
  1. haidut

    All Steroids (not Just Unbound/free Ones) Are Bioavailable

    One of the recurring points of contention in Peat's writings that I have not seen addressed yet is his comment on total vs. free hormones and the relevance this has for common blood tests for thyroid and sex hormones. The mainstream medical claim is that only free hormones are capable of...
  2. haidut

    The Anabolic Effects Of Pregnenolone

    I posted a few studies showing pregnenolone has anti-cortisol and anti-estrogen effects, which make it anti-catabolic by definition. However, older studies referred to pregnenolone as an anabolic steroid and some of them examined its anabolic effects. While pregnenolone was not as potent as...
  3. haidut

    The Trophic Effects Of Androsterone

    As I mentioned in a few past threads, androsterone was studied intensively in the first half of the 20th century and one of the reasons was its functional similarity to thyroid. In addition to its hypocholesterolemic effect androsterone was also found to be highly trophic to a number of organs...
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