
  1. haidut

    Rats Can Drive Cars (to Lower Stress), Befriend Robot Rats And Help Them When In Trouble

    Official/pathological science keeps sternly warning us not to anthropomorphize and to think of animals as nothing but dumb, soul-less automatons. Yet, there has been no evidence discovered in over 100 years of pathological science reign to support such a view. To the contrary, the studies below...
  2. haidut

    Rats Play Hide-and-seek For The Fun Of It, Just Like Humans

    Slowly but surely, the foundations of the "pathological science" - initiated and patronized by corporations like GE - are crumbling. One of the tenets of this "science" is the "false" human tendency for anthropomorphism - i.e. ascribing human qualities, abilities, and behaviors to "primitive"...
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