
  1. Vivin3BC

    Why Are African Tribes so Chill?

    Contrary to the western population, the people in African tribes seem to be very compassionate, chill, down to earth and just super welcoming. Why is the west so low iq and patriotic? It’s funny how white people love to portray themselves as the superior race, but most of them seem incredibely...
  2. Charger

    Peating, Politics, and Passivity

    I've noticed since focusing on maximizing a high dopamine, low serotonin, low cortisol state that I've become much more passive regarding topics that I was much more fired up about a few years ago. I've spoken of having much more (far) right leaning views during the most stressful periods of my...
  3. haidut

    SSRI Drugs, Not Depression, Destroy Empathy

    Yet another medical myth gets busted today. A common dogma in psychiatry is that one of the core symptoms of patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) is lack of empathy. In other words, while such patients are perfectly in tune with their own suffering and negative emotions, they are...
  4. haidut

    Testosterone Does NOT Impair Empathy In Men

    I am sure most readers are quite familiar with the cliche that testosterone (T) is what drives stereotypical "boy behavior" - aggressiveness, carelessness, impulsive behavior, risk taking, cheating, and of course the militaristic attitude characterized by lack of (or reduced) empathy. As I...
  5. haidut

    Goats Are "excellent Listeners", Can Recognize And Respond To The Feelings Of Their Peers

    Apparently, the expression "dull as a sheep/goat" needs to be revised. According to the study below, goats are not only perfectly capable of distinguishing various emotions in their peers' calls but can also recognize their relatives, empathize with their peers' emotions and even respond to...
  6. haidut

    Rats React The Same Way To Observing Pain In Others As If They Experience It Themselves

    So much for animals lacking empathy, or being “selfish machines” as famously coined by that sociopath Richard Dawkins. https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(19)30322-7?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0960982219303227%3Fshowall%3Dtrue “…...
  7. haidut

    SSRI Drugs Impair Judgment, Wisdom, Understanding, Love And Empathy

    I bet this revelation on national news is not what any person expects to hear are the effects of drugs prescribed for every age group starting at age two (2). SSRI, together with PPI are the most commonly prescribed drugs in the USA and probably most other Western countries as well. In addition...
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