
  1. cs3000

    Key importance of nucleotides (underlooked dietary factor)

    Cellular repair growth & replication needs nucleotides as building substance, base of DNA/RNA. Cells salvage their nucleotide needs (we ingest RNA from foods and re-incorporate it), or cells synthesise some of it (as purines and pyrimidines) Benjamin Frank, one of the early pioneers who used...
  2. JamesGatz

    Have you ever wondered why your best friends all look like you? THIS STUDY HAS THE ANSWERS

    According to this study, DNA HAS THE ABILITY to recognize similar DNA from a distance and congregates with DNA that is similar to themselves https://phys.org/news/2008-01-genetic-telepathy-bizarre-property-dna.html So what does this mean in a nutshell? It MEANS THAT you're inclined to...
  3. haidut

    Mitochondrial debris leaking in bloodstream may cause autoimmune disease

    This has been a recurring topic in my posts, and I am glad to see that more and more scientists are starting to take seriously the idea that chronic stress may be the ultimate cause of most/all "autoimmune" conditions. The whole idea of the immune system suddenly starting to attack an...
  4. Drareg

    Bill Gates Foundation Funded Genomics Firm ‘Mining’ DNA Data Through COVID Tests.

    Bill Gates again, China again, we know he pays off the media for positive spin on his persona, the covid cult of parrots swallow said spin up and label everyone else a conspiracy theorist. Assisting the Chinese to mine American DNA, associating with a known child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein...
  5. schultz

    Reverse Transcription of SARS-CoV-2 and vaccine RNA into the human genome.

    I found this most intriguing paper (it's a pre-print) claiming it's possible that SARS-CoV-2 could be reverse transcribed and incorporated in the human genome. The author suggests this may be one reason why a person who was previously sick months ago still tests positive on a PCR test (because...
  6. L

    mRNA-Vaccines might alter DNA

    At least according to Pieter Borger, a molecular biologist and specialist in genomics. It don’t claim that his proposed mechanism of the potential „genotoxicy“ is valid. Just posting for discussion. Pieter Borger is some sort of creationist, but his arguments are based on s cellular, genomic...
  7. haidut

    It Is A "folly" To Claim That DNA Is The Main Blueprint For Life

    Finally, some common sense coming out of the bastion of "institutionalized" science - genetics. After spending more than a century proclaiming that DNA is the core concept driving life, heredity, health and longevity medicine has now lost all hope of producing anything useful with all these...
  8. haidut

    In Most Cases, Genes Have Less Than 5% Contribution To Disease Risk

    Yet another study (published by geneticists who have a vested interest to come up with results that say otherwise) according to which for the vast majority of diseases genes explain at most 5% of the cause. So, worded differently, more than 95% of the risk of developing a particular disease is...
  9. haidut

    DNA Evidence Can Be Completely Fabricated

    I posted a few threads in the past about the nefarious goals of the companies selling DNA sequencing services under the guise of discover "your ancestors" or your "disease risk". And even if the privacy aspect was well thought out and actually implemented, the very tests are next to useless with...
  10. haidut

    Children Inherit Mitochondrial DNA From Their Fathers Too

    One of the unquestionable dogmas of genetics (up until) today is that all mitochondrial DNA of a child is inherited strictly from the mother. This firmly entrenched belief is taught as an immutable truth in medical schools and is used to justify extensive genealogical genomic tests down the...
  11. haidut

    Longevity Is NOT In Your Genes, It's In Your Choices Of Lifestyle And People

    Yet another big hit against the genetic explanation. Not only is longevity not due to genes but it can also be largely controlled by whom you associate with. Estimates of the Heritability of Human Longevity Are Substantially Inflated due to Assortative Mating The Key to a Long Life Has Little...
  12. haidut

    Mitochondria Likely Determine Disease Risk, Not The Main Genome / DNA

    As I mentioned several times on Danny's podcasts, the genetic approach to curing disease has not really produced much for the last 80 years so little by little the industry is shifting its focus on metabolism. However, that shift won't happen overtly by admitting metabolism is key. Rather, it...
  13. haidut

    Shockingly High (68%) DNA Testing Error Sending Many Innocent To Prison

    A few months ago, I posted about the fiasco of DNA testing for disease. Basically, the false positive rate is at least 40% when it comes to testing for specific disease. Genetic Tests From Companies Do Not Match, 40% Of Results Are False Positives As a confirmation of the above disaster, now we...
  14. haidut

    Stress As The Underlying Cause Behind ALL Chronic Diseases

    One of the more controversial of Ray's statements is that chronic stress is the underlying cause of many/most chronic conditions, especially autoimmune ones. In several of his articles he describes the role tissue damage under the influence of cortisol and estrogen play in creating an immune...
  15. haidut

    Dads Pass On More Than Genetics In Their Sperm

    Another good study showing that our lifestyle choices directly affect our future children, despite what the morons in white coats keeps repeating. It has been known for years that dads in poorer health tend to beget more sickly children but the explanation had always been genetic - i.e. the dad...
  16. haidut

    DNA Of Every Baby Born In California Is Collected And Sold To Companies

    Recently, I posted a news article on the truly Orwellian push for collecting as much DNA data from as many US citizens as possible. Genetic Testing Companies Sell Your DNA, All Promise Of Privacy Is Bunk There were some angry comments in that thread that I am being overly alarmist and that...
  17. haidut

    Personalized Diets Based On DNA/genome Analysis Are A Failure

    I am sure by now everybody has heard of the much-heralded approach of the so-called "personalized medicine" - a world in which every person will be treated uniquely based on the complete analysis of their genome/DNA. From specific drugs and dosage, to interventions like radiation, diet and...
  18. haidut

    Life's First Molecule Was A Protein, Not DNA Or RNA

    I posted a few studied in the past that argued for the primal role of RNA (and not DNA) in evolution. Not The "selfish Gene"(DNA), But RNA Be The Driver Of Evolution The geneticists like to claim that DNA still rules supreme because it was the primordial molecule that started life and its...
  19. haidut

    Genetic Testing Companies Sell Your DNA, All Promise Of Privacy Is Bunk

    I have known this from the very beginning as the sole business model of these companies is the accumulation of data, its analysis and sale to third-parties who can then target you with better ads for products and services. The uber-monster of this advertising nightmare would be a Facebook +...
  20. haidut

    The Neo-Darwinian Theory Of Evolution Is Incomplete Without Lamarck

    After decades of denial that environmentally-driven traits can be inherited, more and more prominent geneticist are calling for a major revision to the Neo-Darwinian theory of evolution. There is nothing modern about the so-called Modern Evolutionary Synthesis, and it needs to be revised or...
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