
  1. haidut

    Aspirin Now Officially Recommended For Pre-eclampsia, Pre-term Birth, And Birth Defects Prevention

    After almost a century of evidence in favor of aspirin, combined with complete failure to develop other pharmacological interventions (and believe me, Big Pharma tried hard) mainstream medicine seems to be growing desperate enough to start recommending aspirin to ALL pregnant women as prevention...
  2. haidut

    Aspirin Can Treat Pre-eclampsia

    Ray has written extensively on the topic of eclampsia and pre-eclampsia and its relationship with hypothyroidism, protein and salt deficiency, and estrogen excess. Currently, there is no treatment for these conditions according to mainstream medicine except for pre-term delivery of the baby...
  3. haidut

    Vitamin B3 (niacinamide) Can Treat Pre-eclampsia

    The study used both rodent model but the scientists are confident the results fully apply to humans. The rodent model was used to test niacinaide as an actual treatment for pre-eclampsia, not as prevention. The next step is to conduct a human-only trial with niacinamide as a treatment of the...
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