
  1. haidut

    Virtual communication blunts creativity

    The title says it all, and it is really something most people working in an office environment and engaging in daily tele-/video- conferencing already intuitively know is true. However, the mechanism through which this "creativity-killing" effect of virtual communication methods manifested...
  2. I


    I want to hear anything you guys have to say in regards to sustaining motivation/willpower and focus over long periods of time. I am very much a 'doer' and I am most happy when I am working furiously towards a goal. I feel absolutely euphoric when I am in this state, and I want to maximise it...
  3. Hans

    The Dopamine Dream Team Stack

    I've been looking far and wide and experimenting all over the place with different compounds to get see what gives me the best effects. On my quest of understanding energy metabolism and neurotransmitters, it became obvious that the two are interlinked. So I designed a stack around that. Have a...
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