
  1. P

    Progesterone Suppresses GAD enzyme MRNA (If progesterone excites you, it may be glutamate)

    Progesterone increases glutamate in the brain via blocking GAD enzyme Progesterone increases glutamate in the brain via blocking GAD enzyme activity, this can lead to overexcitation and depression via glutamate excess. From the start the use of Progesterone felt bad to me and I knew it was...
  2. haidut

    Energy Deficiency Due To Stress Causes Anxiety, Panic Disorders, And Subbordination

    This is a great study on so many levels. First, it directly demonstrates that chronic stress leads to mitochondrial dysfunction and reduced oxidative phosphorylation. Second, it demonstrates that glucocorticoids (cortisol) are a direct cause of this energy production downregulation. Third, it...
  3. haidut

    Stress And Learned Helplessness May Be The Main Cause Of Dementia

    A great study showing that controlling for factors such as sex, marital status, lower educational level, lifestyle factors, existing chronic and acute disease, substance abuse, etc did NOT change dementia risk. The only thing that correlated (likely causatively) with risk of dementia (e.g...
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