
  1. brightside

    Reasonable DIY Transdermal Testosterone

    Testosterone supplementation or complete replacement is a finnicky endeavor. Despite the capabilities of modern technology, the common solutions (injections) are invasive, toxic, and not maximally effective. Unfortunately, no route of administration can be maximally effective, without side...
  2. itchaboyagain

    How to Build Your Own Vitamin D Lamp (testing included)

    Hey there! After recently purchasing and testing the Sperti vitamin d lamp, I decided to have a go at building my own, and boy am I glad I did. This build incorporates four 54w dragon D3 bulbs made by Arcadia. Testing was done using a UVA, UVB, UVC, and UVI meter to compare the DIY output to...
  3. miquelangeles

    DIY water filtered infrared/incandescent/halogen?

    Has anyone tried to make one?
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