovered. The mainstream dogma states that high testosterone drives cheating behavior (especially of males) as some sort of dominance-asserting behavior of genetically superior...
  13. haidut

    Cortisol (stress) Directly Causes Depression

    I have posted quite a few threads/posts on the role of stress as perhaps the main cause of depression and other mental disorders. Officially, psychiatry claims that no environmental factor is known to be a direct cause of depression and that depression is a “complex” mix of genetic...
  14. haidut

    Cortisol Therapy Makes Cancer Resistant To Treatment

    As many forum users probably know, glucocorticoid treatment is one of the main lines of therapies in cancer. It is considered highly beneficial due to reducing inflammation and swelling/pain in inflamed/cancerous tissue. However, recent studies have shown that immune dysfunction is perhaps the...
  15. haidut

    PUFA Enhance Glucocorticoid (cortisol) Signalling

    I posted some studied in the past on the estrogenic and pro-cortisol effects of PUFA, as well as the pro-androgen effects of SFA. One of those studies showed that PUFA increases cortisol synthesis even in the absence of ACTH, which suggests that they may have pituitary hormonal-like effects...
  16. haidut

    6-keto P4 - Liquid 6-ketoprogesterone For Lab/R&D

    As many forum users know, preventing tissue destruction as a result of hypothyroidism and stress is one of the main topics the pro-metabolic approach focuses on. While tissue catabolism can be drive by a number of mediators working in tandem, the main catabolic steriod in the human organism is...
  17. haidut

    Biomarkers Of Muscle And Liver Insulin Resistance

    I am posting this study mostly as a heads-up for @Dan Wich and his website for lab test comparison. I know quite a few people here struggle with insulin resistance but the doctors do not know how to test for it beyond the simple fasting blood glucose (which is unreliable and easily skewed by...
  18. haidut

    Successful Antidepressant Drugs Are Glucocorticoid Antagonists

    Peat was asked a few times about his opinion on SSRI drugs and he said that 1) he does not recommend them because they are systemically serotonergic, and 2) their mechanism of action is really not what big pharma would have us believe. Since then, SSRI drugs that have been shown to actually work...
  19. haidut

    Exercise + Fasting Is Stress, Causes Obesity And IR, And Requires Cortisol Blockade To Reverse

    I think this thread will ring true for all people who at some in their lives exercised in order to lose weight. Just like fasting, it works great in younger age (<30) but it really masks a bigger metabolic problem and of course badly backfired in the long run. Exercise is a forced/stressed...
  20. haidut

    Structural Requirements For An Optimal Anti-Catabolic Steroid

    This post will be a bit long, but I hope it is worth it. I think @Jsaute21 and @dand will find it highly interesting but the information here applies just as much to females wishing to preserve lean tissue and prevent the catabolism that often occurs with aging. Here we go. Lately, I have been...
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